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Subject: Violence on tv.
Does anyone really think that violence on tv is the whole cause of Columbine or any other school shooting, or other violence in the world today. yes I think they should tone it down a little, but it is fake and everyone should get that in their head, and not use violence on tv as a tool for violence in the real world.
Subject: Re: Violence on tv.
Does anyone really think that violence on tv is the whole cause of Columbine or any other school shooting, or other violence in the world today. yes I think they should tone it down a little, but it is fake and everyone should get that in their head, and not use violence on tv as a tool for violence in the real world.
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No, violence in the schools isn't caused by T.V. or by music or by video games. They are just a scapegoat, something the parents can blame the violence on rather than blaming themselves because they don't know how to control their kids.
Subject: Re: Violence on tv.
Well said, jessica. I can remember watching violent movies when I was in high school, Lethal Weapon rating rather high on the ol' violence scale, and even with my High School history, I never went on a rampage...
Subject: Re: Violence on tv.
No, violence in the schools isn't caused by T.V. or by music or by video games. They are just a scapegoat, something the parents can blame the violence on rather than blaming themselves because they don't know how to control their kids.
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Well said, Jessica.
Subject: Re: Violence on tv.
I think parents should stop blaming the violence on television and start doing something about it. If it's bad for your kids, turn it off. That's what the "Power" button on your TV or remote is for. Don't deprive others of what they term as entertainment. >:(
Subject: Re: Violence on tv.
I think parents should stop blaming the violence on television and start doing something about it. If it's bad for your kids, turn it off. That's what the "Power" button on your TV or remote is for. Don't deprive others of what they term as entertainment. >:(
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True True if you don't want your kids watching that stuff then turn off the D@mn T.V
Subject: Re: Violence on tv.
Excellent point, Jessica!
I used to work in a comic store, and at that time there were several parents filing lawsuits across the country trying to blame the comic stores and publishers for violent images that caused their kids to be 'brats'. At that time I learned that comics in Japan (and other countries) were, and still are, far more violent thand those here in the USA. Yet those countries, had the same amount, or fewer violent crimes than the USA. The difference was in parents taking sole responsibility for how they raised their kids. That way, by the time the kids got to be in their teens, and started making decisions for themselves, they already had a strong set of values.
TV is far more popular and wide-reaching than comics, but the principle remains the same.
Subject: Re: Violence on tv.
Back in the late 70s or early 80s, there was a famous case here in South Florida! A young teenage boy of 14 had shot and killed his 80 year old neighbor! His defense attorney came up with this "defense" called "television intoxication", claiming he committed his act from watching too much violence on TV from being abandoned by his parents, and supposedly the TV became his baby sitter for years in his young life! Thank GOD the jury didn't buy it and he was sentenced to life in prizon where he still is to this day!
Subject: Re: Violence on tv.
His defense attorney came up with this "defense" called "television intoxication", claiming he committed his act from watching too much violence on TV from being abandoned by his parents, and supposedly the TV became his baby sitter for years in his young life!
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And they wonder why lawyers get such a bad rap.
Subject: Re: Violence on tv.
No, violence in the schools isn't caused by T.V. or by music or by video games. They are just a scapegoat, something the parents can blame the violence on rather than blaming themselves because they don't know how to control their kids.
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While I agree with this, there is a point that needs to be made (which relates to another thread about government butting in). While some parents just don't take the effort to raise their kids correctly, others are afraid to discipline their kids because of repercussions resulting from the government. Seems anything can be taken as "abuse" nowadays...
Subject: Re: Violence on tv.
While I agree with this, there is a point that needs to be made (which relates to another thread about government butting in). While some parents just don't take the effort to raise their kids correctly, others are afraid to discipline their kids because of repercussions resulting from the government. Seems anything can be taken as "abuse" nowadays...
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That is so true! You can barely spank your kid anymore without the d*mn Child Services breathing down your neck! When I was younger, I got swatted a couple of times, and it didn't traumatize me in any way. I don't think spanking a child constitutes child abuse, but to the idiotic government, it's the same thing as beating the Hell out of your kid.
Subject: Re: Violence on tv.
I agree with that. One spank, used occasionally, and only when the child really really really screws up is not abuse. That's what my parents did. I can clearly recall all three spankings I have ever gotten in my life. I grew up to be a reasonalbly decent human being, with no emotional scars.
How decent? Remember the theme song thread? My actual theme was "Goody Two Shoes".
Subject: Re: Violence on tv.
Spare the rod and spoil the child!
Although my parents rarely used force to get their point across, I had enough respect for them growing up to realize when they meant business. After being swatted by my dad a few times, I was swiftly brought back to reality.
The fault lies with the parents. If parents would punish their children more (when the children deserve to be punished), children would grow up with more respect for others. I've heard 12 years olds w/ worse mouths than Sailors smarting off to their parents, teachers, etc. Nothing makes my blood boil more. If parents would show their children who's boss, perhaps things would turn out differently.
I'm not a Psychologist, but I've worked with kids for years. I can tell you which children have stern parents and which children have passive parents just by the way they interact with others.
Subject: Re: Violence on tv.
I think that people are afraid to punish their children. Nowadays kids think that all they have to do is call the cops and scream abuse. In a sense it is true...that will cause lots of probs for the parents. I am not afraid to spank my daughter, of course only when she does something that threatens her life. Usually all I have to do is send her to her room and the world has ended for her. She loves to play outside with the neighbor kids, take that away and she will behave.
As for the abuse thing, my friend's kids used to tell her that they didn't have to clean their room (or whatever she said to do). If she made them they would call the police and say she was abusing them. She said "do you know what the police would do?" They said "They'll take you to jail". She said "no they will take you away...on second thought, here's the phone let me dial the number." They freaked out and have never threatened her with that again. ;D
Subject: Re: Violence on tv.
No, violence in the schools isn't caused by T.V. or by music or by video games. They are just a scapegoat, something the parents can blame the violence on rather than blaming themselves because they don't know how to control their kids.
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Jessica, I wholeheartedly agree!
Subject: Re: Violence on tv.
Hitting your children does not teach them a lesson. It would only make them upset, or possibly worse. I've heard of a kid who was really wild, terrorising neighbors, vandalising stuff etc. When his mom hit him, he took a turn for the worse. He stole cars, and even shot a kid. Luckily the kid was alright.
Subject: Re: Violence on tv.
To me, it's not just violence that results out of a parent not controlling a child...if adults don't control their children, their children tend to be bullies or snobs in school. Trust me, I've dealt with them. >:(