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Subject: I will pay you to hit on me.
Girls that is.
Subject: Re: I will pay you to hit on me.
Bah! I could have used the extra cash...
Subject: Re: I will pay you to hit on me.
Do you mean have sex with you or to beat you up? ;)
Girls that is.
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Subject: Re: I will pay you to hit on me.
Do you mean have sex with you or to beat you up? ;)
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Subject: Re: I will pay you to hit on me.
How much? -howard- :)
Subject: Re: I will pay you to hit on me.
OK, where's my money?
Subject: Re: I will pay you to hit on me.
I like that shirt it would look good on my floor what's your sign hey baby what's a nice guy like you doing hanging in a place like this you have a dog i love dogs can i see him would you buy me a drink oh i love this song oh for pete's sake just come in the bathroom with me.
How's that?
Subject: Re: I will pay you to hit on me.
WOW! You win! :-*
I like that shirt it would look good on my floor what's your sign hey baby what's a nice guy like you doing hanging in a place like this you have a dog i love dogs can i see him would you buy me a drink oh i love this song oh for pete's sake just come in the bathroom with me.
How's that?
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Subject: Re: I will pay you to hit on me.
I will pay you to hit on me.
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Is that a parody to "I was made for loving you" by Kiss?
Subject: Re: I will pay you to hit on me.
Re: I will pay you to hit on me.
Girls that is.
End Quote
*twirls hair around finger*
You don't have to pay anyone to get hit on around here. Some of the women around this place are major flirts! Trust me, I would know! ;) Yep, this board is a total meat market, and honey, you must be the prime rib!
*fixes mini skirt*
It's amazing - you look exactly like my first husband...
Oh, and by the way, **** me if I'm wrong, but is your name Fred?
(And no, I've never been married.)
Subject: Re: I will pay you to hit on me.
It's amazing - you look exactly like my first husband...
End Quote
Like the old joke:
M: "Am I the first man you ever slept with?"
F: "Could be, your face does look familiar"
Subject: Re: I will pay you to hit on me.
Wanna bump fuzzies? ;)
Subject: Re: I will pay you to hit on me.
*kicks you*
I wanna money now.
Subject: Re: I will pay you to hit on me.
I said I wanna money now!
Subject: Re: I will pay you to hit on me.
Seriously! Get us all worked up and then disappear like that. I used my best material too! At least, from what I vaguely remember it was my best material...
Subject: Re: I will pay you to hit on me.
I am not into violence.
Subject: Re: I will pay you to hit on me.
where's my money? >:(
Subject: Re: I will pay you to hit on me.
Wanna bump fuzzies? Oh, wait-used that one already....OK, SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!!
Subject: Re: I will pay you to hit on me.
tisk, tisk, tisk
I leave for one week and THIS happens
To the person who asked "Want to bump fuzzies?" I have a question: "What if the person got they're hair surgically removed" :P (nice to be on the computer again)
Subject: Re: I will pay you to hit on me.
tisk, tisk, tisk
I leave for one week and THIS happens
To the person who asked "Want to bump fuzzies?" I have a question: "What if the person got they're hair surgically removed" :P (nice to be on the computer again)
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Another version is "Wanna bump uglies?" so I guess that would take care of the folicullarly challenged!!
Subject: Re: I will pay you to hit on me.
I'm sp...sp....sp........SPEECHLESS. Ahem....we may have a new winner. Get back with me on that one.
*twirls hair around finger*
You don't have to pay anyone to get hit on around here. Some of the women around this place are major flirts! Trust me, I would know! ;) Yep, this board is a total meat market, and honey, you must be the prime rib!
*fixes mini skirt*
It's amazing - you look exactly like my first husband...
Oh, and by the way, **** me if I'm wrong, but is your name Fred?
(And no, I've never been married.)
End Quote
Subject: Re: I will pay you to hit on me.
I'm sp...sp....sp........SPEECHLESS. Ahem....we may have a new winner. Get back with me on that one.
End Quote
Glad to see you've finally decided to check back in on your thread.
So..... *bats eyelashes* Your name's NOT Fred, is it? ;)
Subject: Re: I will pay you to hit on me.
No, it's not Fred. It's .......Hmmm, I can't tell you here. Perhaps over a glass of Spumante wine. Come on, you know you want to say it. It's a fun wine to say!
Glad to see you've finally decided to check back in on your thread.
So..... *bats eyelashes* Your name's NOT Fred, is it? ;)
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Subject: Re: I will pay you to hit on me.
i still don't know where my money is. ???
Subject: Re: I will pay you to hit on me.
i still don't know where my money is. ???
End Quote
*tosses Natski a quarter*
Now, where were we? Oh, yes...
No, it's not Fred. It's .......Hmmm, I can't tell you here. Perhaps over a glass of Spumante wine. Come on, you know you want to say it. It's a fun wine to say!
End Quote
"Spumante." Oooohhhh.
*crosses legs and leans closer to That 70s Child*
The bubbles sparkle like your eyes. Very mesmerizing.
I don't drink, though; so I'm afraid if I did, I might get a little tipsy, and then there's no telling what I'd do...
Subject: Re: I will pay you to hit on me.
Wheres my bat??? oh you mean hit on you whoopsie ::)
Subject: Re: I will pay you to hit on me.
I wish I knew just what the hell this thread is about... ??? :-/
Subject: Re: I will pay you to hit on me.
Here's what I think you'd do. I think that you'd get drunk, pose for another Ms Nude Vancouver pageant, make up a website to post the pictures on and then forget to post the pictures. Hey, but that's just me. Who knows WHAT you'd really do. :-*
*tosses Natski a quarter*
Now, where were we? Oh, yes...
"Spumante." Oooohhhh.
*crosses legs and leans closer to That 70s Child*
The bubbles sparkle like your eyes. Very mesmerizing.
I don't drink, though; so I'm afraid if I did, I might get a little tipsy, and then there's no telling what I'd do...
End Quote
Subject: Re: I will pay you to hit on me.
Here's what I think you'd do. I think that you'd get drunk, pose for another Ms Nude Vancouver pageant, make up a website to post the pictures on and then forget to post the pictures. Hey, but that's just me. Who knows WHAT you'd really do. :-*
End Quote
What an interesting choice for the name of a pageant I might enter. It's almost like you know something, but you're not coming right out and saying it. ::) Kind of makes me wonder who you are (or at least, who you are elsewhere on the 'net...)
BTW, I never drank before pageants... 8)
Subject: Re: I will pay you to hit on me.
I wish I knew just what the hell this thread is about... ??? :-/
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I think it's found it's way into some sort of parallel dimension.
Now that Natski has his 25 cents and is out of the running (at least that seemed to be the general hint given....), it seems to have some down to just 2 players.
FB :o
Subject: Re: I will pay you to hit on me.
My work here is done. ;D
Subject: Re: I will pay you to hit on me.
Poor That's 70s Child... little does he realize that it's his harddrive that will end up paying...
Subject: Re: I will pay you to hit on me.
What an interesting choice for the name of a pageant I might enter. It's almost like you know something, but you're not coming right out and saying it. ::) Kind of makes me wonder who you are (or at least, who you are elsewhere on the 'net...)
BTW, I never drank before pageants... 8)
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hmmm...I have hear that pagent name before. It is as if you almost know this person. ::) What is that saying....Where there is a will there is a way? :P