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Subject: How effective is the war on Drugs?
Should marijuana be legal medical purposes or altogether legal.
But sell it wisely, kids shouldn't buy, and show i.d. if you are going to buy the drugs. But I think they should ban acid, ecstasy, etc, all the hard drugs, these drugs are killing most of the population. And limit alcohol, what I mean is. Authority as in the police should really get down on people and liqour stores, when adults go in, they really need to ask who the alcohol is for, because having party and drinking alcohol before 21, or even 25 ruins people lives and reputations.
If the adults buy for the minor, it is total disrespect.
Subject: Re: How effective is the war on Drugs?
I think pot should be legal. I think it would be less of hassle for everyone if they legalized It. But, I do believe some rules should apply (mainly no smoking around children).
Subject: Re: How effective is the war on Drugs?
I think they should legalize marijuana. Might as well, almost everyone uses it anyway. And of course there should be rules to how it is sold and who it is sold to.
Subject: Re: How effective is the war on Drugs?
Quoting:Re: How effective is the war on Drugs?End Quote
About as effective as a fart in a hurricane. The amount of money spent trying to police our (and your) borders for smuggled narcotics is surreal, and because the drug barons' profits are so high it doesn't matter if the police get 80% of what's coming in as the amount that actually gets through on to the street never seems to diminish.
As for legalisation, I'm a bit radical: IMO all drugs should be licensed and legal - if only to make sure that the huge amounts of money spent on the things go to the good guys rather than the worst elements of society. At the very least, you could ring-fence the money which would come from taxing them to go towards treatment centres/rehab clinics.
Food for thought...
Subject: Re: How effective is the war on Drugs?
Legalize it and tax the hell out of it to pay off the national debt & to pay for war on Terrorism.
Subject: Re: How effective is the war on Drugs?
About as effective as a fart in a hurricane. End Quote
Subject: Re: How effective is the war on Drugs?
Legalize it and tax the hell out of it to pay off the national debt & to pay for war on Terrorism.
End Quote
The Australian comedian Greg Fleet had a good suggestion for when the War On Terror is over ("soon, the concept of terror will no longer exist") - the War On Perplexedness.
Subject: Re: How effective is the war on Drugs?
the War On Perplexedness.
End Quote
Now, how would we fight that?
Subject: Re: How effective is the war on Drugs?
End Quote
...it's one of my favourite similes; alternatively "about as much use as a chocolate fireguard", or the best of all (from Red Dwarf) "you're about as much use as a condom machine in the Vatican"
Subject: Re: How effective is the war on Drugs?
I think that marijuana should be legalized and controlled the same way cigarettes and alcohol are. Both of those have been legal, and both cannot (and should not) be used by children. The amount of harm caused by pot by itself is the same as, or less than that of cigarettes. Any other danger comes from the fact that it is illegal. There are also many other uses of, and benefits from the same plant.
From what I understand, ( and anyone who is more knowledgeable, please correct me) only a very small part of the cannabis plant is intoxicating. The rest of the plant may be used to make paper, rope, cloth, and even cooking oil. I've also been told, though I don't know how I would ever verify it, that one acre of cannabis plants will produce more paper than the same amount of trees.
As for all the other drugs, few if any have shown any usefulness, and should remain illegal.
As for the "war" being effective, no. Too much time and money is being spent on chasing down the small-time user, and not enough on the high-level distributors.
Subject: Re: How effective is the war on Drugs?
I think that marijuana should be legalized and controlled the same way cigarettes and alcohol are. Both of those have been legal, and both cannot (and should not) be used by children. The amount of harm caused by pot by itself is the same as, or less than that of cigarettes. Any other danger comes from the fact that it is illegal. There are also many other uses of, and benefits from the same plant.
From what I understand, ( and anyone who is more knowledgeable, please correct me) only a very small part of the cannabis plant is intoxicating. The rest of the plant may be used to make paper, rope, cloth, and even cooking oil. I've also been told, though I don't know how I would ever verify it, that one acre of cannabis plants will produce more paper than the same amount of trees.
As for all the other drugs, few if any have shown any usefulness, and should remain illegal.
As for the "war" being effective, no. Too much time and money is being spent on chasing down the small-time user, and not enough on the high-level distributors.
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Yeah! What she said. ;)
Subject: Re: How effective is the war on Drugs?
hhmmmm....I can't really say much, man...the smoke is too thick in here ;)
Subject: Re: How effective is the war on Drugs?
How about the war on Prozac? ;D
Subject: Re: How effective is the war on Drugs?
How about the war on Prozac? ;D
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It's just too depressing to think about :D
Subject: Re: How effective is the war on Drugs?
L :DL, Rocknroll_fan!
It's just too depressing to think about :D
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Subject: Re: How effective is the war on Drugs?
Duuuuudddddeeee, I'm hungry. Gonna go strap the fridge to my face..... ;D
Subject: Re: How effective is the war on Drugs?
Duuuuudddddeeee, I'm hungry. Gonna go strap the fridge to my face..... ;D
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Subject: Re: How effective is the war on Drugs?
Now, how would we fight ?
End Quote
Greg's idea was that we'd go up to people in the street, and ask, "Which do you prefer - tractors or ducks?" If the person went "Uhhh...", he'd be shot. Therefore, all of us should be prepared to shout "Ducks!" at any moment for our own safety...
... until the War On Ducks, that is. ;D
Subject: Re: How effective is the war on Drugs?
Greg's idea was that we'd go up to people in the street, and ask, "Which do you prefer - tractors or ducks?" If the person went "Uhhh...", he'd be shot. Therefore, all of us should be prepared to shout "Ducks!" at any moment for our own safety...
... until the War On Ducks, that is. ;D
End Quote
Has a pythonesque ring to it: wouldn't the correct answer be "is that a African or a European duck?", and when the questioner goes "Uhhh..." you shoot him ;-)
Subject: Re: How effective is the war on Drugs?
Has a pythonesque ring to it: wouldn't the correct answer be "is that a African or a European duck?", and when the questioner goes "Uhhh..." you shoot him ;-)
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He who approaches the Bridge Of Death, must answer me these questions three....arrh, the other side he see.......Great Movie :)