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Subject: Good Deed Goes Punished!
Yes, you read it right everyone. I went over to my parents house Sunday and built them a fence. At some point, while digging one of the 10 post-holes (No not Post-ho's Banasy ;) I felt a sharp pain in my wrist. It really didn't bother me much at all at first, so I finished the fence and went home. Monday morning my friend shows up to ask if I want to play some basketball with our usual Saturday gang. So, I went and played for 4 hours. When I got home I realized it was getting worse and went to the hospital. I have a stress-fracture in my left wrist >:( The reason for this post is to let you all know that I probably won't be around as much over the next few weeks....I was going to say that it's hard to type with one hand but God only knows the vision THAT would create :D So I will just say that it's extremely Frustrating trying to type......this message alone felt like it took me an hour. So as the good Doctor Nick from the Simpsons would say....Bye, Bye everybody ;) At least for now.
Subject: Re: Good Deed Goes Punished!
Dear R&RF
Get well soon
"...Dr Nick, Dr Nick, please report to the Coroner's office..."
"...Oh no, the Coroner, not again. I hate that guy..."
Subject: Re: Good Deed Goes Punished!
Get well soon RnRF! And that's an order, mister!! http://www.inthe00s.com/smilies/zzwhip.gif
Seriously, having had a hand injury in the past, I know how difficult it is to try to type. Hope it feels better soon.
Subject: Re: Good Deed Goes Punished!
Going to miss you! :o Hope you heal soon. And hope you will keep checking in to read, even if you can't type to answer! :)
Subject: Re: Good Deed Goes Punished!
Sorry to hear about your injury, R&R. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
P.S. You better lay-off that one-handed typing lest you end up blind... ;)
Subject: Re: Good Deed Goes Punished!
Get well soon!
Subject: Re: Good Deed Goes Punished!
Hope your wrist heals quickly.
Subject: Re: Good Deed Goes Punished!
That hurts! :(
Hope your wrist gets better.
Subject: Re: Good Deed Goes Punished!
Sorry to hear about that, get well soon!!
Subject: Re: Good Deed Goes Punished!
Get well soon, dude.
Better yet, stick around, throw a pencil in your mouth, and type with that and your left hand. Just try not to drool...
Subject: Re: Good Deed Goes Punished!
Get well soon. Meanwhile, I'll keep you in my thoughts, and sincerely hope you get better.
Yes, you read it right everyone. I went over to my parents house Sunday and built them a fence. At some point, while digging one of the 10 post-holes (No not Post-ho's Banasy ;) I felt a sharp pain in my wrist. It really didn't bother me much at all at first, so I finished the fence and went home. Monday morning my friend shows up to ask if I want to play some basketball with our usual Saturday gang. So, I went and played for 4 hours. When I got home I realized it was getting worse and went to the hospital. I have a stress-fracture in my left wrist >:( The reason for this post is to let you all know that I probably won't be around as much over the next few weeks....I was going to say that it's hard to type with one hand but God only knows the vision THAT would create :D So I will just say that it's extremely Frustrating trying to type......this message alone felt like it took me an hour. So as the good Doctor Nick from the Simpsons would say....Bye, Bye everybody ;) At least for now.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Good Deed Goes Punished!
Jeez, honey, have you got the luck, or what??? I hope your wrist gets better...just lay off the lay-ups for a while!!! ;)
Subject: Re: Good Deed Goes Punished!
Oh No!!See what happens when you do some physical labour?? It's a sign go back to sitting in front of your screen!!Get well soon.
Oh and I do most of my typing with one hand!?!(never learnt to type)and I have to say you get faster though long messages leave me with a sore finger........ ;D
Subject: Re: Good Deed Goes Punished!
But look on the bright side: there are still some fun things you can do one-handed ;-)
I would say "keep your pecker up", but that'll probably have a slightly different meaning to our American cousins :o
Subject: Re: Good Deed Goes Punished!
oh yesh, just stick a pencil up your nose to hit the keys... just don't try and use the pencil later (or chew on the end of it)
get well...
Subject: Re: Good Deed Goes Punished!
Sorry to hear about that RnRF. I hope your wrist heals soon.
Subject: Re: Good Deed Goes Punished!
owwwwwwwwwww :(
i hope you feel better soon :)
Subject: Re: Good Deed Goes Punished!
You mean some people type with TWO hands? Wow. Talk about muti-tasking...
Take care and stop with the manual labor/teenage sports stuff. Good God, man!
Subject: Re: Good Deed Goes Punished!
You mean some people type with TWO hands? Wow. Talk about muti-tasking...
End Quote
Yeah, but I find it difficult to talk on the phone at the same time, so multitasking is not exactly my strong point...
Subject: Re: Good Deed Goes Punished!
Take it from someone whose had his wrist fractured after falling off a bike at age 9, those wrist fractures hurt and take a long time to heal. I hope your wrist heals faster than mine did. :)
Subject: Re: Good Deed Goes Punished!
Thanks SO much, Everyone ;) I'm glad it's a removable half-cast, although i have been leaving it off for to long at times....no worries, as it's on right now and this beer has helped with the pain....next some Darvocet and then bedtime.....not too shabby ;D I shall return as often as I can.
Subject: Re: Good Deed Goes Punished!
as it's on right now and this beer has helped with the pain....next some Darvocet and then bedtime.....not too shabby ;D I shall return as often as I can.
End Quote
HELLO?? Please tell me that you are not mixing beer with Darvocet!! Do you not know that is NOT a smart thing to do!! I am a nurse!
Subject: Re: Good Deed Goes Punished!
HELLO?? Please tell me that you are not mixing beer with Darvocet!! Do you not know that is NOT a smart thing to do!! I am a nurse!
End Quote
I figured THAT would get your attention ;D Trust me, I will NOT do that...thanks though for mentioning it.....AND making me type more....ouch!
Subject: Re: Good Deed Goes Punished!
I figured THAT would get your attention ;D Trust me, I will NOT do that...thanks though for mentioning it.....AND making me type more....ouch!
End Quote
You can't blame you typing a response on me! You can't keep your mouth shut!! ;D
Subject: Re: Good Deed Goes Punished!
Well said Goldie!! ;D
Subject: Re: Good Deed Goes Punished!
You can't blame you typing a response on me! You can't keep your mouth shut!! ;D
End Quote
That would be YOUR! And I guess you're right...what can I say...I enjoy alll of you so very much ;)
Subject: Re: Good Deed Goes Punished!
Poor RnRF! Get better soon!
Subject: Re: Good Deed Goes Punished!
That would be YOUR! And I guess you're right...what can I say...I enjoy alll of you so very much ;)
End Quote
Dude, you suck up any more, I'm gonna start calling you Hoover! ;) And you ARE a Post-Ho!!!!
Subject: Re: Good Deed Goes Punished!
Dude, you suck up any more, I'm gonna start calling you Hoover! ;) And you ARE a Post-Ho!!!!
End Quote
Hey, I'd rather suck than....wait...strike that!
Subject: Re: Good Deed Goes Punished!
You must be getting awfully good at typing one-handed! I see a lot of posts here!!
Subject: Re: Good Deed Goes Punished!
You must be getting awfully good at typing one-handed! I see a lot of posts here!!
End Quote
What can I say....I'm healing rather fast I suppose....just 8 more days intil I maybe get rid of the cast! Today I was the One-armed man during basketball and I actually played pretty decent :D
Subject: Re: Good Deed Goes Punished!
What can I say....I'm healing rather fast I suppose....just 8 more days intil I maybe get rid of the cast! Today I was the One-armed man during basketball and I actually played pretty decent :D
End Quote
All right, mister. When I saw someone give me a vote for "most likely to give a swift kick in the head," I thought, "Me? Naw." But it's true.
Are you a moron or just nuts? And you know I ask that out of love, right? YOU DON'T PLAY BASKETBALL WITH A BROKEN ARM! Jeez, man. All you need right now is to complete the fracture and you're lookin' at six to eight weeks in a cast and sling. STOP BEING A MACHO MAN!
'Cause you KNOW you don't want to hear me tell you I told you so.
Subject: Re: Good Deed Goes Punished!
I have not been posting lately b/c I too have a broken hand...a small bone in my right hand attached to my pinkie...did it at work...quite embarassing actually...I fell off a chair....anyway I do come around and read but like RnRF it is quite a pain to type....
Heal well RnRF!!
Subject: Re: Good Deed Goes Punished!
I have not been posting lately b/c I too have a broken hand...a small bone in my right hand attached to my pinkie...did it at work...quite embarassing actually...I fell off a chair....anyway I do come around and read but like RnRF it is quite a pain to type....
Heal well RnRF!!
End Quote
Hope you get better quickly. :D
Subject: Re: Good Deed Goes Punished!
My hat's off to ya RnRF. I fractured my right wrist about 10 years ago, and I had no desire to play basketball a week later, let alone the next day! I guess that mountain air is good for something.
Subject: Re: Good Deed Goes Punished!
I have not been posting lately b/c I too have a broken hand...a small bone in my right hand attached to my pinkie...did it at work...quite embarassing actually...I fell off a chair....anyway I do come around and read but like RnRF it is quite a pain to type....
End Quote
I wondered why we hadn't been hearing much from you lately, jonman. Hope you have a speedy recovery!!! ;)
Subject: Re: Good Deed Goes Punished!
One never realizes how right (or left) handed they are until they can't use that hand very well....sheesh....
Thanks for the get wells...it's healing....4 1/2 more weeks.....