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Subject: What does everyone think about Mp3 sharing?
I just want everyones view on this really. I have been downloading music since 1999, first from the notorious Napster and now off Audioglaxy and WinMX. I've recently had to research a lot of information into the whole free music/Napster lawsuit debate and found out some of the artists which are for and against the policy of sharing music over the net -
Dave Matthews Band
Fred Durst
Courtney Love
B.B King
Foo Fighters
Ben Folds Five
Fatboy Slim
David Bowie
Beastie Boys
Dave Stewart
The Corrs
Alanis Morissette
Elton John
Paul McCartney
Are the 'against' artists just out for the greed or do they really have a prinicipal to back up why they oppose?
As David Grohl of the Foo Fighters says, ''It's the same as someone turning on the F*****g radio,it's the same as putting a cassette in a cassette desk... I don't think it's a crime.''
Subject: Re: What does everyone think about Mp3 sharing?
I just want everyones view on this really. I have been downloading music since 1999, first from the notorious Napster and now off Audioglaxy and WinMX. I've recently had to research a lot of information into the whole free music/Napster lawsuit debate and found out some of the artists which are for and against the policy of sharing music over the net -
Dave Matthews Band
Fred Durst
Courtney Love
B.B King
Foo Fighters
Ben Folds Five
Fatboy Slim
David Bowie
Beastie Boys
Dave Stewart
The Corrs
Alanis Morissette
Elton John
Paul McCartney
Are the 'against' artists just out for the greed or do they really have a prinicipal to back up why they oppose?
As David Grohl of the Foo Fighters says, ''It's the same as someone turning on the F*****g radio,it's the same as putting a cassette in a cassette desk... I don't think it's a crime.''
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Or to futher Mr. Grohl's point, what about me loaning my album to someone so they could "Tape" it! It's just ridiculous....I see nothing wrong with it, copying music has been going on for years. Maybe you couldn't record the songs off the radio without the annoying DJ talking over the beginning & end of the songs but I know that stations used to play entire Lp's at certain times and advertise such slogans as We Never talk over the Rock And Roll...think I'll go put my newest "Weezer" cd onto cassette tape now...talk to you later ;)
Subject: Re: What does everyone think about Mp3 sharing?
I think file sharing is great and I think it's stupid that some musicians don't support it. God forbid, we deprive them of a million dollars. They might not be able to pay their bills. By the way, Linkin Park also supports it. As one bandmember said, "We support free music. So go ahead! Download that sh*t!"
Subject: Re: What does everyone think about Mp3 sharing?
i'm neither for, nor against music sharing on the internet. i'm not trying to say i'm on the fence about it...frankly, i really don't care because it's not something i have even the remotest interest in.
Subject: Re: What does everyone think about Mp3 sharing?
I think file sharing is great and I think it's stupid that some musicians don't support it. God forbid, we deprive them of a million dollars. They might not be able to pay their bills. By the way, Linkin Park also supports it. As one bandmember said, "We support free music. So go ahead! Download that sh*t!"
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Thanks Jessica - another band to add to the list for media studies! :)
Subject: Re: What does everyone think about Mp3 sharing?
From 1999, when I started using Napster, I was for file-sharing. It's a way of getting people used to stuff that will never, has never been, and never was in the shops (and that includes live and rehearsal material, which I have gotten from Napster and Audiogalaxy over the years). I'm definitely FOR it no matter what the artist, with a big capital 4.
Subject: Re: What does everyone think about Mp3 sharing?
Thanks Jessica - another band to add to the list for media studies! :)
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You're welcome. I was just looking around their website, and I noticed that they supported it. By the way, congratulations to Chester Bennington of Linkin Park and his wife, Samantha. They had a baby boy on April 19.
Subject: Re: What does everyone think about Mp3 sharing?
I am TOTALLY for MP3 sharing - of course, I'm just your average, everyday citizen - not a big record label.
I love it for selfish/frugal reasons:
1. You can pick and choose the songs you want instead of wasting money on the whole CD when you only like one song
2. CD prices are exorbitant
3. If you hear a song you love on the radio, you can go straight to the computer and download it - no waiting in line, no rude salespeople to deal with
4. Did I say CD prices are exorbitant?
I can see why Record Execs. would be upset about MP3 sharing. I imagine CD sales have been on a constant decline since the introduction of Napster, but, who cares? They've been cheating us out of TONS of money for years, it's time we took matters into our own hands. I'll NEVER go back to buying CDs in stores...never, never, never.
Oh, have any of you tried KaZaa? It's an absolutely wonderful program, it puts Napster to shame.
Subject: Re: What does everyone think about Mp3 sharing?
I can see why Record Execs. would be upset about MP3 sharing. I imagine CD sales have been on a constant decline since the introduction of Napster, but, who cares? They've been cheating us out of TONS of money for years, it's time we took matters into our own hands. I'll NEVER go back to buying CDs in stores...never, never, never.
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Record sales have been on the decrease for the past few years, and yes, record companies are blaming Napster and the net in general. That's why the big, big lawsuit against Shaun Fenning. They say that the public are obtaining millions of 'free' music and by having this, people will stop buying singles/albums. They also claim that the money they earn from record sales will go into promoting and developing new artists, but they cannot do this through lack of funds from the free music ( even though these people earn billions and billions!).
The record industry is a £32 billion industry. They can afford to loose money - after all, they have been practically stealing it from us over the years we have been buying music.
In my opinion, the drastic decrease in sales numbers comes from the fact that 80% of new music is crap! 90% of music I download is older, as that's what interests me. It's a fact that the people who buy music are mostly under 18, so new music is mostly aimed at them. That's why all the boy bands and bubble-gum pop. Ok, now and again, such artists *can* have a *good* song, but most of it is plain awful. That's why no-one buys music, beacuse most of the music that's out there is just not worth buying, to put it bluntly.
Subject: Re: What does everyone think about Mp3 sharing?
it rocks! and damn to Lars or making Napster go down, I knew there be a similiar program if that went down. I discovered some new music that way. artists are already rich, why do they need moremoney, oh wait, it's the same for sport players.
Subject: Re: What does everyone think about Mp3 sharing?
David Bowie supports file sharing? It was sure hard to find some of his material to download. It was filtered. What does that mean? Maybe his record labels are against it? >:(
I'm all for Mp3 sharing. It's absolutely marvelous! :)
Subject: Re: What does everyone think about Mp3 sharing?
I'm for it; to me it's just like dubbing a friend's album/cassette/cd that they purchased. And, like Criz, the songs I get downloaded for me are usually older, often obscure tracks that I wouldn't be able to find in a 'regular' music store.
A buddy of mine has used Mp3 files exclusively for his mobile DJ gigs - just plugs his laptop into his PA system, uses the PCDJ software and can pull up virtually any song that gets requested.
Subject: Re: What does everyone think about Mp3 sharing?
While I've never done it, I'm for it in general. The record companies are cheat and liars. They can produce discs for literally pennies. Factor in the costs of distribution, royalties to the artists and a fair profit for the shop owner, and it's still only five bucks (or less).
So why is it that the average CD costs about $15? GREED.
If all that money went to the actual artists, I would feel very differently I'm sure.
On the other hand I can see where some artists are concerned. Suppose only one person on the entire planet buys a CD. Then he/she uploads it to an MP3 sharing site, and everyone else who would potentially want to have this song gets it for free. The artist is left with no money to pay his/her living expenses, and the record company drops him/her. Our artist goes back to a minimum wage job, bitter and angry.
I would like to think that if MP3 sharing keeps going on, the record companies will quit cheating anyone and everyone. Only time will tell, I guess...
Subject: Re: What does everyone think about Mp3 sharing?
I am TOTALLY for MP3 sharing - of course, I'm just your average, everyday citizen - not a big record label.
I love it for selfish/frugal reasons:
1. You can pick and choose the songs you want instead of wasting money on the whole CD when you only like one song
2. CD prices are exorbitant
3. If you hear a song you love on the radio, you can go straight to the computer and download it - no waiting in line, no rude salespeople to deal with
4. Did I say CD prices are exorbitant?
I can see why Record Execs. would be upset about MP3 sharing. I imagine CD sales have been on a constant decline since the introduction of Napster, but, who cares? They've been cheating us out of TONS of money for years, it's time we took matters into our own hands. I'll NEVER go back to buying CDs in stores...never, never, never.
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One word: Word!
Subject: Re: What does everyone think about Mp3 sharing?
I don't have a problem with filesharing, but I think Metallica et al do have a valid point. Doesn't mean I'm going to stop downloading though! ;D
Subject: Re: What does everyone think about Mp3 sharing?
I for one used Naptser and now use WinMx....I think it is a fine idea until the music heads decide to lower the cost of cds. When vinyl was all the thing you could buy a single 45 for 96 cents at wal-mart...now a cd single can cost you up to 5.00 when you may only want that one particular song off an album and not the whole thing.
Subject: Re: What does everyone think about Mp3 sharing?
I'm for it. It's hard to find what you like on CD singles, and what's the point of spending $20 for a CD if it only has one song you really like on it? I usually use Audiogalaxy and WinMX. I used to use KaZaA and Morpheus but have ditched them. The thing I hate about Audiogalaxy anymore is that they are getting too much like Napster--a lot of stuff is blocked. With WinMX, you can usually find what you want. I found the original recording of Chubby Checker's "The Twist", which cannot be found on a legal American CD because the owner refuses to release it in the States.
Subject: Re: What does everyone think about Mp3 sharing?
My computer screws up every time I try to get an mp3 player or anything, I do have Windows Media Player :-/ :P
Subject: Re: What does everyone think about Mp3 sharing?
Two thumbs up for File Sharing. ;D
Of course, I understand why some record companies and the artist are not happy, but I will be downloading music until they completely put a stop to it...hope that doesn't happen.
What about software sharing??? Now that is a whole different ball game---but I still take advantage of the opportunity of getting a free game or program. ;)
Subject: Re: What does everyone think about Mp3 sharing?
David Bowie supports file sharing? It was sure hard to find some of his material to download. It was filtered. What does that mean? Maybe his record labels are against it? >:(
I'm all for Mp3 sharing. It's absolutely marvelous! :)
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Yes, I believe he is all for it, but many artists music are blocked to some degree even if they feel that way, because of the record company.
Subject: Re: What does everyone think about Mp3 sharing?
Yes, I believe he is all for it, but many artists music are blocked to some degree even if they feel that way, because of the record company.
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I figured.
Subject: Re: What does everyone think about Mp3 sharing?
File sharing: If it doesn't hurt the economy too much, go right ahead. I think the Government has more pressing issues than legislating MP3 files. 8)
Subject: Re: What does everyone think about Mp3 sharing?
I'm 100% for MP3 sharing, and for my reasons regarding it, see the 2000's board about illegal crowbars.
Subject: Re: What does everyone think about Mp3 sharing?
I like MP3 sharing, and personally it really annoys me when this bizzilionaire musicians complain about it. You aren't going to make me believe that they are losing all that much. And if they do, maybe they should look into how much crap they fill their albums with normally, and why some people only want a song or two. Be glad they want that! LOL! Singles are all but unheard of anymore, people may not feel like they have a choice. Download ONE song on MP3, or spend $15 on an album they may totally hate. Plus, back in the day we'd tape from the radio. We'd borrow and record friends' records or tapes...the whole thing may be in a new "form", but it's not a new idea at all, and I have heard some artists that put it just that way. I saw some "music folks" on Politically Incorrect one night, and that was the overall attitude--in fact, the only people out of 5 that were against it were some record exec and some other rap guy whose name I don't remember right off....sorry!!
I, for one, mainly download older songs. Stuff that I bought on 45's back in the 80's, or that I only have the record albums or cassettes of. The way I see it, I've already paid for the song..and too many of the older albums are either out of print and/or next to impossible to find on cd nowadays. And for the few newer songs I download...again, either non-USA available songs (import albums or singles) or a band that I just don't know enough about to warrrant spending the money on the whole album. And I will gladly spend the money on the whole cd if I hear enough of their work and enjoy it, or if I come across it on eBay or something.. ;)
Plus, IMO, these MP3 places can be HELPING these musicians. My dad, for example, went looking for some older song, and for some reason came across an Enya song he liked. Now he has almost all her albums! Plus, there are many artists who I never hear of anymore--thanks to these places I can hear new work by older artists, and not only download the song, I can search out the album. And I do!
I think Napster and places like that give opportunity for us to hear things we may not have heard before, and that can only help. I understand that people are concerned they will be the downfall of the music business, but I just can't see it. As I saw mentioned on that same PI...there will always be people that want the entire cd, for the pictures, lyrics, stuff like that, or that just love an artist and want to support those artists. I know I'm more than willing to support an artist I'm fond of, and will continue to do so. But I'm gonna keep downloading, too! ;)
Subject: Re: What does everyone think about Mp3 sharing?
I've heard that the guys that claimed that are actually losing no more than (sorry for the Anglicism) 30 pence per download in the very worst circumstances. Is this true? And if so, aren't they sitting on the rest?
I like MP3 sharing, and personally it really annoys me when this bizzilionaire musicians complain about it. You aren't going to make me believe that they are losing all that much. And if they do, maybe they should look into how much crap they fill their albums with normally, and why some people only want a song or two. Be glad they want that! o! ;)
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