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Subject: Tan Lines
A friend of mine from here...no names metioned....would like to know...since we are in the middle of tanning season...when you tan...do you tan in the buff..or do you wear something....this is referring to tanning booths!!! (or outside...if you are willing to admit it!!!)
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
When I tan in the tanning bed, I tan in the buff. But if I'm outdoor, I wear my swimsuit. My neighbors are too close to be out there in my birthday suit!!
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
Tan? What's that?
Okay, normally I tan in cut off jeans or trunks. Never in the buff... i wouldn't want to get anything burned!! :o
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
Wear a sock..and I don't mean on your feet!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
Wear a sock..and I don't mean on your feet!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o
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A sock? Hey! What gutter was your mind in? I was talking about my fingers!! ;D
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
well then I will give you a pair of mittens!!!!!!!!!!! :o :o ::)
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
I tan in the buff while in the tanning bed. I tan w/ a bikini when I'm outdoors, of course! ;)
When I'm on my stomach tanning my back I sometimes untie my swim top so I won't have any lines. I'm very paranoid about that, though, so I usually can't relax when I'm outdoors tanning.
I try not to tan too much...I don't want to look like I'm 50 at 24.
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
A friend of mine from here...no names metioned....would like to know...since we are in the middle of tanning season...when you tan...do you tan in the buff..or do you wear something....this is referring to tanning booths!!! (or outside...if you are willing to admit it!!!)
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Cricket, you started this thread but didn't bother to tell us what you wear!! Are you gonna share or what?
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
Well, I only tanned in the tanning booth when I worked for Rapture at her shop, but I did wear bikini bottoms. Why? Well, I think my husband liked the thought of being the only one to ever have the priviledge of seeing the 'untanned' parts. LOL He never admitted it, but when I told him it was time to go to the next step, he almost had a fit. LOL!!! He's the sweetest man alive, next to my son. ;)
I don't tan outside (on purpose) so I guess you could say that I wear shorts and a tank top. :)
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
Cricket, you started this thread but didn't bother to tell us what you wear!! Are you gonna share or what?
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I tan in a sun capsule..which you stand up in..and yes..I am in the buff...spread eagle..to get the over all tan...
and if I had the chance to sun bathe naked outside I would...but my outside deck is not so private anymore with a house being built a couple of acres away from me!! So I try to get my tan in a bed..or at the lake with my suit on!!
Happy now!!!!! ;)
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
and yes..I am in the buff...spread eagle..
and if I had the chance to sun bathe naked outside I would...
Happy now!!!!! ;)
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Well, it doesn't do anything for me, (;)) but how many guys do you think will see any further than what I just quoted? LOL!! There will be a lot of imagination surfers reading that today. LOL
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
maybe I need to re-word that then..in the stand up bed you have to be spread eagle to get the wrap around tan...so you don't get tan lines. And I used to bathe on my deck...but my neighborhood has grown..so I would not do anything to offend....
or would I? !!!! ::)
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
I was in the stand up bed one time. I got so overheated that I almost passed out. I don't think I ate before I went, so I was weak. Do you get weak when you stand up in the bed?
Have you guys heard about the sunless "spray paint" tan? They have a salon down here that actually has some sort of spray tan stuff that is professionally applied by a person. The tan is supposed to look really natural, it's better for your skin and it lasts for a month. I've never known anyone to have it done? Have you?
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
I was in the stand up bed one time. I got so overheated that I almost passed out. I don't think I ate before I went, so I was weak. Do you get weak when you stand up in the bed?
Have you guys heard about the sunless "spray paint" tan? They have a salon down here that actually has some sort of spray tan stuff that is professionally applied by a person. The tan is supposed to look really natural, it's better for your skin and it lasts for a month. I've never known anyone to have it done? Have you?
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The stand up bed I am in has a 15mph fan in it and I NEVER get hot..it is SO much better than the regular lay down beds to me.....
The Sun Mist is a spray that covers your body...but is it a "fake" tan and will wash off in 7-10 days...you have to keep getting touch ups...(at 20-25 dollars a session)....but even then..there is the chance of streaking and the "fake" look
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
Here on the Wet Coast of Canada we don't tan....we rust...
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
Being English I start the summer a pale blue colour and end it a pasty white,You could be blinded by the glare that comes of my legs in the sun!! Seriously I've never used a sunbed and I can only handle lying in the sun for about half an hour max before I'm hot and bothered and bored.
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
I know what you mean - I tried one of those sunbeds, once, and didn't like it at all. How people can stay under those things for a whole hour, I do not know! Ten minutes was enough for me. It could be that the macintosh and jumper were a bit too thick, but it's what I usually wear in the summer ::)
PS Joke nicked from Billy Connolly ;-)
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
PS Joke nicked from Billy Connolly ;-)
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True,but he did put it so well!
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
The last time I went on holiday to Florida everyone kept asking me if I was ill because I was so pale.Actually I've even been asked that in this coutry too!?! I'm just 'pale and interesting' ;D
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
When I used to tan (yes, on the West Coast of Canada), I always made a point of having an even tan all over my body. I'd wear a bikini at the beach and when I went swimming, then I'd tan nude in a tanning bed to get rid of my tan lines.
I haven't tanned in many years, now, but I was actually considering it this year. I'm not quite sure whether I'm going to worry about tan lines, though. So I've actually been wondering...
What's your preference, guys... Tan lines (and where), or none?
Most of the women I've been hanging out with recently are tanned on top, but with gstring lines below. They're also exotic dancers, though, and they claim that's what the majority of men like. Is that true?
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
Tans, I'm all for them. :D
But seriously, the closest thing I got to a tan was the "Farmer's Tan" I got working at a car wash. (A farmer's tan is a tan that we get wearing t-shirts at 90+ degrees).
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
I ended up getting a second-degree sunburn the first time I tried to tan. I was 13 and fell asleep on the beach on a hazy day. I was so mad at my cousin! She was awake the whole time, and said afterwards she knew I was going to get a bad burn. So why didn't she wake me up & make me turn over or go sit in the shade?
Shortly after that, several family members were diagnosed with skin cancer. Thankfully, everyone is ok now, but one of the doctors said it was from all those years out in the sun, tanning on purpose. (all of us are very fair-skinned).
So, I try to avoid being exposed to the sun. I wear jeans through most of the summer, and put sunblock on my face and arms. When I do wear shorts, I drown my legs in sunblock, too.
Most people don't make any comments. The few total strangers who are so rude, I tell them that I am allergic to solar radiation. (excuse stolen from the "Forever Knight" tv series).
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
What's your preference, guys... Tan lines (and where), or none?
Most of the women I've been hanging out with recently are tanned on top, but with gstring lines below. They're also exotic dancers, though, and they claim that's what the majority of men like. Is that true?
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It's not the finding of tan lines that's the exciting thing, it's the looking for them :o
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
I generally don't tan, since I'm living in Oklahoma and there's little point. When I was in CA I always got my tan at the beach...
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
What's your preference, guys... Tan lines (and where), or none?
Most of the women I've been hanging out with recently are tanned on top, but with gstring lines below. They're also exotic dancers, though, and they claim that's what the majority of men like. Is that true?
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No preference actually. Tans are overrated IMHO (and I actually find alabaster skin attractive). I generally got my tans as a results of being active in the sun, not because I was trying to get one..
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
Same as Kryllith. Too many bronze statues and not enough silver ones. There are a few with this peach/honey coloured skin tones - I don't know if it's a tan or if they're naturally like that, but they'd slap me silly if I asked to see the tan lines. I don't know, I like the qualities that I don't get to see very often (but I guess the Scandinavians have also mastered the art of tanning).
Isn't it dangerous though? Skin cancer and such is so rampant around these areas...
Tarzan Boy
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
When I tan in a booth, I tan nut baked. ;)
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
When I tan in a booth, I tan nut baked. ;)
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The guys on the board are cringing at the moment :-[
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
When I tan in a booth, I tan nut baked. ;)
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Banasy roasting on an open fire...
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
She did mean butt naked, didn't she?! :o
Banasy roasting on an open fire...
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Subject: Re: Tan Lines
Banasy roasting on an open fire...
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LOL!!!! http://www.clicksmilie.de/sammlung/lachen/lachen004.gif
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
I used to lay out every summer. Then one year I got a really bad sunburn, and when I went to the doctor she jumped all over me about a mole I have on my back. (like I can see my back ::)) I haven't tried to tan since then. Of course I get dark when I wear shorts....but never on purpose or for long periods of time without sun block. As for tanning beds, I am claustrophobic and just thinking about it makes me dizzy and out of breath. :o
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
I've used a tanning bed for only two summers of my life, (naked naked naked! any excuse to be naked!), tanned outdoors another couple, (as naked as legally possible), and had my first hunks of skin hacked from my body seven months ago. Needless to say, no more tanning for me. (I still go naked though.)
hmmmm. Maybe I should have masqueraded as TVamp looking at my response...
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
The men who tan in my shop have to go nude...the woman must wear a bikini. ;D
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
Yes, I meant nakie snakie, but I love the reactions... ;)
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
The men who tan in my shop have to go nude...the woman must wear a bikini. ;D
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...and where's the CCTV camera concealed?
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
...and where's the CCTV camera concealed?
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:-X but we serve popcorn and have a rating system! ;D
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
:-X but we serve popcorn and have a rating system! ;D
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..to watch the CCTV???? Wow! what sort of place are you running? :o
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
:-X but we serve popcorn and have a rating system! ;D
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:o :o :o Where is it, and how much do you charge for admission!!!??? ;D ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
In tanning beds in the buff
anywhere else a suit
unless its a nude beach.......
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
Tan? whassat? ;D
I've never been on a tanning bed. in fact, i don't care whether I get a tan or not. I just go and enjoy the sun:-*
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
Quoting:Posted by: Mystery Woman Posted on: 05/16/02 at 7:18am
I haven't tanned in many years, now, but I was actually considering it this year. I'm not quite sure whether I'm going to worry about tan lines, though. So I've actually been wondering...
What's your preference, guys... Tan lines (and where), or none?End Quote
No preference, but looking forward to seeing the outcome!! 8) :o :D
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
No preference, but looking forward to seeing the outcome!! 8) :o :D
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I'll be sure to send you the link to the before and after pics. :-*
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
:o :o :o Where is it, and how much do you charge for admission!!!??? ;D ;D ;D ;D
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I'll take two tickets please........ ;) ;) ;)
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
It is free admission to watch the show. You will be provided with cards to write your rating on. :D
Quoting:I'll take two tickets please........ End Quote
Reddyrules, being you are a man, you cannot watch you must tan! ;D
Subject: Re: Tan Lines
I'll take two tickets please........ ;) ;) ;)
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TWO ?? Do you have a split personality or are you going twice ?