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This is a topic from the Playful Penguin Place forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Blaine Would Graduate Tomorrow
Written By: RockandRollFan on 05/21/02 at 11:30 p.m.
Well I'm sure all of you will say that this is alright....I feel strange typing this but I promise that this is the last topic I will bring up about my late son Blaine. For those of you new to the board that may not know...My 17 year old son Blaine was murdered at work on the night of April 26, 2001 at a subway sandwich shop. He would have been graduating tomorrow....after dealing with the Firsts of everything, including what would've been his 18th birthday back on January 24, I thought that the 26th of April would've been it...I was wrong :'( I would like to thank everyone who has been here for me throughout my time when I first brought this up. You have all made me feel like I'm part of this great "Place" and I will always be grateful. My belief in life has been severly "Tested" this past year and although I miss him SO very much, I know that I am stronger for having not given up on my time here. Blaine did come to me just a couple of weeks ago in a dream. We were in a very beautiful area....like the rolling grass hills in Scotland....it was foggy and there was a misty rain. He was with a girl that I did not recognize. Being it was a dream I felt that she belonged with him. He was happy and said to me "Dad I'm gonna run those hills" (We often ran together even up to 2 days before he died) and I told him that he should not run yet because he had been hurt and needed to recover fully. He then gave me the same beautiful smile that I saw when we looked at each other for the very last time, at the stoplight on his way to work. His eyes were filled with joy and he simply said too me "Don't worry, I'm okay." Thanks again for letting me pour out my heart....I care for each and every one of you.
Subject: Re: Blaine Would Graduate Tomorrow
Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 05/21/02 at 11:46 p.m.
It's okay to say what you need to help yourself through your pain.
The people on this board are really friendly and supportive.
I wish you well and my thoughts are with you, as I'm sure are others.
Subject: Re: Blaine Would Graduate Tomorrow
Written By: southernspitfire on 05/21/02 at 11:56 p.m.
Prayers and thoughts to you and your family....but he will be there...and he will graduate...in your heart..and in the hearts of all his classmates....he was very loved.
Subject: Re: Blaine Would Graduate Tomorrow
Written By: Screwball54 on 05/21/02 at 11:57 p.m.
Rock and Roll Fan,
I am sorry to hear about your Loss. It's always hard to loose someone you love, but to loose a child, is a pain I cannot even imagine. My Prayers and thoughts are with you.
Subject: Re: Blaine Would Graduate Tomorrow
Written By: Arcfire on 05/22/02 at 00:24 a.m.
R&RFan My thoughts are with you.
I lost a friend to a drunk driver my senior year. The way we honored him is that we played his favorite song during the ceremony (which happened to be The cars "magic") I hope we were able to ease his parents (who also attended). Now everytime I hear that song I remember him. I know my classmates feel the same.....
Subject: "My brother"
Written By: randbfan23 on 05/22/02 at 01:03 a.m.
[quote author=youngcricket I agree with you my brother will be there in spirit, and he was loved by many, so he will be thought as an honorary graduate, by most if not all of the Seniors, maybe even most of the student body.
I stay strong with all of this, as does my whole family, but there are times and days where it is hard to not see a friend, a brother, and a son every day. But I am getting much better.
Subject: Re: Blaine Would Graduate Tomorrow
Written By: Hairspray on 05/22/02 at 05:46 a.m.
We hear ya, RnRF. Hang in there.
Subject: Re: Blaine Would Graduate Tomorrow
Written By: Crazy Don on 05/22/02 at 06:57 a.m.
I'm sorry your son won't graduate tomorrow. My niece graduates from high school next year. She wants to take a job at a Blockbuster store. Recently there was a shooting at a Blockbuster in Anniston, AL that killed four people. I just hope my niece gets to graduate next year…
Subject: Re: Blaine Would Graduate Tomorrow
Written By: goldie on 05/22/02 at 08:11 a.m.
You and your family will be in my thoughts today. I'm sure that Blaine will be there in spirit. You know if you need to talk that I am here for you.
Subject: Re: Blaine Would Graduate Tomorrow
Written By: Natalie on 05/22/02 at 12:24 a.m.
Don't ever apologize for sharing your thoughts and feelings. Talking about your heartaches helps your heart begin the healing process.
We're here to listen...talk away.
Subject: Re: Blaine Would Graduate Tomorrow
Written By: Banasy on 05/22/02 at 12:31 a.m.
You know how I feel.....
I'm here.
Love, Banasy
Subject: Re: Blaine Would Graduate Tomorrow
Written By: Scorpian on 05/22/02 at 12:35 a.m.
I havn't lost a child but a good friend closer to me than some of my family. I understand...
I'll help you and you help me,
This site is a great big family
Subject: Re: Blaine Would Graduate Tomorrow
Written By: RockandRollFan on 05/23/02 at 09:27 a.m.
Hey Scorpian, I remember when you went through your horror, just know that YOU are not alone either ;) and thanks to ALL of you for caring, especially you, Banasy....You know I'm here for you too :)
Subject: Re: Blaine Would Graduate Tomorrow
Written By: DJ Midas on 05/23/02 at 02:46 p.m.
Thank you for sharing that dream, RnRF. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.