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Subject: ouija boards:
I was watching Puppet Master 4 the other day and it kinda got me wondering about the time My Uncle and my Mother used the ouija board to contact my brother a year later after he passed away.And it seemed that my brother was agitated and the triangle kept moving around somewhat.He kinda of wrote something but it wasn't too clear of what he wrote.Do any of you believe in the ouija board? I think it has to do with the energy and the mind of the fingers and lots of concentration to contact the spirit. But,It has to be done with a man and a woman only.from what I was told. -howard- :)
Subject: Re: ouija boards:
A bunch of us used to do it for fun when we were teens, but it was all girls, only. I've never heard that you have to have at least one man and one woman, only that you NEVER, NEVER, do it alone (because you will contact "evil" spirits that way).
I haven't actually made up my mind whether I believe in them or not. The only questions we asked were silly girl-stuff questions, like will such-and-such a boy ask me out?, or will I get my favorite album for my birthday?
Subject: Re: ouija boards:
I think they are very dangerous things.As an old aboriginal man told a friend of mine, to the spirit world it's like opening a door of light to a dark room.All the spirits make their way towards the light and you can't guarentee that it's going to be a good one that gets there first.I have yet to hear of anyone who had a totally positive experience with one and have heard of way to many bad experiences to go near one myself.
Subject: Re: ouija boards:
i've never heard of needing a man and a woman to get the ouija board to work, either. in my experience, having just women on it works just fine. i used to think that using a ouija board alone would only contact evilness, but then someone pointed out to me that the movie 'witchboard' was the culpret for creating that fallacy...truth be told, you can contact good or evil spirits whether you're alone or with others. personally, i've never been able to get the board to work by myself...i think it works best with two or more to make a type of energy circuit. plus, i think there are better, more effective ways to commune with the spirit world when you're by yourself.
i've had good and freaky experiences with ouija boards. much of that depends (i think) on your location when you use it, your state of mind and your level of seriousness. if you're just having a slumber party or something and are using it for sh*ts and giggles, you're more likely to have that fun time. this (again, I think) has to do with the fact that you're only trying to have fun and you're not extremely serious about making a deep spiritual contact. i think the spirits can sense this and the more 'fun-loving' spirits are more attracted to the board at that time, so you're more likely to have a good experience with it. and the same goes for the opposite...if you're more serious, you're more likely to get some serious spiritual contact(s). as for location, if you're in a place or area where there is or has been a lot of spiritual activity (i.e. haunted houses), i think you're more likely to have a bad experience. this is based on my belief that spirits that are still in specific areas in the world are at unrest because something bad happened to them when they died. i believe this would cause a more negative experience with the ouija board. of course, this is only my opinion...you can take it or leave it.
Subject: Re: ouija boards:
I don't know what I think of ouija boards...I've only used one once, but I have to say it was pretty remarkable. I'm not sure how the darn thing works, or if it is all about what the people doing it are thinking about..but it did do something for us.
We were at my aunt's in Ohio (my mom and her family are all from there) and we were upstairs talking, and she mentioned having this board, so we all went downstairs an pulled it out. To start with my aunt was just fooling around, making it move all over the place and laughing, but then we thought we'd actually try and see if it would "work". So she and my mom took hold of the thing and started talking to it. (You know, the "is anyone there?" kind of stuff)..well before we knew it, it started saying things that were so odd..things that only we would recongnize as meaning anything...basically just silly things spelling out that "We see you when you...(sing, dance, etc.)" It also told my sister to "go to bed", and she was laying on a cot almost asleep at the time..it was just wierd. My grandparents had died years before, and that's who were supposedly speaking to my aunt and mom. It went on for quite awhile, and though it was really freaky to all of us, it was harmeless enough and we didn't have any bad luck or anything like that afterwards. :)
Like I said, I don't know what controls it, I've never done it again, but I have to believe that at that sitting, something out of the "norm" was going on. :-/
Subject: Re: ouija boards:
I don't know what I think of ouija boards...I've only used one once, but I have to say it was pretty remarkable. I'm not sure how the darn thing works, or if it is all about what the people doing it are thinking about..but it did do something for us.
We were at my aunt's in Ohio (my mom and her family are all from there) and we were upstairs talking, and she mentioned having this board, so we all went downstairs an pulled it out. To start with my aunt was just fooling around, making it move all over the place and laughing, but then we thought we'd actually try and see if it would "work". So she and my mom took hold of the thing and started talking to it. (You know, the "is anyone there?" kind of stuff)..well before we knew it, it started saying things that were so odd..things that only we would recongnize as meaning anything...basically just silly things spelling out that "We see you when you...(sing, dance, etc.)" It also told my sister to "go to bed", and she was laying on a cot almost asleep at the time..it was just wierd. My grandparents had died years before, and that's who were supposedly speaking to my aunt and mom. It went on for quite awhile, and though it was really freaky to all of us, it was harmeless enough and we didn't have any bad luck or anything like that afterwards. :)
Like I said, I don't know what controls it, I've never done it again, but I have to believe that at that sitting, something out of the "norm" was going on. :-/
End Quote
You know what actually controls the moving is the sub-conscious mind.There are actually"spirits".My Brother's been dead for 7 years and just once we tried to talk to him but he just felt angry and the triangle had pointed to"goodbye"and that was it.Maybe he didn't want to talk to us.weird stuff. -howard- :)
Subject: Re: ouija boards:
When I used a ouija board, nothing happened. My stars are never right, the reading I got turned out to be a complete waste of time and the only thing feng shui did for me was make me trip over things in the dark.
Subject: Re: ouija boards:
Oh I believe its real. Of course I believe in spirits and am a freak by the standardsa of others so you might not want to take advice from me. DONT ASK IT TO COME TO YOU! I believe we brought a poltergiest to my friends house. She even got her story published in a book because these ghost hunters had to go to her house and talk to the thing. It was an old dude who didnt like kids and said that this was his house and he wanted us OUT!
Was very kool
her parents paid big monety though.
Subject: Re: ouija boards:
I think they are very dangerous things.As an old aboriginal man told a friend of mine, to the spirit world it's like opening a door of light to a dark room.All the spirits make their way towards the light and you can't guarentee that it's going to be a good one that gets there first.I have yet to hear of anyone who had a totally positive experience with one and have heard of way to many bad experiences to go near one myself.
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I couldn't agree more but would add that we went to a phsycic a few months back. She had us ask her questions about my late son Blaine. She told us she can get in touch with 3 angels and that they then ask Blaine the questions. She told us that Blaine said that he is alright and with his best friend Rob. He also said that he felt a little pain when the bullet went through him but was comforted quickly....he said he was given a choice to stay or leave. He told us that he wanted to stay but realized he had been shot through his heart, therefore he couldn't stay :'( I believe in spirits around us, and do believe in God. As for "Channeling" spirits I'm not 100% convinced, however....I don't give evil any credence....I know some people choose to be evil but I refuse to give "Evil" any power. In my life I try to help people by caring about them and letting them know that they're not alone in this world. Sorry to go on but yesterday was "Senior Day" and Blaine would've been graduating this year. I guess this is the "Last of the firsts" My sermon is over....thanks for reading.
Subject: Re: ouija boards:
When I used a ouija board, nothing happened. My stars are never right, the reading I got turned out to be a complete waste of time and the only thing feng shui did for me was make me trip over things in the dark.
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Oh, goreripper I know how you feel!! Talk about bad karma...that's likely what would happen to me if I tried it now!! Sorry, your post just made me laugh.. ;)
Subject: Re: ouija boards:
I'm glad you got a chuckle from my misery Marci.
Seriously, nothing supernatural has ever happened to me. I thought I saw a ghost once, but it turned out to be a sheet!
Subject: Re: ouija boards:
I'm glad you got a chuckle from my misery Marci.
Seriously, nothing supernatural has ever happened to me. I thought I saw a ghost once, but it turned out to be a sheet!
End Quote
Phew! Dude, that's pretty funny. I'm with you on that one. I have this supernatural envy, but ghosts are like women - you usually find them when you don't even try to look for one ;D But then they don't want to talk to ya and tell you "everything's OK" even though you know she's upset about cancelling the date because of a rugby match on ESPN2 that coincided with the anniversary...
Ghost Boy
Subject: Re: ouija boards:
I wouldn't go near a ouija board. I believe in the "spiritual realm," and I've heard too many horror stories about inviting "unwanted" spirits into your home. I wouldn't want to give them easy access through a ouija board.
Subject: Re: ouija boards:
I've used a ouija board before. It was years ago when I was in high school. A bunch of us got together one night and fooled around with it, but nothing happened. I mean, the doohickey moved across the board, but I was pushing it and I suspect that others were too. ::)
Subject: Re: ouija boards:
I believe in spirits.One time,It was as hot summer evening and I had my air conditioner on.As I was sleeping,maybe someone had turned off my air conditioner during the night and when I woke up the next morning my AC was turned off.It could'nt been my mother and father cause they were asleep and I was asleep during the night as well.So it mustv'e been the spirit of my brother who shut it off.After that,I said"Thank You brother". -howard- :)