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Subject: Getting to know you . . .
(Spinoff of the "Yearbook" thread)
I realized that some of us "newbies" aren't as well known as some of the others, so I thought I'd have a lil' "20 questions" game for introductory purposes. I'd love to get to know more people on the board and vice versa.
Here goes:
1. Where's everyone from? (I'm from a small town in MS)
2. Age? (24 tomorrow)
3. Lucky number? (3)
4. My friends would say I ... (am a great listener and a smart ass)
5. My psychologist would say I ... - this can be hypothetical -
(need intensive therapy to overcome my need for organization)
6. If I could change one thing about myself, I'd... (want to be a more patient person)
7. Do you consider yourself a realist or a "head in the clouds" type o' person? (Realist)
8. How many hearts have you broken during your lifetime? How many times have you had your heart broken? (A few; Once)
9. What's your favorite color? (Lime green)
10. If you could meet one person (dead or alive; famous or not), who would it be and why? (Bob Newhart; I'm his biggest fan)
11. What is your favorite show of the 00s? (Trading Spaces)
12. What is your favorite show from past decades? (Bob Newhart Show)
13. If you could re-live any era of time, which era would you choose? (The 20s; great style, great fun...until the Depression)
14. What do you think the world is going to be like in 2900? (Gone)
15. What is your biggest pet peeve? (Inconsiderate drivers)
16. What do you do for fun? (Water sports - kneeboarding, jet skiing)
17. What do you dread doing? (Taking standardized tests)
18. Best/worst subject? (English/Math)
19. Are you an introvert/extrovert? (I prefer small groups, but I am more of an extrovert)
20. Favorite food? (Mexican, Mexican, Mexican)
Now it's your turn...
Subject: Re: Getting to know you . . .
Ooooh I was wondering when one of these topics would come along ;D
1. Brooklyn, NYC
2. 14
3. Mine is 9 (hey that rhymes ;D)
4. ...an idiot
5. uhm
6. ...be a better morning person :-X
7. Head in the clouds
8. I've never broken anyone's heart....(I'm a nice guy ;D) but I've had my heart broken once. A few months ago I went out with a girl that I loved, but apperently she didn't love me. a few weeks later she broke up with me :'(
9. Red
10. Eh..........Michelle Branch
11. The Simpsons?
12. The Simpsons ;D
13. 80s. Good music, stupid clothes ;D
14. Dead
15. rude people. people who annoy me at school. the dentist
16. surfing the net, sport in general
17. Tests
18. Math is my best, art is my worst
19. extrovert
20. chinese, sushi, uhhhhh...KFC ;D
Subject: Re: Getting to know you . . .
1. The plains of Saskatchewan (sounds more exotic when I put it that way - ;))
2. 32
3. 3
4. Soft-hearted and hard-working
5. Just let it go!!!
6. Experience-wise - nothing because all of that crap has made me the person that I am but physically, don't even get me started!
7. I'm a dreamer
8. ???? and too many times to count
9. Black
10. My grandpa - I miss him soooo much
11. That 70's Show
12. M*A*S*H*
13. The 60's
14. ????
15. People who chew with their mouths open
16. I play Wallyball
17. Asking for help
18. English/Science
19. Extrovert
20. Anything as long as I don't have to cook it!
Subject: Re: Getting to know you . . .
1. Where's everyone from? Iowa, that's all I'm saying
2. Age? 13
3. Lucky number? 5, 15
4. My friends would say I ... Can do a good Michael Jackson impersonation ???
5. My psychologist would say I ... I am not sure what my psychologist would say.. Ask him!!
6. If I could change one thing about myself, I'd... I'm not sure.. I like who I am!!
7. Do you consider yourself a realist or a "head in the clouds" type o' person? Huh?
8. How many hearts have you broken during your lifetime? How many times have you had your heart broken? None; None
9. What's your favorite color? Yellow
10. If you could meet one person (dead or alive; famous or not), who would it be and why? I am bad at these kinds of questions.. I never know who to pick!!
11. What is your favorite show of the 00s? Whatever's on TV
12. What is your favorite show from past decades? The Cosby Show
13. If you could re-live any era of time, which era would you choose? The 80s.. I want to see what I missed!!
14. What do you think the world is going to be like in 2900? High-Tech
15. What is your biggest pet peeve? See "Most Annoying Things" thread (or whatever it's called)
16. What do you do for fun? Listen to music, watch tv/movies, go outside, read, get on my computer, golf
17. What do you dread doing? Going to the dentist/orthodontist (see annoying things thread)
18. Best/worst subject? Art, English, RWL/Spelling; Math
19. Are you an introvert/extrovert? Both
20. Favorite food? Maidrites, pizza, popcorn with lots of butter, toast with lots of butter, those puffy Cheetos, Funyuns, Doritos, Doritos 3-D's, watermelon, fried chicken, breadsticks, Pizza Hut Breadsticks, McFlurry's, Blizzards, Ice cream, soft-served ice cream, chips, Coke, Cream Soda, Happy Meals, All American Meals (cheeseburger and hamburger), Sprite, Dr. Pepper, Pop-Tarts.
Subject: Re: Getting to know you . . .
Well, this is me - be prepared!
1. Where's everyone from? Solihull, England
2. Age? 17
3. Lucky number? 9
4. My friends would say I ... How nice and cool I am ;) Really they'd say something about how obsessed I am with my music :)
5. My psychologist would say I ... Hmm, well my Psychology teacher would say I never shut up! I'm not that bad in any other class - have to much to say in Psych though!
6. If I could change one thing about myself, I'd... Hmm, that's tough - I really am not sure what to pick. Ahh that's it (I think) I guess I wish I could be more decisive :]
7. Do you consider yourself a realist or a "head in the clouds" type o' person? I'm a total dreamer - have a very realistic and over-played imagination ;)
8. How many hearts have you broken during your lifetime? How many times have you had your heart broken? Hmm - Well every lad ( but one) I've been out with I've dumped which is bad - don't know if I broke thier hearts though - school relationships were nothing. I've never had my heart broken beacuse I've never been in love.
9. What's your favorite colour? Light Blue (sorry for the British spelling statement - couldn't help it :) )
10. If you could meet one person (dead or alive; famous or not), who would it be and why? That's so tough. I guess I'd love to see my Uncle Johnny again as he died when I was very young, but I have vivid memories of him
11. What is your favorite show of the 00s? Ooh, tough choice. I still watch 'Friends' even though it's no way as good as back in the '90s. If any Brits saw 'Cutting It' which has just finished - that has been the best drama I have seen in ages.
12. What is your favorite show from past decades? Fawlty Towers - no question about it
13. If you could re-live any era of time, which era would you choose? The 80s - I'd love to be a teenager in that era :)
14. What do you think the world is going to be like in 2900? My god, I have no idea. Probably totally different to life now. The digital era will have come and gone. Who knows what will be instore for our future generations? The world will probably not even exist anymore if we don't sort out all of the environmental problems and find some other, equally efficient source of power as fossil fuels. Whoa - I think I'm getting too into this question now for someone who didn't know where to start!
15. What is your biggest pet peeve? I HATE it when people sing lyrics wrong - it is the most annoying thing ever for me!
16. What do you do for fun? Listen to music, go out with friends, dancing - usual really
17. What do you dread doing? Examinations. Two more to go - then I have the Summer to enjoy :)
18. Best/worst subject? Best - English/Media, Worst - Maths/Science ( that's why I didn't choose them for college :) )
19. Are you an introvert/extrovert? Both in different sitautions. I hate big confrontations, but when I'm with my friends - I let myself go really
20. Favorite food? Chinese - especially from 'Chung Yings' resturant in China Town, B'ham - Their Dim Sum is to die for!
Subject: Re: Getting to know you . . .
1. Also a small town in Mississippi... Brandon. ;)
2. 36
3. 13... okay, I really don't have one.
4. Never refuse them a favor if there is any way I can do it.
5. Need to stop letting my friends abuse my kindness! :P
6. Learn how to delegate... and how to have someone say "thank you" without feeling a bit embarrassed.
7. Realist.
8. Heartbreaker? Me? I've had mine broken once or twice, but it was years ago and I'm much better now! ;D
9. Blue
10. King Arthur, so I could ask him whether or not he really existed.
11. Ummm....
12. Night Court
13. Post WW2 America.
14. I'm more concerned with tomorrow! :o
15. Inconsiderate drivers would be right up there, along with people who can't give straight answers to simple questions.
16. Garden/yard work. Yes, I'm easily amused.
17. Going to the doctor, because invariably it means there is something wrong with me.
18. Best = history
Worst = Math. Ironic considering my job!
19. A bit of both. I don't like huge crowds, but I'll generally talk to anyone.
20. Popcorn shrimp... mexican... anything grilled
Subject: Re: Getting to know you . . .
1. Where's everyone from? Born in Portland, Oregon, currently in L.A., CA
2. Age? 33 in a week and a half
3. Lucky number? nothing yet, but I'll let you know when I find one
4. My friends would say it's a good thing I'm cute.
5. My psychologist would say NOTHING at the prices I pay. Then I'd be forced to kill him and then there'd be nobody to help me through the conflicting emotions I'm sure I would experience and the whole thing would get messy so best not to ask.
6. If I could change one thing about myself, I'd get motivated!
7. Do you consider yourself a realist or a "head in the clouds" type o' person? I'm SUCH a realist, why I... oh look! Pretty birdies!
8. How many hearts have you broken during your lifetime? How many times have you had your heart broken? One and one. The same relationship.
9. What's your favorite color? Today it's butter yellow.
10. If you could meet one person (dead or alive; famous or not), who would it be and why? The person with the project guaranteed to make me stinking rich.
11. What is your favorite show of the 00s? Greg the Bunny.
12. What is your favorite show from past decades? The Simpsons.
13. If you could re-live any era of time, which era would you choose? I'd love to have been a Hollywood actor in the late 30's.
14. What do you think the world is going to be like in 2900? Let's see...2002...carry the one...DON'T MAKE ME DO MATH!
15. What is your biggest pet peeve? Misuse of the word "literally"
16. What do you do for fun? practice my fiddle, hurt myself at the gym, scheme ways to get money without actually getting a job.
17. What do you dread doing? giving up
18. Best/worst subject? I haven't experimented on anything in a while, I don't care what you've heard.
19. Are you an introvert/extrovert? I'm the most extroverted introvert you'll ever meet.
20. Favorite food? Anything involving copious amounts of fat, sugar and/or salt
Now it's your turn...
Subject: Re: Getting to know you . . .
1. Where's everyone from? Salt Lake City, Utah
2. Age? 31
3. Lucky number? 7
4. My friends would say I ... am a good listener and will be there for them when I need them. Also, I am very opinionated.
5. My psychologist would say I ... need to get a life
6. If I could change one thing about myself, I'd... lost weight.
7. Do you consider yourself a realist or a "head in the clouds" type o' person? definately head in the clouds.
8. How many hearts have you broken during your lifetime? How many times have you had your heart broken? none; one big one.
9. What's your favorite color? It's a tie between purple and green.
10. If you could meet one person (dead or alive; famous or not), who would it be and why? The captain of the Titanic to find out if it was him that ordered the speed up or the guy from the White Star Line worried about headlines. And to warn him...I know that isn't a good idea, but it is just so wrong.
11. What is your favorite show of the 00s? Survivor
12. What is your favorite show from past decades? Night Court
13. If you could re-live any era of time, which era would you choose? 1910 or so....still alot like pioneer time, but they had some modern conveniences.
14. What do you think the world is going to be like in 2900? I think it will still be here, but mankind will be gone.
15. What is your biggest pet peeve? Cell phones
16. What do you do for fun? Watch Baseball..play with my daughter
17. What do you dread doing? paying bills
18. Best/worst subject? History/Math
19. Are you an introvert/extrovert? Introvert with some tendancies towards extrovert.
20. Favorite food? Chinese
Subject: Re: Getting to know you . . .
1. Castroville, California
2. 22
3. 13
4. I'm a b*tch, but also a great listener
5. I have issues
6. I'd change my body
7. both
8. Once; a couple of times
9. dark green
10. Jesus, because I want to talk to him.
11. The Simpsons
12. The Simpsons
13. The 40's because that was when the country was truly bonded together.
14. dead
15. people who think they know everything
16. read, walk, go interesting places, and going on the internet.
17. cleaning house
18. I don't know, I'm not in school anymore
19. introvert
20. Japanese food
Subject: Re: Getting to know you . . .
1. Lee's Summit, Missouri
2. 35
3. I don't have one.
4. that I have a big heart and offer lots of support.
5. that I need to learn to stand up for myself.
6. I'd lose weight (again!)
7. realist
8. had mine broken a couple, broke a few.
9. hunter green
10. Val Kilmer-I lust him!! ;D
11. Six Feet Under
12. Too many to choose from!
13. none
14. I won't be here to find out!!
15. Stupid drivers!
16. Read, spend time with friends and family, spend time here!
17. Cleaning house
18. Science-best, History-worst
19. extrovert
20. tie between Mexican and Chinese
Subject: Re: Getting to know you . . .
1. Charleston, WV
2. Fortysomething
3. 7
4. am a dumb@$$
5. am crazier than a bedbug
6. lose weight
7. most definitely head-in-the-clouds
8. zero
9. blue
10. nobody in particular
11. South Park (actually it began in the 1990's but carried over into the 2000's)
12. The Beverly Hillbillies (Well, doggies!)
13. The 1950's
14. Nuked all to he££
15. People who stand in front of their buggies in checkout lines at supermarkets, discount stores, etc. and pay for their purchases with a check
16. Why, this here computer
17. Dying (like, duh!)
18. Math
19. Somewhat of an extrovert though I'm quite shy
20. Italian (like pasta and pizza)
Subject: Re: Getting to know you . . .
Well here goes "me":
1. Where's everyone from? I'm from Washington (state). Born and raised!
2. Age? 30 :-Lucky number? Gosh I don't know..I always liked 2.
4. My friends would say I.. am...nice?
5. My psychologist would say I ... need to realize that I can't be responsible for every person around me. (or as my Dad would say, not needing to claim responsibility for the Lindbergh baby kidnapping) ;D
6. If I could change one thing about myself, I'd... lose a few pounds..only a few more months and I can get started on that! ;)
7. Do you consider yourself a realist or a "head in the clouds" type o' person? A little of both.
8. How many hearts have you broken during your lifetime? Ha!! Maybe one or two "in my youth". But it wasn't intentional or with malice!
How many times have you had your heart broken? I don't think I could count that high..... :-/
9. What's your favorite color? Pink
10. If you could meet one person (dead or alive; famous or not), who would it be and why? I can't really think of an answer to that one. Sorry!
11. What is your favorite show of the 00s? Did it have to start in the 00s? I don't know...don't watch many of the "new" shows....um... The Osbournes? My faves in general are "Friends", "The Practice", "Frasier" and "Everybody Loves Raymond"
12. What is your favorite show from past decades? I loved The Monkees...
13. If you could re-live any era of time, which era would you choose? I'd probably just revisit the 80's...especially if I could go back knowing what I do now.
14. What do you think the world is going to be like in 2900? I have no idea.
15. What is your biggest pet peeve? Crazy drivers are pretty bad. Also parents that let their kids run amok and then blame everything they do on something (or someone) else. "Not MY precious baby...."
16. What do you do for fun? Hang out with the family. We're a pretty "boring" bunch around here! LOL! I do like playing "The Sims". We also just went to a MLB game, liked that a lot...enjoy Disney World too...go to the Drive In almost every weekend... ::)
17. What do you dread doing? Laundry and writing out bills--ugh! Also, of course, nearly any doctor or dentist visit.
18. Best/worst subject? I always hated Math. Was always good in any type of English or Creative Writing class.
19. Are you an introvert/extrovert? Probably more of an introvert. Damn near unfriendly sometimes! Couldn't name ya two neighbors on my street. :-/
20. Favorite food? Pretty close tie between Italian and Mexican.
Subject: Re: Getting to know you . . .
1. Where's everyone from? Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.
2. Age? Middle-age
3. Lucky number? 3
4. My friends would say I ... am honest, true and a blast!
5. My psychologist would say I ... spend entirely too much time on the computer.
6. If I could change one thing about myself, I'd... be a little more motivated, as opposed to gragging my feet on things lately.
7. Do you consider yourself a realist or a "head in the clouds" type o' person? head in the clouds
8. How many hearts have you broken during your lifetime? How many times have you had your heart broken? 2 (that I can remember), a few
9. What's your favorite color? electric blue
10. If you could meet one person (dead or alive; famous or not), who would it be and why? My paternal grandfather because I never knew him.
11. What is your favorite show of the 00s? The Simpsons
12. What is your favorite show from past decades? Too many to list.
13. If you could re-live any era of time, which era would you choose? The 80's.
14. What do you think the world is going to be like in 2900? Hi Tech, but still no flying cars. :-/
15. What is your biggest pet peeve? Mean people. Mean people suck. >:(
16. What do you do for fun? Computer Games, This Site, Going to the movies/watching movies at home, swimming, bike riding, travel, search for haunted houses and exploring.
17. What do you dread doing? Working (for someone else, that is. ;) )
18. Best/worst subject? Best - History/Worst - Math
19. Are you an introvert/extrovert? Well, I don't think I can be in either category exclusively. I'm an introvert when I want to be and an extrovert when I want to be. It just depends.
20. Favorite food? Fried Chicken & Coca-Cola
Subject: Re: Getting to know you . . .
1. Where's everyone from? Pine Bluff, Arkansas
2. Age? 31
3. Lucky number? 19
4. My friends would say I ... am a laugh a minute...with a smart ass twist!
5. My psychologist would say I ... take too much on..feel the need to be in control all the time of everything and everybody (she really did say this!!!)
6. If I could change one thing about myself, I'd... only 1? Lose weight....lose the wrinkles...re-live 21 again
7. Do you consider yourself a realist or a "head in the clouds" type o' person? both
8. How many hearts have you broken during your lifetime? How many times have you had your heart broken? too many to mention!! ;) had mine broken twice
9. What's your favorite color? don't have one
10. If you could meet one person who would it be and why? I will have to get back to you on this one!!!
11. What is your favorite show of the 00s? Providence
12. What is your favorite show from past decades? Cheers, Cosby
13. If you could re-live any era of time, which era would you choose? 50's or the 80's again
14. What do you think the world is going to be like in 2900? Glad I won't be here to find out!!!!!!!
15. What is your biggest pet peeve? people smacking their food!!!!!!!!!!
16. What do you do for fun? Fun? what is that?
17. What do you dread doing? paying bills
18. Best/worst subject? not in school anymore...but always HATED math!!!!!!!!!!
19. Are you an introvert/extrovert? Extrovert
20. Favorite food? Mexican, and southern home cookin!!!
Subject: Mystery Woman in a nutshell...
1. Where's everyone from? Currently living in Vancouver, BC Canada (about fifteen minutes from Jonman's house!)
2. Age? Old enough to know how, and young enough to still enjoy it. Okay, okay, I'm *gulp* 29.
3. Lucky number? 69. It doesn't get much luckier than that! ;D
4. My friends would say I ... usually know exactly what needs to be said (whether they like hearing it or not), and when to say nothing at all. Oh, and I have much better hours than the bank! ::)
5. My psychologist would say I ... need to realize that even I can't hold it together all the time. Showing emotions is not a sign of weakness. (Wow, who'd have expected such an honest answer there?)
6. If I could change one thing about myself, I'd... have to go with the superficial - liposuction (and while we're at it, and going under the knife anyway, why not throw in a breast job?)
7. Do you consider yourself a realist or a "head in the clouds" type o' person? I'm definitely a realist. Sure, I have dreams; I've just never found anyone with whom I can share them all. Yet.
8. How many hearts have you broken during your lifetime? None that I know of. How many times have you had your heart broken? None. I thought it was broken once, but then I realized he wasn't worth it. I figure if a big bowl of ice cream and a chick flick could make me feel better, my heart wasn't really broken.
9. What's your favorite color? Black. (If you don't count black as a color because it's actually a shade, then anything bright - primary and secondary colors.)
10. If you could meet one person (dead or alive; famous or not), who would it be and why? Santa Claus. I'm a good girl *cough*, so he'd be sure to have a sack full of all my favorite toys. He only comes once a year, so I figure he'd be pretty excited to see me. And next to Mrs. Claus, I'm still young, cute and skinny! 8)
Seriously, I can think of a few people from this board I'd love to meet, but I'm not saying why for them.
11. What is your favorite show of the 00s? Something that started in the 00's? Andromeda, or Special Unit 2. Something that started earlier, but is still on tv now? The Simpsons.
12. What is your favorite show from past decades? LHOTP, and the Simpsons.
13. If you could re-live any era of time, which era would you choose? The 80's. Both the 1980's, and the 1880's would be cool.
14. What do you think the world is going to be like in 2900? I'll let you know when I get there. I plan on living forever - so far, so good.
15. What is your biggest pet peeve? Women who take their boyfriends/spouses for granted, and don't treat them right. Don't even get me started on Women's Lib.
16. What do you do for fun? Adrenaline sports, travel, cybersex. KIDDING! (I rarely travel.) ;)
17. What do you dread doing? Some days, I'd have to say just getting up in the morning. Most of the time, though, it's nothing. I try not to dread things or worry much, because really, what good does it do? Either I have to do something, so I just suck it up and do it, because dreading it just makes it worse; or I don't have to, so I don't bother with it.
18. Best subject? Anything academic, especially Math. Worst subject? P.E. (I actually got a B! >:( )
19. Are you an introvert/extrovert? Neither. I'm equally as likely to be the center of attention in a large crowd as I am to be a total wallflower observing everything, and I absoltely love spending time alone as well.
20. Favorite food? Mexican, or Southern BBQ (with all the side dishes that go along with it!) Beverage: sweetened iced tea, Dr. Pepper, ice water
Subject: Re: Getting to know you . . .
1. From the home of the 500, Indy.
2. 37
3. No lucky numbers. I'm not superstitious.
4. Hard worker with a sense of humor and who should go out more.
5. Have bi-polar complex (plus some other complex lingo)
6. Exercise more and procrastinate less.
7. A realist who exaggerates.
8. Too many to mention ;) (both).
9. Violet purple.
10. Jesus, of course. Also, The casts of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "Angel".
11. The Bernie Mack Show. Reruns of "Friends" and "Buffy".
12. Cheers and Seinfeld.
13. The 50s, except with no bomb scares.
14. I think it'll be gone by 2900. But if it is still here, I would imagine it'll be run by the thugs and trash we send to prison now.
15. Litterbugs in my neighborhood, totalitarianism at work.
16. Play on the computer, go to the mall, listen to my tunes.
17. Using the public stalls after several hundred guys stink up the whole restroom. Also, looking at and smelling wet t*rds the pets made.
18. English/ Phys. ed.
19. More of an introvert. I'm not really a people person.
20. Italian (ethnic foods), and chicken dinner with mac & cheese, and watermelon.
(Spinoff of the "Yearbook" thread)
I realized that some of us "newbies" aren't as well known as some of the others, so I thought I'd have a lil' "20 questions" game for introductory purposes. I'd love to get to know more people on the board and vice versa.
Here goes:
1. Where's everyone from? (I'm from a small town in MS)
2. Age? (24 tomorrow)
3. Lucky number? (3)
4. My friends would say I ... (am a great listener and a smart ass)
5. My psychologist would say I ... - this can be hypothetical -
(need intensive therapy to overcome my need for organization)
6. If I could change one thing about myself, I'd... (want to be a more patient person)
7. Do you consider yourself a realist or a "head in the clouds" type o' person? (Realist)
8. How many hearts have you broken during your lifetime? How many times have you had your heart broken? (A few; Once)
9. What's your favorite color? (Lime green)
10. If you could meet one person (dead or alive; famous or not), who would it be and why? (Bob Newhart; I'm his biggest fan)
11. What is your favorite show of the 00s? (Trading Spaces)
12. What is your favorite show from past decades? (Bob Newhart Show)
13. If you could re-live any era of time, which era would you choose? (The 20s; great style, great fun...until the Depression)
14. What do you think the world is going to be like in 2900? (Gone)
15. What is your biggest pet peeve? (Inconsiderate drivers)
16. What do you do for fun? (Water sports - kneeboarding, jet skiing)
17. What do you dread doing? (Taking standardized tests)
18. Best/worst subject? (English/Math)
19. Are you an introvert/extrovert? (I prefer small groups, but I am more of an extrovert)
20. Favorite food? (Mexican, Mexican, Mexican)
Now it's your turn...
End Quote
Subject: Re: Getting to know you . . .
1. Where's everyone from? (Akron, Ohio; currently in Los Angeles for 20 years)
2. Age? (43)
3. Lucky number? (3:33 on the clock only ;) )
4. My friends would say I ... (am reasonably dependable)
5. My psychologist would say I ... (need to let go of the past)
6. If I could change one thing about myself, I'd... (I'll have to go with more patience also on this one)
7. Do you consider yourself a realist or a "head in clouds"? (optimistic realist)
8. How many hearts have you broken during your lifetime? How many times have you had your heart broken? (approximately four/two)
9. What's your favorite color? (green)
10. If you could meet one person (dead or alive; famous or not), who would it be and why? (I'd say Jesus, but I'll see him eventually, so I'll go with Richard III ;) )
11. What is your favorite show of the 00s? (reruns of "As Time Goes By")
12. What is your favorite show from past decades? (LA Law)
13. If you could re-live any era of time, which era would you choose? (1980-1982)
14. What do you think the world is going to be like in 2900? (either heaven or H e l l; the latter if mankind is still running it :( )
15. What is your biggest pet peeve? (husbands who don't pick up after themselves >:( )
16. What do you do for fun? (reading, genealogy, this board)
17. What do you dread doing? (jury duty)
18. Best/worst subject? (History/Math)
19. Are you an introvert/extrovert? (I can be either, depending on who I am with)
20. Favorite food? (Pizza, Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream, Nacho Flavored Combos, Roast Turkey)
Subject: Re: Getting to know you . . .
4.I'm a good listener and mad but not in a dangerous way.
5.I know our advert said we're the best but we aren't that good.
6. I'd stop talking myself out of things.
7.A good blend of both.
8.I've no idea,I don't think I have broken any.Mines felt like it's broken a few times but I guess it was just a little bruised.
10.My Godmother, she died when I was very young.
11.History of Britain.
12.Northern Exposure.
13.Late 1930's early 1940's.
14.A wonderful and beautiful place I hope.
15.Rude and ignorant people.
16.Garden,read,go out for a drink and a boogie.
17.Going to the dentist.
18.Best is history,worst is maths without a doubt.
19.Depends how much I've had to drink.
Subject: Re: Getting to know you . . .
Okay then :
This was done without having looked at anyone elses answers first except having to copy natmc78's by necessity, and then replace the answers.
I figured it would be more fun to look at the other answers after putting mine in, that way I couldn't be swayed in my responses....
1. Where's everyone from? (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia)
2. Age? (40 so afr)
3. Lucky number? (11)
4. My friends would say I ... (should take more chances)
5. My psychologist would say I ... - this can be hypothetical -
(haven't possibly got enough projected income to pay for his recommended course of treatment !)
6. If I could change one thing about myself, I'd... (what just one ? Crap ! I'd be taller)
7. Do you consider yourself a realist or a "head in the clouds" type o' person? (Realist)
8. How many hearts have you broken during your lifetime? How many times have you had your heart broken? (PT 1 : If I have broken any I am not aware of them, but I would like to think I have (in a nice way) PT 2 : Far too many times to be comfortable with - the last one was some american chick named Madeline......)
9. What's your favorite color? (Green)
10. If you could meet one person (dead or alive; famous or not), who would it be and why? (Peter Ustinov, very interesting person)
11. What is your favorite show of the 00s? (I find Frasier very funny)
12. What is your favorite show from past decades? (Rat Patrol !)
13. If you could re-live any era of time, which era would you choose? (The 60's for two reasons : 1 : to see what Imissed out on as I was too young (yes, yes, I know it wasn't all beer and skittles), 2 : To watch the moon landing. I don't know what I was doing that day, but I didn't see it. I still haven't forgiven my parents for that !)
14. What do you think the world is going to be like in 2900? (Minus FBVP I hope)
15. What is your biggest pet peeve? (People who have a "She'll be right" and "Near enough is good enough" attitude)
16. What do you do for fun? (Photography (but what sort you ask), read messageboards)
17. What do you dread doing? (anything to do with conflict should cover that answer)
18. Best/worst subject? (Best : Closest I would come to that is Maths (with the 's' attached ! ;) Worst : Life ! Though in school it was art. They say life imitates art......)
19. Are you an introvert/extrovert? (To my extreme misfortune I am an introvert, until you get to know me and then you just wish I was)
20. Favorite food? (Chicken, Chips, Coke)
Hey that was fun. Now to read the rest !
Subject: Re: Getting to know you . . .
1. Where's everyone from? The USA
2. Age? around 13
3. Lucky number? 4
4. My friends would say I ... am nice most of the time but can get quite angry.
5. My psychologist would say I ... - this can be hypothetical - need to stop stressing over every damn thing!
6. If I could change one thing about myself, I'd... cherish every moment in elementary school! ::)
7. Do you consider yourself a realist or a "head in the clouds" type o' person? both
8. How many hearts have you broken during your lifetime? How many times have you had your heart broken? probably none, once or twice
9. What's your favorite color? tarheel blue
10. If you could meet one person (dead or alive; famous or not), who would it be and why? dunno
11. What is your favorite show of the 00s? The Mole
12. What is your favorite show from past decades? Rugrats :)
13. If you could re-live any era of time, which era would you choose? dunno
14. What do you think the world is going to be like in 2900? The world will either be WAY overpopulated or gone
15. What is your biggest pet peeve? All of them are big ::)
16. What do you do for fun? surf the net, play video games, play basketball
17. What do you dread doing? going to school
18. Best/worst subject? Math or social studies best, english worst
19. Are you an introvert/extrovert? kinda inbetween
20. Favorite food?
Pizza Rolls & Mashed 'Taters! (Potatoes, for y'all Yankees)
Subject: Re: Mystery Woman in a nutshell...
Oh well, seeing as everybody else seems to be chipping in...
1. Where's everyone from? High Wycombe, England
2. Age? 35
3. Lucky number? None -I'm not supersticious
4. My friends would say I ... am always ready with a quip or a pun
5. My psychologist would say I ... need to pay his bill before he says anything at all
6. If I could change one thing about myself, I'd... have more money
7. Do you consider yourself a realist or a "head in the clouds" type o' person? Both - depending on what I can get away with
8. How many hearts have you broken during your lifetime? One, or maybe two How many times have you had your heart broken? None.
9. What's your favorite color? British racing green, I guess
10. If you could meet one person (dead or alive; famous or not), who would it be and why? Lenin or Jesus - I'd like to know what they think of what their respective visions have turned into.
11. What is your favorite show of the 00s? Reruns of answer 12
12. What is your favorite show from past decades? Blackadder, Yes Minister, Red Dwarf etc
13. If you could re-live any era of time, which era would you choose? Renaissance Italy, or similar times when it would be OK to walk round with a sword at your side
14. What do you think the world is going to be like in 2900? Depopulated. Hopefully the human race will have moved on somewhere else by then
15. What is your biggest pet peeve? EDS (pipping Microsoft by a minim)
16. What do you do for fun? Play my guitar and sing silly songs
17. What do you dread doing? Paying my tax bill
18. Best subject? Anything that uses brains but doesn't require work Worst subject? Anything that needs hard work
19. Are you an introvert/extrovert? An introvert with extrovert tendencies. Or perhaps the other way round.
20. Favorite food? Good, rare steak (with a good red wine to go with it)
End Quote
Phew! When do we get the results?
Subject: Re: Getting to know you . . .
1. Where's everyone from? Boston, MA
2. Age? 34
3. Lucky number? 3, because I try to live by "the rule of three" (Whatsoever ye do, shall come back to you threefold).
4. My friends would say I ... am cool, smart, and funny, but I worry too much.
5. My psychologist would say I ... - this can be hypothetical - need to quit worrying about the "small stuff...and it's all small stuff." (Oh, yeah? not when you're in my shoes!)
6. If I could change one thing about myself, I'd... lose weight and exercise more.
7. Do you consider yourself a realist or a "head in the clouds" type o' person? A little of both, really. While I'm dealing with the practical, real world situations, I am spinning fantatsic visions in my head of how I'd like the outcome to be. I'm also always spinning stories to entertain myself.
8. How many hearts have you broken during your lifetime? Just one that I know of...and I enjoyed it!!! http://www.inthe00s.com/smilies/evil_lol.gif How many times have you had your heart broken? Only once. (but it was a different guy.)
9. What's your favorite color? screaming ohmigod purple
10. If you could meet one person (dead or alive; famous or not), who would it be... Queen Hatchepsut of ancient Egypt. and why?... She was the first woman in recorded history to rule in her own right. As soon as she was in power, she put an end to war, fed the hungry, housed the homeless, made her country and her people rich, created jobs, expanded trade, was tolerant of other religious beliefs, and did it in such a way that it spread to neighboring countries. I wanna know how she did it, so I can do the same.
11. What is your favorite show of the 00s? The Osbournes and Smallville.
12. What is your favorite show from past decades? Forever Knight!
13. If you could re-live any era of time, which era would you choose? The Eighties of course! ;D
14. What do you think the world is going to be like in 2900? Gosh, nobody seems to be very optimistic. :-/ There have been plenty of other times that the world seemed like it was going to go to H*** in a handbasket, and we survived (the Black Death wiped out 1/3 of the population of Europe, for instance). So I'm going to say that we will still be around, but we will have traded our ignorance for enlightenment. We will most certainly have colonies on the other planets of our solar system, and I think we will have found a new, non-polluting energy source by then.
15. What is your biggest pet peeve? Doctor's offices that do not stay open late one night per week, or Saturday afternoons for annual physicals. Ok, if my child is sick, (or I am) I will drop everything to go to the doctor. But if no one is sick, why should I lose a day from work (without pay)? I'd prefer to use my "sick days" when I am sick (instead of dragging myself into work anyways, and giving it to all my co-workers).
16. What do you do for fun? Read. Voraciously. Anything I Can Get My Hands On. Coming here to the 'boards. Listen to music. "People watch" (Hey! lookit the weirdo in the tinfoil hat!! ;D ;) ;D
17. What do you dread doing? Laundry, dishes, other housework (especially cleaning out the cat's litterbox :-X :-X )
18. Best/worst subject? Was best in English and reading, and worst in math. So now I'm an accountant. I think it's because I was so bad in math that I overcompensated.
19. Are you an introvert/extrovert? Introverted at first, but once I get to know you, or the crowd, I'm a loud, fun-loving extrovert.
20. Favorite food? Baked potato, drowned in a cheddar-cheese-and-bacon-bits sauce.
Subject: Re: Mystery Woman in a nutshell...
1. Where's everyone from? Griffith, Indiana
2. Age? I will be celebrating my 29th birthday for the fifteenth year in a row.
3. Lucky number? 0
4. My friends would say I ... am nuts.
5. My psychologist would say I ... am nuts.
6. If I could change one thing about myself, I'd...not change anything.
7. Do you consider yourself a realist or a "head in the clouds" type o' person? Cloud nine all the time!
8. How many hearts have you broken during your lifetime? 1. How many times have you had your heart broken? None.
9. What's your favorite color? Black.
10. If you could meet one person (dead or alive; famous or not), who would it be and why? Moses, so I could ask him about the burning bush thing.
11. What is your favorite show of the 00s? Law and Order
12. What is your favorite show from past decades? Monty Python
13. If you could re-live any era of time, which era would you choose? Oh, hell, I don't know!!!
14. What do you think the world is going to be like in 2900? Stinky.
15. What is your biggest pet peeve? People who are convinced it's all about THEM!!!
16. What do you do for fun? Play with my kid and read.
17. What do you dread doing? Explaining why I have bounced yet another check.
18. Best subject? Lunch Worst subject? The rest of the day.
19. Are you an introvert/extrovert? Extrovert!!!!!
20. Favorite food? A great pizza always gets me!
Subject: Re: Getting to know you . . .
1. Where's everyone from? I usually will say the Valley of the Sun, but I haven't lived there since '91...
2. Age? 30
3. Lucky number? Don't have any, otherwise I'd have won the lottery.
4. My friends would say I ... like to have a good time.
5. My psychologist would say I ... worry too much about little things.
6. If I could change one thing about myself, I'd... exercise more often.
7. Do you consider yourself a realist or a "head in the clouds" type o' person? Both, depending on whether or not I am flying somewhere.
8. How many hearts have you broken during your lifetime? I can think of at least two. How many times have you had your heart broken? At least two.
9. What's your favorite color? Blue
10. If you could meet one person (dead or alive; famous or not), who would it be and why? Drew Carey - I think he'd be a fun guy to hang out with.
11. What is your favorite show of the 00s? Alias
12. What is your favorite show from past decades? Geez, I can still sit through reruns of 90210 on the weekends on F/X...
13. If you could re-live any era of time, which era would you choose? The 1980s...Awesome music.
14. What do you think the world is going to be like in 2900?
??? ? I have no idea about tomorrow either.
15. What is your biggest pet peeve? Inconsiderate drivers/rubberneckers/traffic in general
16. What do you do for fun? Remix songs to my liking. Go record shopping in every major city I travel to. Play with my dogs.
17. What do you dread doing? Grocery shopping.
18. Best subject? Math Worst subject? English
19. Are you an introvert/extrovert? Both
20. Favorite food? Chinese
Subject: Re: Getting to know you . . .
5.I know our advert said we're the best but we aren't that good.
End Quote
Thus adding herself to the list of those who make milk come out my nose!
Subject: Re: Getting to know you . . .
1. Where's everyone from? Now, or in the past? Originally Los Angeles, CA, but currently Fruitland Park, FL (how appropriate for a guy who runs down streets naked, eh?)
2. Age? 32
3. Lucky number? 69, dude!
4. My friends would say I ... am an overbearing, egotistical, useless waste of human flesh, who would do anything for anyone, and give the shirt off my back.
5. My psychologist would say I ... - this can be hypothetical - Am going to make him rich
6. If I could change one thing about myself, I'd... Grow a larger spine
7. Do you consider yourself a realist or a "head in the clouds" type o' person? Head in the clouds, above the clouds, lost in the nether regions of space... Nor not THOSE nether regions!
8. How many hearts have you broken during your lifetime? How many times have you had your heart broken? Exactly none. And exactly too many times.
9. What's your favorite color? Purple
10. If you could meet one person (dead or alive; famous or not), who would it be and why? I've already met him: Joe Elliottt of Def Leppard
11. What is your favorite show of the 00s? Enterprise
12. What is your favorite show from past decades? All Star Treks
13. If you could re-live any era of time, which era would you choose? The 1980's, of course!
14. What do you think the world is going to be like in 2900? I'll tell you when I get there. I plan on living forever.
15. What is your biggest pet peeve? People who don't watch where they're going, in either vehicles or on foot.
16. What do you do for fun? Run down streets naked
17. What do you dread doing? Getting dressed
18. Best/worst subject? History / Math
19. Are you an introvert/extrovert? (checks stomach) Looks like an Introvert...
20. Favorite food? Lasagna! Want to make me yours? Feed me lasagna!
Subject: Re: Getting to know you . . .
Yeah, right, Garfield. ;)
19. Are you an introvert/extrovert? (checks stomach) Looks like an Introvert...
End Quote
Subject: Re: Getting to know you . . .
1. Where's everyone from? A land far, far away
2. Age? If I tell you I will have to kill you
3. Lucky number? hmmm, 1,000,000, add a $ to the beginning
4. My friends would say I ... I am too obsessed with animals
5. My psychologist would say I ... I need to get my act together
6. If I could change one thing about myself, I'd... Like to get back into a size 3--but I will settle for a size 5 ;)
7. Do you consider yourself a realist or a "head in the clouds" type o' person? A realist, but I have had my head stuck in the clouds a few times
8. How many hearts have you broken during your lifetime? How many times have you had your heart broken? Gosh, I can't count that high....Ha, Ha!!! I have had my heart broken twice
9. What's your favorite color? Red
10. If you could meet one person (dead or alive; famous or not), who would it be and why? I would love to meet U2, why? Because
11. What is your favorite show of the 00s? The Screensavers. I prefer watching movies on TV.
12. What is your favorite show from past decades? X-Files, so sad that the show has ended.
13. If you could re-live any era of time, which era would you choose? 80's so I can undo some of the mistakes that changed who I am permanently
14. What do you think the world is going to be like in 2900? Very Techie
15. What is your biggest pet peeve? those that are abusive to animals/pets
16. What do you do for fun? Being on the computer, watching movies, shopping
17. What do you dread doing? Going to the dentist
18. Best/worst subject? Math
19. Are you an introvert/extrovert? Introvert, I am rather shy
20. Favorite food? Italian, fruits
Subject: Re: Getting to know you . . .
4. My friends would say I ... I am too obsessed with animals
15. What is your biggest pet peeve? those that are abusive to animals/pets
End Quote
You sound like me! I prefer animals over people (most of the time). They don't talk back and they're always loyal. Animal abuse (as well as child abuse) sickens me to no end. I have instantaneous "tearflow" when I hear of an abuse case. ;(
Subject: Re: Getting to know you . . .
1. Where's everyone from? Originally, the Great White North.....now, the tropics! (Quite a switch, eh?)
2. Age? Old enough.
3. Lucky number? (Don't have one)
4. My friends would say I ... am friendly.
5. My psychologist would say I ...(Don't know)
6. If I could change one thing about myself, I'd... exercise more.
7. Do you consider yourself a realist or a "head in the clouds" type o' person? A realist.
8. How many hearts have you broken during your lifetime? How many times have you had your heart broken? None; a few.
9. What's your favorite color? Yellow....like sunflowers.
10. If you could meet one person (dead or alive; famous or not), who would it be and why? Not sure.
11. What is your favorite show of the 00s? C.S.I.
12. What is your favorite show from past decades? Happy Days and Eight Is Enough.
13. If you could re-live any era of time, which era would you choose? I think the 80's. Lots of good memories from that time. :)
14. What do you think the world is going to be like in 2900? Everything will be computerized (even more so than it already is).
15. What is your biggest pet peeve? Rude people.
16. What do you do for fun? Listen to music, spend time here, make pottery.
17. What do you dread doing? Going to the doctor.
18. Best/worst subject? English; Math
19. Are you an introvert/extrovert? I would say that I'm in between introverted and extroverted.
20. Favorite food? Italian!
Subject: Re: Getting to know you . . .
1. Where's everyone from? Born & raised in Colorado Springs....still here :)
2. Age? 42....I feel MUCH older though :'(
3. Lucky number? 9
4. My friends would say I ...am a loving caring person.
5. My psychologist would say I ... - this can be hypothetical - Need to stop worrying about people who judge me, and be more proud of who I am and what I've accomplished.
6. If I could change one thing about myself, I'd...Look MUCH more handsome
7. Do you consider yourself a realist or a "head in the clouds" type o' person? Head in the realism ;)
8. How many hearts have you broken during your lifetime? How many times have you had your heart broken? Hopefully none...and Lots :'(
9. What's your favorite color? Blue
10. If you could meet one person (dead or alive; famous or not), who would it be and why? Alive-Paul McCartney......ah, to meet my idol Dead-My son Blaine...to tell him how much I love him.....or meet for the first time...Steve Prefontaine....my sports idol who made me & Blaine love running.
11. What is your favorite show of the 00s? Friends/ Family Guy/That 70's Show
12. What is your favorite show from past decades?Friends/ Magnum P.I./Simpsons/M*A*S*H/Happy Days
13. If you could re-live any era of time, which era would you choose? the 1920's...oh wait that's too depressing! I'll say the midevil times...then I could become one of the knights who say.....neeee!
14. What do you think the world is going to be like in 2900? The Yugo will win the Daytona 500, Michael Jackson will apologize to Paul McCartney & give him back the Beatles songs, Elton John will marry Nikki Taylor, Democrats will finally stop whining about the 2000 presidential election, David Lee Roth will enjoy being back with Van Halen, Barbara Streisand will stop hating Colorado, Alec Baldwin will finally make good on his promise to leave the country if Bush became president, The Grizzlies will win the nba championship, Clinton will win best President-Father-Husband of the year award, Rosie O'Donnell will stop whining about Everything......oops, I thought you meant an idea for a Twilight Zone episode :o
15. What is your biggest pet peeve? Rude people.
16. What do you do for fun? Spend time with my boys.
17. What do you dread doing? Spending time with my boys....oh wait....shoveling snow.
18. Best/worst subject? Math/English
19. Are you an introvert/extrovert? Both
20. Favorite food? Pizza....all Italian food for that matter, also mexican & chinese food.
Subject: Re: Getting to know you . . .
1.Where's everyone from?
I was born and currently reside in Vallejo, CA. Appx. 30 mi. NE of San Francisco.
2. Age?
32 y/o
3.Lucky number?
I really don't have one.
4.My friends would say...
It's about time I got married.
5.My psychologist would say I ...
Should look for another job. I am.
6.If I could change one thing about myself, I'd...
Stop being such a procrastinator.
7.Do you consider yourself a realist or a "head in the clouds" type o' person?
Definately Realist.
8.How many hearts have you broken during your lifetime? A couple.
How many times have you had your heart broken?
A few times.
9.What's your favorite color?
Hmm...I can't say I have one. I have lots of black clothes, though.
10.If you could meet one person (dead or alive; famous or not), who would it be and why?
I'd like to meet my son one day (Long story).
11.What is your favorite show of the 00s?
Fox News' "The O'Reiley Factor".
12.What is your favorite show from past decades?
"M*A*S*H", "Saturday Night Live"
13.If you could re-live any era of time, which era would you choose?
Re-live? Well, even though I've never lived through 1st. century AD Rome, it would be interesting to visit for a short while. I don't think I'd want to stay very long, though.
14.What do you think the world is going to be like in 2900?
Honestly, I can't even venture a guess, but I will anyway. Probably the same as today in some ways, different in others.
15.What is your biggest pet peeve?
Like you, inconsiderate drivers as well as inconsiderate neighbors.
16.What do you do for fun?
Read, sketch, watch movies/TV, work on my hobby, spend time with my GF, listen to music, surf the internet.
17.What do you dread doing?
Paying the rent.
18.Best/worst subject?
Best: History. Worst: Math.
19.Are you an introvert/extrovert?
I had to look this up in the dictionary...Introvert.
20.Favorite food?
Surf & Turf, Mexican, Japanese...sorry, can't name just one.
Subject: Re: Getting to know you . . .
1.Where's everyone from? I fell to Earth and have now completely forgotten my mission due to all the distractions of modern society.
2. Age? Is time relative? I mean, if you're a proton, it's always "now," right?
3.Lucky number? Whatever the last number of the natural log is, as well as the last number of pi.
4.My friends would say... Nothing. I don't have any that would say anything.
5.My psychologist would say I ... Is there a Prix Nobel for Psychology? If there isn't, I don't really care what a psychologist would say.
6.If I could change one thing about myself, I'd... But I can change. I just don't feel the necessity to do so.
7.Do you consider yourself a realist or a "head in the clouds" type o' person? What's a "realist"?
8.How many hearts have you broken during your lifetime? Only the ones made of stone and brittle metals in art class. How many times have you had your heart broken? Thankfully, not once. I also haven't been stabbed in the back. That would hurt like a b!tch.
9.What's your favorite color? White. It's a combination of the whole colour spectrum. Black is the absence of colour.
10.If you could meet one person (dead or alive; famous or not), who would it be and why? Fidel Castro or Dr. Ernesto "Che" Guevara. Hey, I've always wanted to be a revolutionaire extraordinaire. I'm a sympathizer to their cause.
11.What is your favorite show of the 00s? Don't have one currently.
12.What is your favorite show from past decades? Three's Company, Quantum Leap, Degrassi Series, Leave It To Beaver.
13.If you could re-live any era of time, which era would you choose? Any time is as good as any. Would I have the benefit (or misfortune) of being myself or someone totally different? Just for the hell of it, I'd choose Germany. April 15, 1945.
14.What do you think the world is going to be like in 2900? If there are people still around - much like to-day. Times change, people don't.
15.What is your biggest pet peeve? Stubborn and stupid people.
16.What do you do for fun? Read, watch films, go to museums, watch people.
17.What do you dread doing? Dealing with stupid and stubborn people - my job!
18.Best/worst subject? I can get by in almost every subject and even though I did better in liberal arts classes - before I had to drop of University - I was a Chemistry major. Physics and Inorganic Chemistry are my weakest subjects, but Physical Chemistry is definitely my worst.
19.Are you an introvert/extrovert? I can be both at any given time. In front of a large audience I am definitely an extrovert. On a one-on-one situation, I am an introvert.
20.Favorite food? Anything that's vegetarian.
Tarzan Boy
Subject: Re: Getting to know you . . .
1. Where's everyone from? Northern Virginia
2. Age? Almost 32
3. Lucky number? 13
4. My friends would say I ... am entertaining
5. My psychologist would say I ... I'm too weird
6. If I could change one thing about myself, I'd... be less grouchy in the morning
7. Do you consider yourself a realist or a "head in the clouds" type o' person? A realist with my head in the clouds when no one is looking
8. How many hearts have you broken during your lifetime? How many times have you had your heart broken? (a. too many, b. maybe once, but it was really only a scratch)
9. What's your favorite color? Gray
10. If you could meet one person (dead or alive; famous or not), who would it be and why? My Greatgrandmother to ask her why.
11. What is your favorite show of the 00s? The Simpsons
12. What is your favorite show from past decades? The Simpsons and The Twilight Zone
13. If you could re-live any era of time, which era would you choose? None, I'm one of those people who doesn't fit in any era
14. What do you think the world is going to be like in 2900? Paradise for cockroaches
15. What is your biggest pet peeve? Bad drivers
16. What do you do for fun? Reading, writing and photography
17. What do you dread doing? Committing to things
18. Best/worst subject? English/Math
19. Are you an introvert/extrovert? An extroverted introvert
20. Favorite food? Pickles
Subject: Re: Getting to know you . . .
1. Where's everyone from? An insignificant part of England
2. Age? 33 :o
3. Lucky number? My superstions don't fit in with any traditional ones. Numbers don't come into it.
4. My friends would say I ... Who ??? ;)
5. My psychologist would say I ... Never bother to show up, so how can he say anything?
6. If I could change one thing about myself, I'd... Whaddya mean if?
7. Do you consider yourself a realist or a "head in the clouds" type o' person? I don't play that game :P
8. How many hearts have you broken during your lifetime? How many times have you had your heart broken? (a) none I hope ;) (b) Once, and I've never been the same since... MUWAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!!
9. What's your favorite color? invisible :P
10. If you could meet one person (dead or alive; famous or not), who would it be and why? Myself in '87 so I could tell myself the girl I was going to meet would not be worth so much despair and cynicism that I would waste 5 years of my life and make a mess of the 7 after that >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
11. What is your favorite show of the 00s? Can't remember any. Haven't watched any TV this year.
12. What is your favorite show from past decades? The Fast Show, Robot Wars, Fawlty Towers
13. If you could re-live any era of time, which era would you choose? Does it have to have happened yet?
14. What do you think the world is going to be like in 2900? I can't get The Fifth Element out of my mind for some reason ::)
15. What is your biggest pet peeve? >:( Mine are too fierce to be kept as pets ;)
16. What do you do for fun? Things I dread doing
17. What do you dread doing? Answering these types of questions
18. Best/worst subject? Chemistry/anything too easy to hold my attention
19. Are you an introvert/extrovert? I don't play that game. :P
20. Favorite food? Whatever I don't have to work too hard to pay for ;D
Subject: Re: Getting to know you . . .
1. Where's everyone from? Sydney, Australia
2. Age? 33
3. Lucky number? 6
4. My friends would say I ... rock
5. My psychologist would say I ... need therapy
6. If I could change one thing about myself, I'd... check my temper
7. Do you consider yourself a realist or a "head in the clouds" type o' person? Realist
8. How many hearts have you broken during your lifetime? How many times have you had your heart broken? Two; several
9. What's your favorite color? Black
10. If you could meet one person, who would it be and why? Carl Sagan, one of the greatest minds of the 20th century.
11. What is your favorite show of the 00s? The Simpsons
12. What is your favorite show from past decades? The Simpsons, Happy Days, Thunderbirds
13. If you could re-live any era of time, which era would you choose? The 12th Dynasty of Ancient Egypt.
14. What do you think the world is going to be like in 2900? Dusty.
15. What is your biggest pet peeve? Morons behind the wheel.
16. What do you do for fun? Go watch live metal bands and get drunk.
17. What do you dread doing? Waking before 9am.
18. Best/worst subject? Math
19. Are you an introvert/extrovert? An extroverted introvert. ;D
20. Favorite food? Whatever isn't moving when it's put in front of me.
Subject: Re: Getting to know you . . .
We will most certainly have colonies on the other planets of our solar system
End Quote
This should have happened already.
Subject: Re: Getting to know you . . .
Great idea matmc78! Heres my five cents worth. ;D
1. Where's everyone from? (Perth, Western Australia)
2. Age? (29)
3. Lucky number? (1)
4. My friends would say I ... (I am a stylish, hard rock freak whose into designer labels!!)
5. My psychologist would say I ... - this can be hypothetical -
(need to relax more and take things less seriously)
6. If I could change one thing about myself, I'd... (be more giving to those in need)
7. Do you consider yourself a realist or a "head in the clouds" type o' person? (Dreamer)
8. How many hearts have you broken during your lifetime? How many times have you had your heart broken? (One; Once)
9. What's your favorite color? (Ultramarine blue and canary yellow)
10. If you could meet one person (dead or alive; famous or not), who would it be and why? (Joey tempest of EUROPE)
11. What is your favorite show of the 00s? (Will & Grace)
12. What is your favorite show from past decades? (Absolutely Fabulous)
13. If you could re-live any era of time, which era would you choose? (The 80s; - duh!)
14. What do you think the world is going to be like in 2900? (A pretty miserable place)
15. What is your biggest pet peeve? (People who are cruel to animals)
16. What do you do for fun? (Webdesign, Shopping, Movies)
17. What do you dread doing? (Public talking, travelling through customs)
18. Best/worst subject? (Geography & Art/Math)
19. Are you an introvert/extrovert? (Probably an extrovert, though i enjoy my 'me' time)
20. Favorite food? (Italian, Greek, Balkan)