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Subject: I think smoking should be illegal.
It isn't just bad for the smoker, there is such thing as secondhand, and it kills. what is the use anyway, it doesn't taste like anything, I tried it once or twice before, that was a mistake because I found out I was allergic from everything that was in the cigarette. There is such thing as gum. And marijuana sucks too, it just kills your brain cells.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
I used to be a chainsmoker and it really screwed up the old lungs for awhile. But making it illegal may be more of a problem. God, could you imagine how violent our world would be if smokers were cut off from their fixes. YIKES. I do think that there should be restrictions though to keep those who don't smoke safe from second-hand smoke.
Now, I am more against alcohol than reefer. Reefer makes people act goofy, booze makes people violent sometimes. But that is my opinion. The only vice I have is chocolate and Ben-n-Jerry's...And if they outlaw that I would become violent. ;)
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
It isn't just bad for the smoker, there is such thing as secondhand, and it kills. what is the use anyway, it doesn't taste like anything, I tried it once or twice before, that was a mistake because I found out I was allergic from everything that was in the cigarette. There is such thing as gum. And marijuana sucks too, it just kills your brain cells.
End Quote
I think everyone who says "everything should be illegal" be illegal :D
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
This Goes back to the crowbar post. I don't smoke, but I don't think smoking should be outlawed. It would be another case of the government sticking their nose where it dosen't belong. Most people that die of second hand smoke have had prolonged exposer to cigarette smoke(marying or living with a person who smokes), Which altimately was their choice. You dont die of second hand smoke if you have to sit in the smoking section at Denny's once. An example: Lets say I don't Like Cars more people die in auto accidents than from second hand smoke, so because I dont like cars, and because people die in car accidents we should Ban them, right? Smoking should be a personal choice not a public one. Although, I do think only a sleezebag would smoke around a child.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Smoking is a personal choice. As an ex-smoker, I completely disagree with you that it should be illegal. I have the right to light up if I so choose, and so should anyone else. HOWEVER, being able to sue the tobacco companies, and use health insurance to cover tobacco related illnesses should be illegal. I mean, come on. I was 14 when I started smoking, and I KNEW how bad it was for me. I chose to do it anyway, because I liked the taste, and it really did feel good to me. And you can't tell me that people who smoke do NOT know that it's bad, harmful, or addictive, no matter what the tobacco industry says. It's been proven, and those who smoke can't claim they didn't know. You make a choice, live with the consequences.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Alicia_14, you have a lot to learn about history. The last time a popular substance of bad repute was made illegal, namely alcohol, gangsters (the ones in dark coats, not the rap stars) made their own cheap booze from toxic ingredients and sold it for a profit. Meanwhile, ethical business owners with no alcohol were going further down the tubes with the Depression. And competitors to the Underworld (as the gangs were call then) were being bumped off (as in murdered, slain, etc.). It took the 21st Amendment of the Constitution to repel the 18th Amendment to the same Constitution that originally banned alcoholic drinks. You may already know this from class. That's why we should not make smoking illegal, even if the tobacco companies are putting poisons and addictive drugs in their product. Just think what today's gangster can do increase the addictive potency of cigarettes. :(
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Even if it was illegal, it's not like people who have already started are going to stop. I have learned that it's not easy to stop, and it's really addictive. Now, people could quit (like TV9 said he was an ex-smoker) but I don't think it's that easy.
Subject: I will rephrase the comment.
Since everyone is getting technical on the subject with me, and I just got through talking to my friends, I think smoking should be illegal in public places, and anyone who says it shouldn't, they are just killing everyone they are smoking in front of. I think in family restaurants it should be banned, and some bars. That is my opinion.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
That's why they have "Non- Smoking Sections".
Subject: Re: I will rephrase the comment.
Since everyone is getting technical on the subject with me, and I just got through talking to my friends, I think smoking should be illegal in public places, and anyone who says it shouldn't, they are just killing everyone they are smoking in front of. I think in family restaurants it should be banned, and some bars. That is my opinion.
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I'd have to dissagree again, Resturant and Bars are Privately owned places. Thierfore it should be up to the owner of the Bar or Resturant to allow smoking. right now you can choose to go to a place that dosen't allow smoking. If smoking becomes Illeagal in these places where is a smoker going to go? Like I said before If you go to a bar twice a week and don't smoke otherwise, your lungs will Heal. You have to be constantly exposed to a smoke filled inviroment for years in order for second hand smoke to take effect.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
I won't say it should be illegal, but it should be banned in most public places! I know many people, my Mom, included who are extremely allergic to second hand smoke! Some family friends have developed cancer from second hand smoke and NOONE in their family smokes! But they are exposed to it in the work place! Well unfortunately, most of us HAVE TO work! And people who have children should be forbidden to smoke around them! They have NO choice!
Peace,Cat Lover
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
I won't say it should be illegal, but it should be banned in most public places! I know many people, my Mom, included who are extremely allergic to second hand smoke! Some family friends have developed cancer from second hand smoke and NOONE in their family smokes! But they are exposed to it in the work place! Well unfortunately, most of us HAVE TO work! And people who have children should be forbidden to smoke around them! They have NO choice!
Peace,Cat Lover
End Quote
I'm Sorry about your friends. You're right they have to work, but they don't have to work there. I think it should be up to the Owner of the Company that they work for. I dissagree they made a choice to work in that enviroment.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Alicia_14, you have a lot to learn about history. The last time a popular substance of bad repute was made illegal, namely alcohol, gangsters (the ones in dark coats, not the rap stars) made their own cheap booze from toxic ingredients and sold it for a profit. Meanwhile, ethical business owners with no alcohol were going further down the tubes with the Depression. And competitors to the Underworld (as the gangs were call then) were being bumped off (as in murdered, slain, etc.). It took the 21st Amendment of the Constitution to repel the 18th Amendment to the same Constitution that originally banned alcoholic drinks. You may already know this from class. That's why we should not make smoking illegal, even if the tobacco companies are putting poisons and addictive drugs in their product. Just think what today's gangster can do increase the addictive potency of cigarettes. :(
End Quote
ummm yeah I know a lot about history also I was just saying what I said to be funny but I don't think ANYONE got the joke........
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
ummm yeah I know a lot about history also I was just saying what I said to be funny but I don't think ANYONE got the joke........
End Quote
I got the joke. I hate to say it, but I didn't see how JC got what he was saying out of your post. ???
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
I think J.C must have meant to direct that comment to richbeatles10.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
I have a friend who's been smoking for almost 20 years and almost every Saturday,I go over his house and we watch movies in his small room and he always has to light up a smoke with me in it and no wonder I come home smelling like a smokestack.His room literally stinks.I have to sit in his s h i t hole of a room while his 2 fans are blowing smoke everywhere around me."BLECCHH" :P -howard- :)
End Quote
You don't HAVE to do this. You choose to. He isn't holdinga gun to your head and forcing you to go to his housde and into that room to watch movies with him, is he?
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
You don't HAVE to do this. You choose to. He isn't holdinga gun to your head and forcing you to go to his housde and into that room to watch movies with him, is he?
End Quote
No.I agree with you.thing is,it's our little routine.He can't do too much anyway cause he's handicapped.He doesn't like being outside for many periods of time.He likes being in his room watching Sci-Fi shows and Horror while smoking ciggarettes and drinking loads of coffee. -howard- :)
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Mmmmmmmmmm, cigarettes and coffee.... I have to stop drooling on my keyboard...
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
I think J.C must have meant to direct that comment to richbeatles10.
End Quote
I hope so, that makes more sense than directing it at Alicia.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Regarding the person who said "Thats why they have smoking sections", the thing is, sometimes the smoke does not know to stay in the smoking section! Some establishments set their places up where the non smoking section ends, the smoking section begins at the next table! The only way that would work is with a separate room and ventalating system! And also, in the work place, what is one to do? Keep switching jobs or be on unemployment for life?
Of course, I will admit, this calls for CONSIDERATION! A considerate smoker, if in the company of others should ask, DO YOU MIND IF I SMOKE?
Peace,Cat Lover
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Shoot! I think they should make pot legal! :D Ooops. http://www.clicksmilie.de/sammlung/fragend/fragend003.gif Wrong subject. ;D j/k ;) ;) ;)
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Each state (and some cities) currently regulate their own smoking laws. In my state it is illegal for a person under the age of 18 to buy or smoke cigarettes. It is also illegal for store owners to sell them to you and they are required by law to ask everone under the age of 30 to produce ID proving they are old enough to buy cigarettes for their own use. Any adult who "buys" for someone under 18 faces a fine, or jail (if caught). This is almost the exact same law we have for alcohol, (except the drinking age is 21 in most parts of the country).
As for smoking areas in restaurants and bars, in many cases it is left up to the city to make the rule. In some cities and towns, the restaurant must have two separate rooms, and each must have separate ventilation. Other towns leave it up to the individual restaurant owner. Still other cities have banned all smoking in all "public" buildings, restaurants and bars.
I too, am one of those people who are allergic to cigarette smoke. As long as the smoker is considerate and polite about it, I have no objection to them doing so. I know how hard it is to quit, too. I am not a smoker myself, but I have watched my mother struggle to quit all my life.
She started smoking when she was 14 years old. Back then nobody knew that smoking was bad for you. She hid it from her parents only because it was not considered "ladylike" back then. She is 75 years old and she suffers from several lung diseases. She had tried just about every stop-smoking method there is, from nicotine patches, to hypnosis and everything in between. (And yes, she tried to go "cold turkey" too.) The nicotine patches almost killed her (she had an allergic reaction and her heart stopped) and everything else failed to work. She kept up each method well beyond the point when even her doctor gave up, so its not from lack of will power. And yes, she's still trying to quit.
There have been some public service spots on tv, claiming the big tobacco companies add highly addictive chemicals to the cigarettes so you can't quit, no matter how much you want to. My mother and I are convinced this is true, though neither of us has any proof.
I also think it's similar to alcoholism. Some people are genetically pre-disposed to become addicted to a substance, or substances, while others are not.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
If cigarettes were all natural tobacco then that would be one thing....
The fact is companies purposely do add chemicals and other substances/additives to their cigarettes.
Whether these additives are addicting or not should be irrelevant, considering how dangerous these substances are in their own right!
It's pretty scary:
List of Ingredients:
Known Carcinogens
aromatic amines
benzo (a) pyrene
NNK: 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone
polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons
vinyl chloride
Potential Carcinogens/Toxins
formaldehyde - Chemical Used To Embalm The Dead!!!
formic acid
hydrogen cyanide
Gases Linked to Heart Disease
carbon dioxide
carbon monoxide
Common Additives
acetic acid
alfalfa extract
apricot extract
calcium carbonate
cellulose fiber
ethyl alcohol
grape juice concentrate
tea leaf
Other interesting reads:
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Arsenic is also used in rat poison. :o :-X >:(
Has anyone else seen the PSA that shows a guy in a rat suit, gasping for breath crawling out of a subway. After everyone on the street watches him "die", the camera focuses on the sign he's been carrying that says just that: cigarettes contain arsenic, which is also used in rat poison.
I think fewer people would start smoking if they knew exactly what was in them that was so "bad for you". After all, lots of things these days are "bad for you" in one way or another.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Arsenic is also used in rat poison. :o :-X >:(
Has anyone else seen the PSA that shows a guy in a rat suit, gasping for breath crawling out of a subway. After everyone on the street watches him "die", the camera focuses on the sign he's been carrying that says just that: cigarettes contain arsenic, which is also used in rat poison.
I think fewer people would start smoking if they knew exactly what was in them that was so "bad for you". After all, lots of things these days are "bad for you" in one way or another.
End Quote
I wonder how smokers will react to the list. ???
By the way, I'm an x-smoker. I was able to quit cold-turkey after I found-out my mother developed emphysema from smoking.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
I don't have a problem with someone smoking. If that's what they want to do, fine. As long as they are considerate of others, why should anyone care?
As for the workplace, I think there should be designated areas for smoking. To suggest that non-smokers get another job to avoid smokers is a bit much, IMO. Most smokers that I know will not light up if asked not to.
For the record, I have been a former smoker for several years now. I used to smoke cigars... the little filtered ones. A pack a day, plus several Garcia Vegas. I quit cold turkey. I don't know about people being predisposed to smoking or any of that, but I know that me, my dad and one of my brothers all quit, just like that.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
That's why they have "Non- Smoking Sections".
End Quote
Non-smoking sections? Sorry, but I've yet to dine at a restaurant where the non-smoking section was "smoke free." Smoke permeates throughout the building...regardless of where you sit, you are going to inhale the smoke.
I have to agree about banning smoking in enclosed areas. I can't stand eating out, shopping, or doing anything in an enclosed area where smokers are present. Not only am I allergic to Cig. smoke, but I think it's disgusting. Smelling other people's smoke while eating spoils my appetite. Why can't some smokers be considerate of others and not light up while eating? It is too hard to ask for them to "kick the habit" for 45 minutes?
There, I vented. :)
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
By the way, inconsiderate smokers are right at the top of my pet peeve list...right after inconsiderate drivers.
Just thought I'd share that tidbit w/ you all. ;)
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
As a former smoker, I have to object to your request, Nat. After a meal is one of the most pleasurable times to have a cigarette. It's relaxing, and I can say just psychologically puts the finishing touch on the meal. By denying the smoker this, you rob THEM of their pleasure of the meal, and is that considerate to them? A compromise has to be made somewhere, but just denying the smoker's their right to smoke when they want to, and when it's pleasurable for them is not it. IMO, it's bordering on discrimination.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
OK, good, now I'm an Adelie penguin. I feel special.
Edit: Oops, I'm an idiot! I can't spell Adelie.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
As a former smoker, I have to object to your request, Nat. After a meal is one of the most pleasurable times to have a cigarette. It's relaxing, and I can say just psychologically puts the finishing touch on the meal. By denying the smoker this, you rob THEM of their pleasure of the meal, and is that considerate to them? A compromise has to be made somewhere, but just denying the smoker's their right to smoke when they want to, and when it's pleasurable for them is not it. IMO, it's bordering on discrimination.
End Quote
Well, when someone smokes while I'm eating, they are robbing me of pleasure, too. I have the right to breathe clean air when I'm in an enclosed space. There really isn't any way to compromise with this situation. Second-hand smoke is dangerous and irritating...especially to people who suffer from allergies like myself. Now, how fair is it to put someone through that just so you can "relax" after a meal?
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
List Of Cigarette Ingredients: :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
Known Carcinogens
aromatic amines
benzo (a) pyrene
nitros onormicitine
NNK: 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone
polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons
vinyl chloride
Potential Carcinogens/Toxins
formaldehyde - Chemical Used To Embalm The Dead!!!
formic acid
hydrogen cyanide
Gases Linked to Heart Disease
carbon dioxide
carbon monoxide
Common Additives
acetic acid
alfalfa extract
apricot extract
calcium carbonate
cellulose fiber
ethyl alcohol
grape juice concentrate
tea leaf
I'm still shocked by this!!! :o :o :o
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
I also wouldn't say banning cigarette smoking in enclosed areas is a form of discrimination. It's more of a health issue.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Thank you, Hairspray.
That definitely needs to be repeated.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
I must agree with Nat78 here! I am sorry, but ones health should come before one's bad habit!
Peace,Cat Lover
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
In many restaurants and buildings, public health takes precedence over pleasure/enjoyment. I have to agree with that. Smoke is a gas (toxic at that) and cannot be contained, but spreads in the atmosphere.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Like I said, there has to be a compromise. When I was smoking, I hated to be made to feel like some kind of third rate citizen just because I wanted a cigarette after a meal, or in a bar. (In Maine, they've even been banned in bars), or what have you. I personally get offended when I'm at a restaurant and see someone picking their nose. It makes me lose my appetite. But I'm not going to stop them.
Yes, there is second-hand smoke, but the amount you're getting in your 45 minutes is not enough to do you any damage. Your body will cleanse itself quickly. And if you have allergies that badly that you can have serious enough problems after 45 minutes, I'd say you need to look elsewhere to eat.
Establishments that have smoking and non-smoking sections usually do their best to filter out the smoke. Usually their at different parts of the restaurant from each other. At least, that's my experience. If the restaurants you frequent don't do a good enough job maiing sure the smoke from the smoker's section doesn't interfere with your enjoyment of your meal, tell the restaurant.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
I also wouldn't say banning cigarette smoking in enclosed areas is a form of discrimination. It's more of a health issue.
End Quote
I really don't thing its the governments call to make. If the non-smoking section is subpar at a resturant don't go back there. Restraunts and workplaces are privately owned places. The desicion should rest on the owner.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Secondhand smoke is never inconsequential. 45 minutes here, 10 minutes there,... It all builds-up to poisoning of the lungs.
Finding another place to eat to avoid breathing-in the poisons is not very practical and (as discussed before) not fair either.
Forgetting the public legalities debate here for a moment....
Do people really want to smoke acetone (nail polish remover), ammonia (strong household cleaner) and embalming fluid (used to preserve corpses for viewings/wakes)? ? ? ???
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Yes, there is second-hand smoke, but the amount you're getting in your 45 minutes is not enough to do you any damage. Your body will cleanse itself quickly. And if you have allergies that badly that you can have serious enough problems after 45 minutes, I'd say you need to look elsewhere to eat.
End Quote
Yes, but why put my body through that when it's not necessary? How 'bout this? If you have to smoke that badly, and you can't go w/o for 45 minutes, then why don't you find another place to go? Doesn't that sound ridiculous? Asking me to go someplace else because I suffer from allergies brought on by second-hand smoke is simply ludicrous.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
And thus you see why you HAVE to compromise. Why should *I* have to go elsewhere, too? And why should *I* have to inconvenience myself for *YOU*?
That's the whole point of smoking/non-smoking sections. And as I said, if your eating establishment of choice is not doing a good job of filtering for you, you need to let THEM know.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
This debate could go on forever. And one side will never convince the other. It is simply something that people have strong opinions/feelings on, like politics, abortion, and whether the toilet paper roll should be hung over or under. http://www.inthe00s.com/smilies/lechz.gif
I used to smoke, and let me tell you, non-smokers are annoying, too. I have seen them seat them selves in the marked smoking section and then complain. HELLO!!! It's gonna be even worse over there, people!! ::) That's just my little rant....and I quit cold turkey 18 months ago tomorrow, for health reasons.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Do people really want to smoke acetone (nail polish remover), ammonia (strong household cleaner) and embalming fluid (used to preserve corpses for viewings/wakes)? ? ? ???
End Quote
I know I surely don't, and I definitely don't want to be forced to breathe that stuff in through second-hand smoke.
I'll tell ya what, those Anti-Cigarrette campaign commercials are extremely effective. They scare me to death and I don't even smoke. :o
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
I'm not trying to convince anyone. Just trying to show that compromise is required. And toilet paper should go UNDER. I agree about the non-smokers, though. They sit next to you, and then gripe through the entire meal that you're smoking. Now, I usually only smoked in a restaurant after I was done eating, and then paid the check and left. But when people like this showed up, I would sit through THEIR entire meal as well, lighting up one after the other, and blowing the smoke casually out the side of my mouth in thier direction. Bad, I know, but don't come to my section and start giving crap about it.
I quit cold-turkey 2 years ago over a deal with my son. I'd quit smoking if he learned to swim by the end of the summer. he never did, but no one has let me go back to smoking. Boy do I miss it.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
And thus you see why you HAVE to compromise. Why should *I* have to go elsewhere, too? And why should *I* have to inconvenience myself for *YOU*?
That's the whole point of smoking/non-smoking sections. And as I said, if your eating establishment of choice is not doing a good job of filtering for you, you need to let THEM know.
End Quote
Sadly, TV9, I don't think there will ever be a compromise. On one side you have people (like myself) who are concerned w/ the health issues, and on the other side you have smokers who feel discriminated against if they are forced to stop smoking in enclosed areas. I can see your point of view perfectly and I understand what you are trying to say, however, nothing anyone says will sway my opinion about this. I want smoke-free restaurants, and you want the freedom to smoke wherever you choose. Sure, we butt heads on this, but what are we gonna do? There is no compromise that will make the final outcome pleasurable for the both of us. It's just not possible.
Non-smoking sections (as I stated before) are a joke. You or I choosing another place to dine because of health issues/freedom to smoke isn't a good solution, either. What compromise could you come up with to make this situation better? I'm curious. :-/
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
The Government intercedes, in some instances rightly so, in the interest of public health and safety when they formulate people aren't being responsible enough for their own general health and safety.
But a great deal of the people who lobby for changes are a main factor to consider. Lobbyists have a strong voice.
I don't agree with many of the Government's ways, but when it comes to the health and safety of people in general and especially children I have to say I wouldn't be against a law banning smoking. We must think of the children today and of tomorrow. Poison is poison. Nothing's gonna change that. Cigarette smoke is just a smaller version of smog.
Smog = Air Pollution, Poisonous Haze, Chemical Mist, Dirty Air
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
But when people like this showed up, I would sit through THEIR entire meal as well, lighting up one after the other, and blowing the smoke casually out the side of my mouth in thier direction. End Quote
Now that's a pretty crappy thing to do!
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Is it really? And isn't it crappy for them to deliberately come into the smoking section and then gripe about me smoking?!?
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Is it really? And isn't it crappy for them to deliberately come into the smoking section and then gripe about me smoking?!?
End Quote
Well, it may be irritating, but at least they aren't polluting the air w/ harmful toxins. There's a big difference between hearing someone's gripes and inhaling someone's smoke.
People piss me off all the time, but that doesn't mean I'm going to hurt them out of spite.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
By the way, TV9, have you come up w/ any compromises yet?
As a sidenote, this is the best thread I've been on since I've been here. I'm a natural-born debater, and I'm having a blast with this topic.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
By the way, TV9, have you come up w/ any compromises yet?
As a sidenote, this is the best thread I've been on since I've been here. I'm a natural-born debater, and I'm having a blast with this topic.
End Quote
He's already compromised for all us non-smokers. He cant smoke in Public buildings, on airplanes, in dept stores or Shopping Malls. Come to think of it, Bars and some resturants are the only places he still can smoke. And you guys want the goverment to take those places away to.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
First off, the smokers whined about being put in designated areas....now it's MY turn....Throwing those stinking Butts all over the place.....now THAT should be illegal....oh wait, littering IS. Also, why do people in prison get the "Privilage" to smoke and yet nobody gets to drink? Hypocrisy runs amuck!
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Well, it may be irritating, but at least they aren't polluting the air w/ harmful toxins. There's a big difference between hearing someone's gripes and inhaling someone's smoke.
People piss me off all the time, but that doesn't mean I'm going to hurt them out of spite.
End Quote
It has nothing to do with irritating. It has to do with people coming in there when there are seats available in the non-smoking section, and then making a fuss about the smoking in an attempt to make a point. They have no business doing it, and it's crappy of them. At least my actions aren't lastingly harmful, and it must not bother them too badly if they go ionto the smoking section to eat in the first place when there's space in ther NON-smoking section. IMHO, they deserve what they get for trying to start a problem.
As for a compromise, the only way it can work fairly for all concerned is to hava lobby in the restaurant as you enter, Olive Garden style. Have one side for smokers, one side for non-smokers. Have a door, not just a doorway, into each side, with air scrubbers in both the smoking section and the lobby. That's about as neat as it gets. Until restaurants do it, there's no alternative but for both smokers and non-smokers to either deal with the situation as it is, or find new places to go.
And, for the record, I did not smoke around children in enclosed spaces, with the rare the exception of my 1 cigarette after a meal at a restaurant. If the restauarnt had children anywhere near me, i smoked outside after my meal. At home I ALWAYS smoked outside.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
And you guys want the goverment to take those places away to.
End Quote
No one smokes in Star Wars! ;)
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
No one smokes in Star Wars! ;)
End Quote
Didn't Jabba the hut have some sort of pipe? Maybe I'm remembering wrong,
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
No one smokes in Star Wars! ;)
End Quote
What about Deathsticks? heh heh, couldn't resist...
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
What about Deathsticks? heh heh, couldn't resist...
End Quote
Oh yea.... ;D
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Hey, I spent a lot of time typing these elaborate posts for this thread and no one paid any attention to any of them. :-[
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Hey, I spent a lot of time typing these elaborate posts for this thread and no one paid any attention to any of them. :-[End Quote
I read Every single one of them. Even when you cut and pasted the cigarette Ingredience twice.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
It has nothing to do with irritating. It has to do with people coming in there when there are seats available in the non-smoking section, and then making a fuss about the smoking in an attempt to make a point. They have no business doing it, and it's crappy of them. At least my actions aren't lastingly harmful, and it must not bother them too badly if they go ionto the smoking section to eat in the first place when there's space in ther NON-smoking section. IMHO, they deserve what they get for trying to start a problem.
End Quote
Well, people who do that are crap starters anyway. If there are seats available in the non-smoking section and they opt for seats in the smoking section, then they're the type of people who thrive on dissension. I have no respect for people like that.
My concerns are first and foremost health related. I'm not voicing my opinion to piss people off, I'm doing it because I'm concerned about my health and the health of others around me.
Restaurants like Olive Garden aren't fool proof, either. I don't know if this is the standard setup for Olive Gardens, but the ones down here have a bar smack dab in between the smoking/non-smoking section. So, not only is the smoke from the smoking section permeating throughout the building, the smoke from the bar is as well. Even w/ air scrubbers, smoke still gets through.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
I'm sorry Hairspray. Those were really informative posts. If I was still smoking, they'd make me stop for a minute to think. Not that they'd stop me, just for a minute. Unfortunately, I think most smokers don't care what's in them. I knew it was bad, it was dangerous. I still know it. I know it's a slow kill. But I loved it. I miss it. If I could go back to it right now without a hassle from family, friends, and employers, I'd do it.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Hey, I spent a lot of time typing these elaborate posts for this thread and no one paid any attention to any of them. :-I did ;) Also nobody has responded to MY latest :'(
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
I never smoked and I never will smoke. My dad was a heavy two-pack-a-day smoker until he quit about 15 years ago. (I had to put up with him.) I can't stand cigarette smoke myself. Of course, I always said that if they outlaw cigarettes, then only outlaws will have cigarettes…
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Restaurants like Olive Garden aren't fool proof, either. I don't know if this is the standard setup for Olive Gardens, but the ones down here have a bar smack dab in between the smoking/non-smoking section. So, not only is the smoke from the smoking section permeating throughout the building, the smoke from the bar is as well. Even w/ air scrubbers, smoke still gets through.
End Quote
Well, I'm not saying EXACTLY like Olive Garden. I'm saying Olive Garden style. OG doesn't use doors, just walkways. They don't have windows in areas which allow smoke to get through. My idea WOULD have these things. It CAN work, it's just not likely to be seen, as it represents higher expense for the restauranteur.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Hey, I spent a lot of time typing these elaborate posts for this thread and no one paid any attention to any of them. :-[End Quote
HS, I have paid attention to each post you've written. I've agreed w/ everything you've said, and I appreciate your insight on this matter. It's always nice to have facts to back up your statements, and you have provided wonderful information.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
First off, the smokers whined about being put in designated areas....now it's MY turn....Throwing those stinking Butts all over the place.....now THAT should be illegal....oh wait, littering IS. Also, why do people in prison get the "Privilage" to smoke and yet nobody gets to drink? Hypocrisy runs amuck!
End Quote
I don't whine about being put in desgnated areas. I whine about those areas being taken away.
I tried to put my butts in containers, or my ashtray. Or on the photocopier.... oops, wrong butt...
I believe, at least in Maine, prisoners are not allowed to smoke anymore.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
After four years of non-smoking..I started the habit again in March of 2001. Now after my latest bout of bronchitas....and not smoking for 3 days..I am hoping that I will be smoke free forever more. I cannot stand this sick feeling and the feeling of being out of breath when I walk up my stairs because of the yuk that is in my chest. And while I sit here coughing and trying to breath....yes I am jonesing for a smoke..since this is where I usually sat and smoked the most
But if I can hold out...I am gonna try to kick it once again....and stay "on the wagon" But as far as making it illegal..then no....that is not for the government to get into. Each person is has their God given right to choose what they want to do..and I chose to smoke..and now after being sick all the time..I am choosing to quit. It is that simple.
As far as non-smokers and resturants...I live in a little po-dink town...but we have plenty of non-smoking establishments....and I am sure you do...so take your God given right and go to them instead!!!!
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Thanks guys! http://www.clicksmilie.de/sammlung/liebe/liebe041.gif
So, as "Yoda" would say: More to say, have we?
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
I feel like I'm going to make royalty off this one thread alone, and I don't even smoke anymore!
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
This Post has Only been on here for a few hours, but almost has 70 posts. Is that a record?
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
After four years of non-smoking..I started the habit again in March of 2001. Now after my latest bout of bronchitas....and not smoking for 3 days..I am hoping that I will be smoke free forever more. I cannot stand this sick feeling and the feeling of being out of breath when I walk up my stairs because of the yuk that is in my chest. And while I sit here coughing and trying to breath....yes I am jonesing for a smoke..since this is where I usually sat and smoked the most
End Quote
I hope you feel better soon! Buy lots of gum and chew, chew, chew. Btw, did you see wht's inside them cigs? :o
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
See! I can't even type right anymore this thread's gone-on for so long in one sitting. I need a stretch! ;)
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
I love this thread. I made Adelie penguin status on this thread (I spelled it right this time).
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
I hope you feel better soon! Buy lots of gum and chew, chew, chew. Btw, did you see wht's inside them cigs? :o
End Quote
Thanks Hair!! I think I just about have the sickness beat!!
And along with the gum I get those huge jolly rancher watermelon flavored sticks to suck on. Or straws...those help too....
Yeah I scanned through the list...and not to rain on your parade....but last spring when I went to see my sis, goldie..her youngest, Jason found out I was smoking again...well he gave me that list plus a few graphic pictures they had just studied in school!! He did not talk to me for 2 days...(even though my hubby smoked..and even did when I stopped....I got the 3rd degree!!!) I have been telling him for a year now that I am gonna stop..so here it is...when I see him next week in person..I hope to be able to tell him that his pissant (what he calls me) has NOW once and for all...stopped!!!!!
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
...I hope to be able to tell him that his pissant (what he calls me) has NOW once and for all...stopped!!!!!
End Quote
Well good. :)
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Thanks Hair!! I think I just about have the sickness beat!!
Yeah I scanned through the list...and not to rain on your parade....but last spring when I went to see my sis, goldie..her youngest, Jason found out I was smoking again...well he gave me that list plus a few graphic pictures they had just studied in school!! He did not talk to me for 2 days...(even though my hubby smoked..and even did when I stopped....I got the 3rd degree!!!) I have been telling him for a year now that I am gonna stop..so here it is...when I see him next week in person..I hope to be able to tell him that his pissant (what he calls me) has NOW once and for all...stopped!!!!!
End Quote
And you know that will be the best birthday present for him!! btw, you didn't forget his birthday, did you??
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Oh no! It looks like this thread has slowed down. Where's everyone?
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
And you know that will be the best birthday present for him!! btw, you didn't forget his birthday, did you??
End Quote
NO!!!! I did not forget...it will be his turn at walmart..or his store of choosing....just like Justin!!!!!!!!! I was gonna say I would give him my cig lighter (to prove I stopped)...but I will re-think that one!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D ;D
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Nothing more being posted, I guess. Maybe we covered all the bases?
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Nothing more being posted, I guess. Maybe we covered all the bases?
End Quote
Yeah, we must've. I guess we've all given our two cents worth.
I guess all good things must come to an end at some point.
Now, who is willing to post the next debatable topic?
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
L:et's go with the toilet paper one -- Over or Under...
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
L:et's go with the toilet paper one -- Over or Under...
End Quote
I can solve that one!! I bought some Quilted Northern the other day with hearts and flowers stamped into it...the only way for it (the stamps) to be right side up was OVER...not Under!!!
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
The only right way is over! If I could only convince the others in this house of that.... ;)
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
L:et's go with the toilet paper one -- Over or Under...
End Quote
You know what? For being as anal retentive (no pun intended) as I am, I don't think I've ever been concerned with the direction of the tp. If I HAD to choose, though, I think I would prefer over...it just seems more natural.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Definitely over! If I find that someone in the house has put the roll on upside down, I always have to change it. I don't know why... :-/
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
On the subject of toilet paper,over is best otherwise it drags along the wall when you pull some off!As to smoking, I too am an ex-smoker. I do hate cigerette smoke about when I eat I have to say.However, I have to add, for all the concerns about passive smoking poisoning nonsmokers what about all the chemicals and crap you breathe every day that is pumped into the atmosphere from factories etc. Believe it or not some places in America have the worst polution in the world,worse than countries like India now thats worth thinking about too..........
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Over, of course! Toilet paper (or paper towels, for that matter) was not designed to be under, especially those with printed designs on them! (Anyway, who would want to use colored toilet paper?) The printed designs do not show when it is under. And if it is under, I always turn it over. Under just doesn't look right to me.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
*checks TP*...over..YES!!
This is a goofy debate, yet I often wondered. :P
Quoting:I can solve that one!! I bought some Quilted Northern the other day with hearts and flowers stamped into it...the only way for it (the stamps) to be right side up was OVER...not Under!!! End Quote
Makes sense! ;)
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
This just proves how hot the smoking debate is in America right now. I'm non-commital on this since I don't smoke, but nobody wants another Prohibition-like conflagration like the 20s and 30s.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
I'm not trying to convince anyone. Just trying to show that compromise is required. And toilet paper should go UNDER.
End Quote
Compromise is good, but the toilet paper has to go OVER!
Here in Utah it is illegal to smoke in any public building. You need to be at least 25 feet from the door. It sure does solve the whole smoking/non smoking section problem. You can smoke in bars or private clubs, though. A couple of bars have opened that are smoke free...it is amazing how many people complained about this. Just go to a different bar.
It is funny to go to a concert though. The arena is supposed to be smoke free. You go to the designated smoking patio, and hardly anyone is there (out of 20,000 people) But when the lights come back on after the show...all you can see is haze. There was one usher trying to get people to put out cigarettes. He reminded me of a bug caught in a trap door spider trap.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
As far as the TP question, it's usually a matter of personal taste. Dear Abby dealt with the question last year, and it raged for months. Most people were of the mind that if you have small children or cats who like to unroll the stuff, you should hang it "under" to cut down on the possibility of the whole roll being undone and wasted. The point was also made of one particular brand (I forget which) that could not be hung "over" because to do so would cause it to wind itself tighter on the roll.
A final thought on the smoking issue. Both sides have excellent points, and IMO, both side have rights. It all comes down to a compromise that everyone can agree on.
One example comes to mind. Since my employer is a food manufacturer, local heath codes forbid smoking in the building. The boss has allowed us to come up with our own designated smoking area(s). In summer it is on the roof of the receiving bay. It is on the far side of the building from the food area; in winter the smoking areaon the edge of the receiving bay because the door is constantly being opened for deliveries, creating ventilation.
During breaks, I usually join the smokers for the social aspect of the break. I enjoy talking to my friends. They know I have allergies and athsma, so they make a point of knowing which direction their smoke is drifting, and stand or sit so that the smoke drifts away from me. Everyone is happy.
Ours is a very small company, but if everyone could learn to work together like we did, there could be fewer arguments (at least one would like to think that).
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
personally I hate smoking, but if a person wants to put their life at risk, it's up to them. my grandma died of lung cancer last year and she smoked for 40 years :'( after that I said to myself that I'd never give into peer pressure and light up. and I haven't started yet.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
personally I hate smoking, but if a person wants to put their life at risk, it's up to them. my grandma died of lung cancer last year and she smoked for 40 years :'( after that I said to myself that I'd never give into peer pressure and light up. and I haven't started yet.
End Quote
Mad props to you, Natski.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Mad props to you, Natski.
End Quote
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
My friend Robert will never stop smoking.He tells me that he has over 100 packs of ciggarrettes hidden.and he keeps buying more and more.plus his room is a danger zone.He has all these TV,stereo,word processor wires all tangled up and if one ash falls,his room will blow up to smithereens and he won't be able to get out of his room in time,cause he's handicapped and it will be hard for him to evacuate.Man,he's lived a hard life.I feel sorry for him and his mother who has asthma and osteoporois. -howard- :)
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
L:et's go with the toilet paper one -- Over or Under...
End Quote
LOL!! I meant that as a joke, but I'll answer: I don't care, as long as there is toilet paper there to use!!!! Besides, I can always flip so it's OVER while I sit there, right? ;)
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
After going into the bathroom and seeing the roll of tp on TOP of the roller instead of on it.....right now I don't care which way it is turned...just put it on the #$%^&*@ roller!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:( >:( >:(
And the crappy thing about it....the old roll was taken off the roller.....but the new roll just could NOT be put on I guess!!!!!!!!!
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
After going into the bathroom and seeing the roll of tp on TOP of the roller instead of on it.....right now I don't care which way it is turned...just put it on the #$%^&*@ roller!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:( >:( >:(
And the crappy thing about it....the old roll was taken off the roller.....but the new roll just could NOT be put on I guess!!!!!!!!!
End Quote
Have my boys been to your house? I thought that they only did that here!!! ;D
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Have my boys been to your house? I thought that they only did that here!!! ;D
End Quote
Hey, one of the perks of being the "cool" aunt..not the "boring" mom....I can get them to do anything for me...include replace the tp....now my father in law?....HE is another thing!!!
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
After going into the bathroom and seeing the roll of tp on TOP of the roller instead of on it.....right now I don't care which way it is turned...just put it on the #$%^&*@ roller!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:( >:( >:(
End Quote
Can't do that in my house. The dummy who designed the place chose to place the roller so far back on the wall you actually have to reach behind you to get at the tissue. Or stand on your head. I'm always cracking my elbows on the #$$%^^& thing, while reaching for it, so I just gave up, and keep the tissue on the windowsill.
I rent, so I can't just go out an buy a new roller, and install it where I want it. I must get the landlord to do it for me, or get written permission from them to do it myself. I'm just not aggrivated enough to go through all that. I'm shopping around for one of those free-standing holders that I've seen in the catalogs.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
well, we have no convenient place to put a tp dispenser, so we just set it on a shelf behind the toilet. if we did have one, i'd say over.
as for smoking...i am a smoker and i prefer to smoke outside or in my car. i have no problem not smoking when someone politely asks me not to, but i will give attitude to people who are rude about it. i don't mind not smoking until after my meal...i think it's kinda rude and gross to smoke when those with me are trying to eat, so i usually wait til after. i despise smoking in front of children, indoors or out, because they're children, for the love of god. in most cases, a child can't leave a situation like that without a parent and the parent will leave when he/she wants to. this is not to dis parents who take their children to places where smoking is permitted (unless those parents are the smokers in question). it is only to say that children can't make the choice to leave like an adult can. i also think it's rotten to take a child (especially tiny babies) to the smoking section. i don't like people who tell me i'm wrong for smoking because it's my personal choice to smoke and i dislike anyone trying to impose any of their personal choices on me. i know exactly how bad cigarettes are for me and i don't need someone telling me that i shouldn't be smoking because of that. it's MY choice and for the most part i feel that at least i try to be responsible with that choice in that i will refrain if asked, if in front of children and i don't put up a fuss if an establishment i'm at doesn't permit it. i mostly smoke alone or with other smokers. if everyone, both smokers and non-smokers could be polite about their requests of the other, i think we could come closer to resolving at least part of this issue. it doesn't have to come to banning smoking. but that's an ideaslist solution that, like communism, would only work in theory.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
First off, the smokers whined about being put in designated areas....now it's MY turn....Throwing those stinking Butts all over the place.....now THAT should be illegal....
End Quote
This coming from a guy who throws mashed potatoes at birds pecking around the elementary school! I know, the birds eat the stuff, but still..... ;)
I smoke, and I try to be as considerate as I can, but I am with TV9 when I say that please, stay out of my smoking section if you don't like smoke....to do otherwise, and then to b i t c h about it, shows a lack of class.
I also cannot tolerate the people who make a fuss about my smoking when I am in a designated section that is OUTSIDE!!!!
Please, folks,trying to make me feel bad when I am going by the rules and outdoors to boot - bite me! Showing your displeasure by waving your arms around like a crazed goose just makes me crack up- and you really look silly doing it.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Whew! I can't believe I read the whoooooole thing.
I smoke. Two cigarettes a day, maybe three, all outside on the balcony before I go to bed, but I smoke. I believe a non-smoker's rights are of a higher priority than mine in undesignated areas, but I'm with Panda and Banasy... don't wander onto the smoking patio and stand there going, "Eeeeeeew, smoke!" If you're really worried about your health, you won't breathe in enough air to continue griping. If you stand/sit there drawing attention to what discomfort you've put yourself in, it just proves you're an idiot.
And BTW, never in front of kids. More than the health, I don't want anybody thinking maybe it's a good idea... you know, being the role model that I am...
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Can't do that in my house. The dummy who designed the place chose to place the roller so far back on the wall you actually have to reach behind you to get at the tissue. Or stand on your head. I'm always cracking my elbows on the #$$%^^& thing, while reaching for it, so I just gave up, and keep the tissue on the windowsill.
I rent, so I can't just go out an buy a new roller, and install it where I want it. I must get the landlord to do it for me, or get written permission from them to do it myself. I'm just not aggrivated enough to go through all that. I'm shopping around for one of those free-standing holders that I've seen in the catalogs.
End Quote
Try Lillian Vernon ( I think) My mom's powder room holder broke and instead of tearing up the wall to replace it..she bought a "bathroom butler"!! He is this cute little butler with a white towel over one arm and his other hand up in the air...palm up..to hold the roll!! We all think it is cute, but my paps says he can't stand to go and "p" and have someone standing there STARING at him!!! ::)
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Try Lillian Vernon ( I think) My mom's powder room holder broke and instead of tearing up the wall to replace it..she bought a "bathroom butler"!! He is this cute little butler with a white towel over one arm and his other hand up in the air...palm up..to hold the roll!! We all think it is cute, but my paps says he can't stand to go and "p" and have someone standing there STARING at him!!! ::)
End Quote
I think that's where I've seen them, too. I've also seen a plain brass one. I'm just looking to see if I can buy one locally cheaper, first.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Try Lillian Vernon ( I think) My mom's powder room holder broke and instead of tearing up the wall to replace it..she bought a "bathroom butler"!! He is this cute little butler with a white towel over one arm and his other hand up in the air...palm up..to hold the roll!! We all think it is cute, but my paps says he can't stand to go and "p" and have someone standing there STARING at him!!! ::)
End Quote
Your dad is right...that would sooo disgruntle me!
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
...oy, I missed this one by a loooooong shot, but I remember this girl passenger lighting up in my car. I turned to face her and sneezed like a buffalo all over her :o We almost hit a house!
Tarzan Boy
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Aw, shoot, I forgot to say this. I've read all of this thread and nobody mentioned the fact that cigarrette smoking causes impotence in males :D (so does alcohol :D :D and the other assorted drugs :D :D :D ).
Tarzan Boy
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Where I live it's illegal to smoke in restaurants and on railway stations and in the enclosed areas of sporting arenas. Shopping malls have banned it as well. All eating areas in places that still allow smoking such as clubs, hotels and bars have to be smoke-free. No lighting up after a big hearty meal here! Heh heh.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Most people that die of second hand smoke have had prolonged exposer to cigarette smoke(marying or living with a person who smokes), Which altimately was their choice. End Quote
I have to disagree -- their children do not have this choice.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
This is one of the few topics I will really raise a stink about. No, I don't think smoking should be illegal. Yes, a smoker has the right to choose to smoke, free country and all. BUT, beyond the second hand smoke issue, someone's smoking is so much more far reaching. Both of my parents died from smoking related lung cancer. My Dad three years ago and my Mom just a year ago this past Friday. My sister and I held our Dad's hands while he took his last breath. My Mom (not my sis's Mom) had a tumor around her pulmonary artery. It finally eroded away into her lungs. Her lungs filled with blood and she basically drowned and coded(stoped breathing,heart stoped). They brought her back with CPR so she could slowly bleed to death over the next hour. I didn't make it to the hospital before she coded so there were no "goodbyes" no "I love yous". Before you light up the next cigarette, forget about yourself and think about how it affects your family and friends. My beautiful triplets have no Grandparents now and won't ever know what that's like.
Ok, my whining is over with. :-X
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
.... :o....
But you make it sound so BAD....
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
.... :o....
But you make it sound so BAD....
End Quote
A good spanking for that one, Davester! ;) :D
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Aw, shoot, I forgot to say this. I've read all of this thread and nobody mentioned the fact that cigarrette smoking causes impotence in males :D (so does alcohol :D :D and the other assorted drugs :D :D :D ).
Tarzan Boy
End Quote
I read that over enough time that it can make the penis shrink...is that ok?....can I say penis? !!!! ;) ;D
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
oh no..I did read that smoking causes the penis to shrink..I can prove it....just meet my soon to be ex hubby!!!!!
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
TB..no kissing and telling...I have a right here to dis the @sshole....K? !!! ;)
And if I say it made his shrink..it did...cuz I am sure he is one of the lurkers here all the time.....and this is my way to say...KISS MY ARSE!!!!! :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
A good spanking for that one, Davester! ;) :D
End Quote
That was an insensitive attempt at humor on my part, and I apologize to TripsMom.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
No offense taken. ;)
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
This Goes back to the crowbar post. I don't smoke, but I don't think smoking should be outlawed. It would be another case of the government sticking their nose where it dosen't belong. Most people that die of second hand smoke have had prolonged exposer to cigarette smoke(marying or living with a person who smokes), Which altimately was their choice. You dont die of second hand smoke if you have to sit in the smoking section at Denny's once. An example: Lets say I don't Like Cars more people die in auto accidents than from second hand smoke, so because I dont like cars, and because people die in car accidents we should Ban them, right? Smoking should be a personal choice not a public one. End Quote
Here Here, exactly my sentiments.
I hate drinking. I despise alcoholics/drunks who dress themselves up as mere "partiers". I hate that this has been epidemic for some 30-odd years now, and no-one cares because they're all "partying"! No one brings this up as a real social problem. But it would still be asinine to outlaw alcohol. It didn't work before, and it just plain ain't common sense or right to make such silly personal-choice things into crimes, as if they were robbery or murder.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
I think smoking should be illegal.
I smoke, thinking should be illegal :D
I don't really smoke...still I sometimes don't Think either! ;)
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
I think smoking should be illegal.
I smoke, thinking should be illegal :D
I don't really smoke...still I sometimes don't Think either! ;)
End Quote
Yeah, but you're hittin' those twelve-packs again as you post, aren't cha? ;)
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
I just read this whole thread all the way thru (yeah, okay, I'm bored... ::) ). I only have to add that I have never ever smoked a cigarette in my life. Never even tried one. I just couldn't see the point -- I mean, it's not like you can get high off of one! ::) Anybody else? ???
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
I just read this whole thread all the way thru (yeah, okay, I'm bored... ::) ). I only have to add that I have never ever smoked a cigarette in my life. Never even tried one. I just couldn't see the point -- I mean, it's not like you can get high off of one! ::) Anybody else? ???
End Quote
Yah, I've never picked up smoking. Although, I have live with people that smoke, and it hasn't been a good expierience, the whole place smelled like cigarettes, and they would never empty thier ashtrays, and smoke in the bathroom, wich I thought was kind of ridiculous, I kept my uniforms at work so they wouldn't smell like smoke.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Yah, I've never picked up smoking. Although, I have live with people that smoke, and it hasn't been a good expierience, the whole place smelled like cigarettes, and they would never empty thier ashtrays, and smoke in the bathroom, wich I thought was kind of ridiculous, I kept my uniforms at work so they wouldn't smell like smoke.
End Quote
Alright Screwball! Maybe we should start a never-smoked-a-cig-in-our lives club! :D Any others?
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Alright Screwball! Maybe we should start a never-smoked-a-cig-in-our lives club! :D Any others?
End Quote
Well maybe I could be an associate member.
Tried it once - couldn't stand it - for the life of me can't understand how anyone else can stand it...
FB :-/
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
I've never tried one either.
My parents were both heavy smokers, and I could never understand why they kept doing it, when they would both have long, drawn-out coughing fits every single day. I was too young to understand how addicting it is.
I have athsma now, and while it is mostly triggered by plant pollen ( I have absolutely no symptoms at all in winter), it always gets a bit worse when a heavy smoker comes to my place for a visit.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Hmm... this is a very subjective subject indeed.
I don't think that smoking should be made illegal in all circumstances. I would like it to be, as there is absolutely nothing redeeming about it. It kills your lungs, wastes your money, and makes all your stuff smell. However, people do many strange things that others may not necessarily think are worth doing, so...
I believe trying to make cigarettes (and smoking in general) illegal on the grounds of overall societal and personal unpleasantness won't work.
However, there are some facts to look at and comparisons to be made and considerations as to how those things that are compared to smoking are handled by the government.
Smoking, for all intents and purposes, can be safely compared to defecating or urinating. It involves the expulsion of some sort of another from the body, smells bad, and does not promote a sanitary environment. In our country, people have the right to relieve themselves when nature calls, but they aren't allowed to do it wherever they feel would be most convenient. So I believe it should be with smoking. As was stated previously, in private establishments such as restaurants and homes, the decision to allow patrons of said establishments to smoke should be left to the proprieters, as it is their call and their responsibility to make sure they attract the demographic they desire. They are doing us a courtesy to have a non-smoking section (or smoking section) at all.
So, bottom line is this: I believe smoking should be made illegal in all the places that other similar types of behaviour are.
Thanks for reading.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
I've never tried one either.
My parents were both heavy smokers, and I could never understand why they kept doing it, when they would both have long, drawn-out coughing fits every single day. I was too young to understand how addicting it is.
End Quote
This is exactly why I don't smoke. Just add my sister to the mom and dad list. I used to wake up in the mornings and all three of them would be hacking up a lung. I never understood why they enjoyed smoking. ::) I like to wake up not coughing. Maybe I am just weird.
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Smoking, for all intents and purposes, can be safely compared to defecating or urinating. It involves the expulsion of some sort of another from the body, smells bad, and does not promote a sanitary environment. In our country, people have the right to relieve themselves when nature calls, but they aren't allowed to do it wherever they feel would be most convenient.
So, bottom line is this: I believe smoking should be made illegal in all the places that other similar types of behaviour area.
End Quote
Hmmmm-This is an interesting way to look at it. I like it! ;)
Next time I see someone put a cigarette in their mouth it's going to take on a whole new "look". Yuck! :P
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
Okay. Something else I was thinking of. Here's a quote to get an idea of my angle.
Here Here, exactly my sentiments.
I hate drinking. I despise alcoholics/drunks who dress themselves up as mere "partiers". I hate that this has been epidemic for some 30-odd years now, and no-one cares because they're all "partying"! No one brings this up as a real social problem. But it would still be asinine to outlaw alcohol. It didn't work before, and it just plain ain't common sense or right to make such silly personal-choice things into crimes, as if they were robbery or murder. End Quote
My rant is on the subject of personal choice and freedom & responsibility. It would indeed be asinine (hehe... did you know that this word really means to look or act like an a*s?) to outlaw alcohol. I don't believe that in this case it would solve anything--just as in the case of smoking. However, I wouldn't rely too much on common sense *or* right to defend "silly personal-choice things".
As far as common sense goes, I've found that it's not very "common". In a societal sense, there are really only very broad brush strokes that can be used (such as looking both ways before you cross the street or stopping when the traffic light turns red--both which, by the standards of today's, appears to be increasingly archaic and unnecessary activities).
We must keep in mind that "common" sense is only shared with people who have shared that common experience. It may be common sense to me to make sure that the water line is off before repairing the faucet, but for someone who has never been faced with that circumstance, it is hardly common knowledge.
Also, people do some "personal-choice things" that do harm to our environment. Are there really any choices that we make in our life that don't, because of either our absence or presence in a situation, change what would happen in someone else's life?
With freedom (externally granted or innate) comes responsibility. Just because we have the freedom to do something does not mean it is a proper thing to do. Social drinking and smoking are often popular examples of "personal choice" decisions. But chain-smoking in a house with a family inside it, or drinking gallons of your favourite lager at a pub, there are as limited in their damage to others as is making the personal choice to shoot someone or to hit someone.
Anyway, I would love to write more, and I will do so after I go to work.
Fun thread, richbeatles10!
Subject: Re: I think smoking should be illegal.
This thread is 9 pages!! :o If I was to read all the posts I would need some pot. ;D
IMO, if you want to smoke pot, you should be allowed to. :)
I have tried pot. I got a nice high from it and I would smoke it again if I was with some friends who were doing it. :)