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Subject: Should people watch what they eat?
I am not saying anyone in the world's population is fat, just because they don't watch they eat, or they die or they are killed by fast foods because of food poison. Or I will rephrase the question, should food companies watch what they put in their food and be considerate of others, like diabetics, lactosintolerant, etc. I mean how much fat and grease is in a Mcdonald's burger and fries, or at Taco Bell how the meat is grade E, people can die or be killed from that. I am not trying to offend anyone, I am just trying to help some of the companies out with healthy food.
Subject: Re: Should people watch what they eat?
Well randbfan23.....
The body of your question is too difficult for me to get my head (or should that be mouth) around at this time of night.
But in relation to the thread title :
Yes - this person should definitely watch what he eats (more than he does)
Subject: Re: Should people watch what they eat?
I'll speak for myself - I try to watch what I eat.
Actually, I try to watch all aspects of my life...what I eat, drink, my daily activities. I want to remain healthy for as long as possible, so if that means staying away from the booze, staying away from fatty foods (although I do splurge every once in a while), and walking the straight and narrow, you can bet I'll do that.
In the long run, though, it probably won't matter. :-/
Subject: Re: Should people watch what they eat?
Before it goes in my mouth ;D ;)
Subject: Re: Should people watch what they eat?
Before it goes in my mouth ;D ;)
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LOL!!!! Made my day!!!
Subject: Re: Should people watch what they eat?
For the most part, food manufacturers must label foods that may contain known allergens.
For example, a package of plain M&M's will have peanuts listed in the ingredients, on the off chance that someone at the processing plant spilled a few peanuts in the wrong vat.
I have also seen foods labeled with warnings that they contain wheat, eggs, soy, peanuts, or phenylalanine (did I spell that right?) because these things can cause fatal reactions in some people.
I think most people know what foods are good for them, and what are not, for the most part. Problems are run into when food manufactures add a lot of unnecessary things, or have misleading ads.
In another thread I mentioned the difference (not) between butter and margarine. Both are made almost entirely of fat. Both are bad in large amounts. But for years, ads would proclaim that margarine was healthier than butter, and there are a lot of people who still believe that.
I think a lot of people are just too busy to read the ingredient panel of each and every thing they buy, and no one has the time to cook from scratch every single day.
Subject: Re: Should people watch what they eat?
LOL!!!! Made my day!!!
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O thank you
Subject: Re: Should people watch what they eat?
I feel I should watch what I eat but I really don't care sometimes.Sometimes,people should eat what they want to eat.It should only be done in proportions. -howard- :)
Subject: Re: Should people watch what they eat?
I feel I should watch what I eat but I really don't care sometimes.Sometimes,people should eat what they want to eat.It should only be done in proportions. -howard- :)
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I used to eat anything I wanted, I ended up 60lbs overweight So I started Jogging and eating better (No Fast Food, No Baked Goods, Whole grain bread, Fat free dairy products). Now I'm Only 20lbs overwieght. So it all depends on the person If your thin Then you dont really have to. If you Overwieght and You don't want any medical problems in the future, then you should watch what you eat. But the goverment should Not tax Food that they feel is not nutritous. What he government thinks is healthy for you is not always what is. Fat is the perfect example, not all fat is bad for you. Nuts and fish are actually realy Nutritious, but they are high in fat .
Subject: Re: Should people watch what they eat?
I watch it all the time. I'm always hop9ing it'll do something neat (Come on, jump through the hoop! Good corn dog), but so far, nothing has happened. But the voices in my head continue to assure me it will happen...
Subject: Re: Should people watch what they eat?
Before it goes in my mouth ;D ;)
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I was going to say "if they think it's going to get away"
Subject: Re: Should people watch what they eat?
For the most part, food manufacturers must label foods that may contain known allergens.
For example, a package of plain M&M's will have peanuts listed in the ingredients, on the off chance that someone at the processing plant spilled a few peanuts in the wrong vat.
/quote]Actually thats because the machines are lubricated using peanut oil.Thats why lots of food you wouldn't expect to contain nuts will have a warning 'may contain traces of nut'I have a friend who mends broken food processing machines, apparently using peanut oil means it won't contaminate the food if any drips in
Subject: Re: Should people watch what they eat?
I also read that eating butter in moderation is better for you than low fat spreads as these are artificial fats and the body can't digest them properly.
Subject: Re: Should people watch what they eat?
Thats why lots of food you wouldn't expect to contain nuts will have a warning 'may contain traces of nut'I have a friend who mends broken food processing machines, apparently using peanut oil means it won't contaminate the food if any drips in
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Thanks for that. I wondered why everything seems (maybe) to contain traces of nuts... though in true pedantic form, I do feel obliged to make my usual observation: peanuts are not nuts - they're from the pea family. Although peanut "allergy" is quite rare (though rather extreme when it does occur), nut allergies are even rarer and I've not heard of any poor souls being allergic to both - I feel sorry for the people with a true "nut" allergy who can't eat things that may be contaminated by peanut oil, but can't be sure because the packaging only says "may contain traces of nuts".
Subject: Re: Should people watch what they eat?
I myself am always on a "See-food" diet (Note spelling)....okay, okay...I know, it's an old joke :D It;s just that Scorpian beat me to the one I was going to say! ;)
Subject: Re: Should people watch what they eat?
... I do feel obliged to make my usual observation: peanuts are not nuts - they're from the pea family. ...
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Get Out :o !!! (Just an expression of surprise folks ;D)
Kinda like tomatoes not being vegetables but fruit.
Subject: Re: Should people watch what they eat?
Actually thats because the machines are lubricated using peanut oil.Thats why lots of food you wouldn't expect to contain nuts will have a warning 'may contain traces of nut'I have a friend who mends broken food processing machines, apparently using peanut oil means it won't contaminate the food if any drips in
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Makes sense to me. My company was making up a beer trunk one day (those are the tubes that connect the kegs to the tower where it is poured at the bar), and ran out of the food-safe lubricant spray we use to make it easy to slide the insulation on over it. It would have been three days to get more shipped and this was a rush job. We went nuts (no pun intended) trying to find an acceptible substitute that would not contaminate the beer, or go bad and stink up the works. I forget what we ended up using. Now the boss makes sure we never run low.
And Philbo you are right about the nut/peanut allergy thing. My younger brother is deathly allergic to nuts, but he eats peanut butter with no problems. None of his friends understand it, and they won't believe him that peanuts are closely related to beans. He was at a party with them and they gave him some cookies and told him that there were no nuts in them, meaning no peanuts. Ten minutes later they are on the way to the hospital with him as he couldn't breathe. He's okay, now, but he told us afterwards how good it felt to watch as three doctors and a police officer yelled at these guys for giving him something with walnuts in it.
Subject: Re: Should people watch what they eat?
I used to eat anything I wanted, I ended up 60lbs overweight So I started Jogging and eating better (No Fast Food, No Baked Goods, Whole grain bread, Fat free dairy products). Now I'm Only 20lbs overwieght. So it all depends on the person If your thin Then you dont really have to. If you Overwieght and You don't want any medical problems in the future, then you should watch what you eat. But the goverment should Not tax Food that they feel is not nutritous. What he government thinks is healthy for you is not always what is. Fat is the perfect example, not all fat is bad for you. Nuts and fish are actually realy Nutritious, but they are high in fat .
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:o :o :oI wonder if that's how the Everly brothers got so fat---I mean when they were young,they were skinny!And they're not big -boned like Bill Clinton,so they're actually fatter than he was.But I mean .llike anyone can get fat if theuy eat enough;there's like so much hysteria about people getting anorexia but kids are a lot more likely to be overweight than anything else because a lot of the fast food is so affordable and they want to get the most for their money!Cheers!
Subject: Re: Should people watch what they eat?
:o :o :oI wonder if that's how the Everly brothers got so fat---I mean when they were young,they were skinny!And they're not big -boned like Bill Clinton,so they're actually fatter than he was.But I mean .llike anyone can get fat if theuy eat enough;there's like so much hysteria about people getting anorexia but kids are a lot more likely to be overweight than anything else because a lot of the fast food is so affordable and they want to get the most for their money!Cheers!
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What the ??? :-/
Subject: Re: Should people watch what they eat?
Should people watch what they eat?
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Probably, if they don't want to get fat.
Subject: Re: Should people watch what they eat?
I watch what I eat everyday. I watch it go into my mouth.
Subject: Re: Should people watch what they eat?
I always watch what I eat.....I always look closely to make sure there is no hair, foreign objects or bugs in my food. :-X
Subject: Re: Should people watch what they eat?
In all seriousness, it just takes common sense.
You know the old adage -
Too much of anything is bad for you. ;)
Subject: Re: Should people watch what they eat?
In reference to companies and their additions and deletions of ingredients in products -
Companies do whatever possible to sell a product, first and foremost. Very few truly care about how their product affects people, unfortunately. :-/
Ultimately, it is the responsibility of each individual to read the contents, ingredients and nutritional information of products consumed.
Subject: Re: Should people watch what they eat?
I always watch what I eat.....I always look closely to make sure there is no hair, foreign objects or bugs in my food. :-X
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:P :P :P"Waiter,what is this fly doing in my soup?"A:"The backstroke,sir".Cheers! :P :P :-X :-X :-X :-X
Subject: Re: Should people watch what they eat?
I watch it all the time. I'm always hop9ing it'll do something neat (Come on, jump through the hoop! Good corn dog), but so far, nothing has happened. But the voices in my head continue to assure me it will happen...
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keep trying, TV9, i'm sure someday, something will happen. :)
Subject: Re: Should people watch what they eat?
keep trying, TV9, i'm sure someday, something will happen. :)
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:D :DYeah,if you want it to do something,putting it in a microwave might help--don't poke holes or nothing will happen.Yturn it on high for about 3 minutes----BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o :o :o :o :oCheers!
Subject: Re: Should people watch what they eat?
People are surprise at how much food I can pack away. I am not that big and I do go to lunch with some friends who are on the heavy side and I eat more than they do. I also eat more than my honey does. People have accused me of having hollow legs. I must admit that I have gained some weight in the last 5 years but I seem to be maintaining my current weight. Most people are surprised when they heard that I gained 20 lbs because they have told me that I carry the extra weight well and that I must have been really thin before I gained it. Personally, I wouldn't mind losing that 20 lbs but I admit-I LOVE FOOD!
Subject: Re: Should people watch what they eat?
People are surprise at how much food I can pack away. I am not that big and I do go to lunch with some friends who are on the heavy side and I eat more than they do. I also eat more than my honey does. People have accused me of having hollow legs. I must admit that I have gained some weight in the last 5 years but I seem to be maintaining my current weight. Most people are surprised when they heard that I gained 20 lbs because they have told me that I carry the extra weight well and that I must have been really thin before I gained it. Personally, I wouldn't mind losing that 20 lbs but I admit-I LOVE FOOD!
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:D :D :DYou ever heard of that Japanese guy who has the world record for hot dog eating?He's been accused of having hollow legs,too(he's skinny).Cheers! ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Should people watch what they eat?
If I ate so many hot dogs,I'd be in the bathroom right now.
Subject: Re: Should people watch what they eat?
People are surprise at how much food I can pack away. I am not that big and I do go to lunch with some friends who are on the heavy side and I eat more than they do. I also eat more than my honey does. People have accused me of having hollow legs. I must admit that I have gained some weight in the last 5 years but I seem to be maintaining my current weight. Most people are surprised when they heard that I gained 20 lbs because they have told me that I carry the extra weight well and that I must have been really thin before I gained it. Personally, I wouldn't mind losing that 20 lbs but I admit-I LOVE FOOD!
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I'm kinda the same way. I watched what I ate (fat/calorie wise) for 9 months and didn't lose a pound (with exercise). Now, I pretty much eat whatever I want and I stay at the same weight. People are shocked when they hear how much I weigh.
Subject: Re: Should people watch what they eat?
If I ate so many hot dogs,I'd be in the bathroom right now.
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:o :o :oYeah,so many hot dogs are definitely not good for you.Probably the nitrates or som ething.Cheers! :P
Subject: Re: Should people watch what they eat?
:o :o :oYeah,so many hot dogs are definitely not good for you.Probably the nitrates or something.Cheers! :P
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and also when you put sauerkraut topping on it.
Howard ;D
Subject: Re: Should people watch what they eat?
Sometimes it just doesnt matter take the people who are in great shape but the die sooner.Example Walter Payton,Flo Jo etc.IM SURE THEY ATE HEALTHY EVERYDAY AND YOU KNOW THEY WORKED OUT BUT THEY DIED.And you got fat people like Dom Deluise,Marlon Brando etc. still eating away and living lfe ???
Subject: Re: Should people watch what they eat?
I feel people should eat whatever they want.It all goes out the same way....if you know what I mean.... ;D