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Subject: quiet panda
i've noticed that i hardly ever post anymore. i've been so busy and distracted lately that i've become anti-social. i'm sorry...i've thought of you all every day...just wanted to let you know.
i've been a sad panda today...last night i was driving home from my friend's house and i hit an opossum(sp?). it was foggy and i almost didn't see him, but i did...i slowed down and tried to miss him, but he was so scared he didn't know which way to go and i hit him. it was the first animal i've ever run over and i cried the rest of the way home. i felt really bad and i still do, a little. i don't understand how murderers can kill people when i feel bad for accidentally hitting an animal with my car. i must have a huge amount of respect for life, i guess.
Subject: Re: quiet panda
http://sassy_elj.homestead.com/files/tinyglitter.gifawe your so sweet saying youve thought of us. Well sounds to me like you sure do have alot of respect for life, and thats really great.There are so many peole in this world who are ignorant and just don't care in situations like that. If only there we're more people like you in this world, then maybe some of the awful things that happen now a days wouln't happen at all. What a good thing that would be huh?
Subject: Re: quiet panda
thank you, osf. it never ceases to amaze me that people i only know by internet (and for a short time) can make me feel better or special. by the way, i like your avatar...i love faeries. i got a really awesome faerie book yesterday...it tells all the different kinds of faeries and where they're from and stuff.
Subject: Re: quiet panda
I am so sorry. I have never hit an animal, but I almost did once and that freaked me out. I can't imagine what you are going through. **HUGS**
Subject: Re: quiet panda
http://www.clicksmilie.de/sammlung/aktion/aktion032.gif :)
Subject: Re: quiet panda
I haven't seen you forever! Sorry about your day. I hope you get better.
Subject: Re: quiet panda
Poor thing! I know how horrible it is to hit an animal. I hit a squirrel years ago, but I still get sad when I remember. I, too, have a great amount of respect for all living things. When you hear the phrase "She's so nice, she wouldn't even hurt a mouse/flea/fly," that's me to a tee. All life is precious.
Subject: Re: quiet panda
Sweetie, that's what sucks about empathy. You have this big huge heart that allows itself not just to experience it's own pain, but that of the world around it.Still, it's the same damn thing that makes you so wise and funny, so if my vote counts for anything, I say don't ditch it.
This sounds crazy, but have you tried apologizing to it? Just in a still moment? I won't expound, but if the mood strikes you, try and let me know. Little souls know what accidents are...
Subject: Re: quiet panda
yes, i apologized to it a couple of times since it happened. it has helped...i think 'someone' is taking care of him somewhere now...be it god, goddess, faeries, elves or whatever it is that takes care of little animals who have passed. thank you all for being so kind. :)
Subject: Re: quiet panda
i am so sorry to hear about that. he's happy where he is now :) i hope you feel better soon *hugs*
Subject: Re: quiet panda
Yes, I feel bad whenever I hit animals with my cars, even if they are already dead when I hit them :'(. I just hit a dead raccoon (at least I thought it was dead). And I hit a kitten before I could put on my brakes, which were bad anyway. I hope God does have a place for these animals, but I can't think about it for long. Animals get hit every day now that people think cars are like their Hot Wheels toys >:(. I hope you are feeling better, Panda ;).
i've been a sad panda today...last night i was driving home from my friend's house and i hit an opossum(sp?). it was foggy and i almost didn't see him, but i did...i slowed down and tried to miss him, but he was so scared he didn't know which way to go and i hit him. it was the first animal i've ever run over and i cried the rest of the way home. i felt really bad and i still do, a little. i don't understand how murderers can kill people when i feel bad for accidentally hitting an animal with my car. i must have a huge amount of respect for life, i guess.
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