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Subject: Any shows you love THAT much,you can quote...
Are there any TV programmes that you adore THAT much, and have seen them that many time, that you can quote massive chunks of dialogue from them?
I have to say an indefinite yes for a few. First 3 series of Friends I practically know most of those episodes! Also Fawlty Towers (classic!) and some Red Dwarf episodes. So what about you all, please tell me it's not just me! ;)
Subject: Re: Any shows you love THAT much,you can quote...
Some of mine:
Gomer Pyle, USMC:
Surprise, surprise, surprise!
Well, golly! (you should stretch out that "golly")
Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In:
Sock it to me!
Very interesting! (said with a German accent)
Here come de judge!
You bet your sweet bippy!
Look it up in your Funk & Wagnalls.
Monty Python's Flying Circus:
This parrot is dead!
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
I'm a lumberjack, and I'm OK…
And now, for something completely different…
Mork & Mindy:
Saturday Night Live (the 1970's version):
Jane, you ignorant s l u t.
Base-a-ball been very good to me.
Never mind.
I'm Chevy Chase, and you're not.
No Coke. Pepsi.
No fries. Cheeps.
Cheeseburger! Cheeseburger! Cheeseburger! (sounds more like "cheeseboogie, cheeseboogie, cheeseboogie")
It's always something.
The Simpsons:
Eat my shorts!
Beavis & Butt-Head:
This sucks!
We're there, dude.
We don't like stuff that sucks.
Diarrhea, cha-cha-cha! Diarrhea, cha-cha-cha! Diarrhea, cha-cha-cha!
Your mother's a s l u t!
I am Cornholio! I need T. P. for my bunghole!
Are you threatening me?
South Park:
Oh, my God, they killed Kenny!
You bastards!
Screw you guys, I'm going home.
Respect my authority! (pronounce the last word so that it sounds somewhere between "authori-tah" and "authori-tie")
Mary-jew-wanna is bad. Mmm-kay?
Subject: Re: Any shows you love THAT much,you can quote...
Some of mine:
Monty Python's Flying Circus:
This parrot is dead!
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
I'm a lumberjack, and I'm OK…
And now, for something completely different…
South Park:
Oh, my God, they killed Kenny!
You bastards!
Screw you guys, I'm going home.
Respect my authority! (pronounce the last word so that it sounds somewhere between "authori-tah" and "authori-tie")
Mary-jew-wanna is bad. Mmm-kay?
End Quote
LOL. How could I forget those 2. Especially Monty Python's Lumberjack song. By the time I was 8, my Uncle had sucessfully taught me that song in English, German and Greek!(Don't ask why, he's just crazy!!)
Subject: Re: Any shows you love THAT much,you can quote...
Well, the two quotes on my profile are from the cartoon "Invader Zim". One more quote, that I tend to yell at the phone (after hanging up, of course!) is "Miserable little Earth Monkey!!!!"
I use a lot of Monty Python ones too, of course.http://www.clicksmilie.de/sammlung/alles_moegliche/allesmoegliche006.gif
And from Sesame Street...."Today's letter is M" (or whatever).
It's usually 'M' becase there is one fella in work who pronounces 'umm' as 'emmm'. If he's having a difficult time trying to explain something technical to those of us in the office in a way we can understand, he will stop and say 'emm' quite a bit. Out pops the Sesame Street quote, and he can relax, knowing if anything gets too technical we will ask him to explain.
Also from "The Wizard of Oz":
'I don't think we're in Kansas anymore'
'Auntie Em! Auntie Em!'
'I'll get you my pretty! And your miseralble little dog, too'
'I'm not afraid of her!'
'There's no place like home, there's no place like home' (especially after a long, hard, day at work, and home is in sight)
From "George of the Jungle" (film version)
'George is not even trying hard!' (right after I do something especially dumb or clumsy)
'What a funny looking fella'
'javajavajavajavajavajavajavajavajavajavaj' (...you get the idea)
And I think almost everyone I know uses "I got a bad feeling about this" from Star Wars
Subject: Re: Any shows you love THAT much,you can quote...
Me and my sister probably could quote the whole movie of Ferris Bueller's Day Off!
Subject: Re: Any shows you love THAT much,you can quote...
The Osbornes
Ozzy: "I'm the prince of f***ing darkness, I don't want bubbles!"
Sharon: "Martha Stewart can kiss my scrotum...do I have a scrotum?"
Ozzy: "Don't take drugs, don't drink alcohol, and if you have sex where a condom."
Ozzy: "I love you with all my heart, but you're all f***** crazy!"
The Real World
Real World/Road Rules Challenge
"I mean, she said she always wanted some big juggies, man."
"So, as I was going for the tube, GOSH DARNIT! There was Emily!"
"Are you seein' straight 7's cuz I'm a lucky lil' mother!"
"Do you shave your tummy?"
"Ugh...I mean, like, go read a book."
"I'm a good mudda, yo!"
"I didn't come here to make sand castles, ya know."
"I think I've hurled everything I've ever eaten in my life."
"It's Osama Beth Laden!"
"You're one bad mamma jamma!"
"(Playing Scrabble) When Mark put down ****** I thought I was gonna shizzle in my nizzle, but I bizzed all down in V.A."
"They're not a whole joke, they're just a punchline."
"Flora and I aren't concerned about getting voted off, because everyone's planning on voting Beth off, cuz, well...Beth sucks ass."
"I dunno if they're hiding files, but they're being rather secretive..."
"I'll have to go poop."
"Supa Fly Snuka..."
"OW! My nuts!"
"I'm gonna eat sushi and have lots of sex..."
Stephen: (picks up Lindsay) "I'm goin' to Disney World!" Lindsay: (mouthing) "Not with me!"
"The railthin girl blew the competition away!"
Subject: Re: Any shows you love THAT much,you can quote...
Oh yeah, I can quote the Osbournes too--
(*Bleep!*) (*Bleep!*) (*Bleep!*) (*Bleep!*) (*Bleep!*) (*Bleep!*) (*Bleep!*) (*Bleep!*) (*Bleep!*) (*Bleep!*) (*Bleep!*) (*Bleep!*) (*Bleep!*) (*Bleep!*) (*Bleep!*) (*Bleep!*) (*Bleep!*) (*Bleep!*) (*Bleep!*) (*Bleep!*) (*Bleep!*) (*Bleep!*) (*Bleep!*) (*Bleep!*) (*Bleep!*)
;D :D
Subject: Re: Any shows you love THAT much,you can quote...
Are there any TV programmes that you adore THAT much, and have seen them that many time, that you can quote massive chunks of dialogue from them?
I have to say an indefinite yes for a few. First 3 series of Friends I practically know most of those episodes! Also Fawlty Towers (classic!) and some Red Dwarf episodes. So what about you all, please tell me it's not just me! ;)
End Quote
I can quote a lot of "Friends" dialogue, too. My favorite is:
Monica: "Chandler has a third nipple!"
Chandler: "Yooooouuuuuuu B*tch!"
Everyone: "So let's see it Chandler"
Chandler: "Joey was in a porn movie!"
Chandler (about his bracelet): "It is kinda flashy"
Ross: "No, no. No, no. It's not flashy. Not si you're a Goodfella."
Monica: "That must have cost you a few de-blums(sp?)"
Phoebe: "Yeah, it's like knowing one of the Gabor sisters"
Subject: Re: Any shows you love THAT much,you can quote...
the entire script of National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation!! WORD FOR WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D ;D
(think I will go watch it!!!!!!!)
Subject: Re: Any shows you love THAT much,you can quote...
I can quote most Season 8 Simpsons Shows word-for-word, with the exception of "You Only Move Twice" (featuring Hank Scorpio).
This, if anyone wonders, is because I forgot to tape it. Edited for stupidity.
Subject: Re: Any shows you love THAT much,you can quote...
A lot of Married With Children, some of the Simpsons, and various scenes from Pulp Fiction, Total Recall, Fight Club, and a bunch of foreign films...
Tarzan Boy
"...the dishes are done man"
Subject: Re: Any shows you love THAT much,you can quote...
I am truly a great fan of M*A*S*H , but after taping every episode (which is on cable in Aussieland now) and re-watching each episode to ensure no hiccups in taping. If anybody quotes anything from any of them then I'll scream.....
250 episodes + one finale yaaaaaaaaaa. :o :o
Subject: Re: Any shows you love THAT much,you can quote...
I can quote a lot of "Friends" dialogue, too. My favorite is:
Monica: "Chandler has a third nipple!"
Chandler: "Yooooouuuuuuu B*tch!"
Everyone: "So let's see it Chandler"
Chandler: "Joey was in a porn movie!"
Chandler (about his bracelet): "It is kinda flashy"
Ross: "No, no. No, no. It's not flashy. Not si you're a Goodfella."
Monica: "That must have cost you a few de-blums(sp?)"
Phoebe: "Yeah, it's like knowing one of the Gabor sisters"
End Quote
LOL. Some of the bracelet stuff is fantastic from 'TOWT prom video' thats one of my fav episodes that they made.
Chandler: This is excellent. You know, he could have gotten me a VCR, he could have gotten me a set of golf clubs, BUT NO, he has to get me the woman repeller, the eyesore from the Liberace house of crap.
Phoebe: It's not that bad
Chandler: Yeah, easy for you to say You don't have to walk around sporting the latest reject from the Mr T collection. I pity the fool who puts on my jewellry, I pity the fool...
Ross: Hey, who's this this Casey?
Phoebe: Oh, some guy she met at the movies.
Ross: Oh really? What does he want with her?
Chandler: Well, I'm guessing he wants to do a little dance. . . you know, make a little love. . . well, pretty much get down tonight.
Subject: Re: Any shows you love THAT much,you can quote...
There's a lot of good "one-liners" too in "Friends. ÊI laugh just about everytime Phoebe opens her mouth:
"Aaah! My eyes! My eyes!" (after seeing Monica and Chandler through the window)
"It's Regina Felange. FELANGE!"
"Oh my God! ÊWhat am I doing?!!!" (after seeing "herself" in a porn)
Then there's Joey:
"What's not to like? Jam. Good. Custard. Goooood. ÊMeat. ÊGooooooooood"
"All blank an no blank makes blank a blank blank"
(and Chandler's response later: Ê"I can't believe she cracked your code")
Most of all, I love the episode where they made the bet to switch apartments (based on a quiz game)
Ross: "Acorrding to Chandler, what phenomenon scres the be-jeezus out of him?"
Monica: "Michael Flatley, Lord of the Dance!"
Chndler: "His arms and legs flail about as if independant from his body!"
I could go on and on about Ross' "karate", Rachael's "because I've got great boots boots", and so forth, but I think I'll just go watch my "Best of Friends" episodes.
Subject: Re: Any shows you love THAT much,you can quote...
Well, before the "Crash" me and a couple friends had quite a time making up our own "Married With Children" stories...remember it was titled "The Lost Episodes?" but I do have to say that the movie "Arthur" and many more comedies, like M*A*S*H, Cheers, Night Court, ect. have greatly influenced my life....SO much that a friend recently told me I should "Get One"
Subject: Re: Any shows you love THAT much,you can quote...
i can quote a lot of one-liners from buffy and the simpsons. and i've picked up a lot of slang from buffy, too. i'm more of a movie quoting kind of gal...goonies, ferris beuller's day off, the craft and so many more...
Subject: Re: Any shows you love THAT much,you can quote...
I imagine that if I tried, I could probably quote pretty much every episode of Three's Company in their entirety. Sad, but true. I can also quote a fair bit of Monty Python, some Married with Children, some Simpsons, and various others.
Subject: Re: Any shows you love THAT much,you can quote...
I almost forgot, from Night Court..."But I'm MUCH better now".
and Monty Python's verson (from Monty Python and the Holy Grail)..."but I got better".
and occasionally from the original Star Trek series I let fly with "He's dead, Jim!!!" (or rather 'It's dead, Jim' when it's a piece of equipment I'm talking about).
Another frequent paraphrase comes from Dr. McCoy's "I'm a doctor, not a (whatever)" line. In work, I say "I'm an accountant, not a (whatever); the mechanics say "I'm a mechanic not a..." and, well, you get the idea ;D
Subject: Re: Any shows you love THAT much,you can quote...
I do have to say that the movie "Arthur" and many more comedies, like M*A*S*H, Cheers, Night Court, ect. have greatly influenced my life....SO much that a friend recently told me I should "Get One"
End Quote
What I actually said was "You have way too much time on your hands!"
I can quote Monty Python pretty well. The Lumberjack Song, the Spam thing, The Holy Grail movie, What's on the telly....
I demand a shrubbery! This is the larch! I love lupins!
I steal from the poor-
give to the rich-
stupid b*i*t*c*h...
You get the idea. ;)
Subject: Re: Any shows you love THAT much,you can quote...
What I actually said was "You have way too much time on your hands!"
End Quote
Yes I must! BTW, "Oh, I hate it when that happens!" or "A real woman could stop you from drinking..." replies "It'd have to be a real Big woman!"
Subject: Re: Any shows you love THAT much,you can quote...
Joey: (flipping a coin) Okay, clowns is tails, and ducks is heads, cuz ducks have heads.
Chandler: What kind of scary ass clowns came to your birthday party?
Subject: Re: Any shows you love THAT much,you can quote...
Yes I must! BTW, "Oh, I hate it when that happens!" or "A real woman could stop you from drinking..." replies "It'd have to be a real Big woman!"
End Quote
OK, Arthur.
Loving the navy blue, BTW ;)
Subject: Re: Any shows you love THAT much,you can quote...
It's a plan so cunning, you could pin a tail on it and call it a fox
Blackadder : Baldrick, have you no idea what irony is?
Baldrick : Yeah! It's like goldy and bronzy, only it's made of iron.
Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy
Too many to list... take a look here, for example:
...or at my sig...
Yes, Minister
Sir Humphrey: "How are things at the Campaign for the Freedom of Information, by the way?"
Sir Arnold: "Sorry, I cannot talk about that."
Sir Humphrey: "The relationship which I might tentatively venture to aver has been not without some degree of reciprocal utility and perhaps even occasional gratification, is emerging a point of irreversible bifurcation and, to be brief, is in the propinquity of its ultimate regrettable termination."
(I had to look that one up ;-))
Subject: Re: Any shows you love THAT much,you can quote...
I LOVE these scenes in Red Dwarf:
Me 2
HOLLY: Busy, Dave?
LISTER: Well, yeah, I am, actually!
HOLLY: Oh. Then you won't want to know about the two super-lightspeed
fighters that are tracking us.
LISTER: What?!
HOLLY: They're from Earth.
LISTER: That's three million years away.
HOLLY: They're from the NorWEB Federation.
LISTER: What's that?
HOLLY: NorthWestern Electricity Board. They want you, Dave.
LISTER: Me? Why? What for?
HOLLY: For your crimes against humanity.
LISTER: You what?!
HOLLY: Seems when you left Earth, three million years ago, you left two half-eaten German sausages on a plate in your kitchen.
HOLLY: You know what happens to sausages left unattended for three million years?
LISTER: Yeah, they go mouldy.
HOLLY: Your sausages, Dave, now cover seven-eighths of the Earth's surface. Also, you left seventeen pounds, fifty pence in your bank account. Thanks to compound interest you now own 98% of all the world's wealth. And because you hoarded it for three million years, nobody's got any money except for you and NorWEB.
HOLLY: You left a light on in the bathroom. I've got a final demand here for one hundred and eighty billion pounds.
LISTER: A hundred and eighty billion pounds?!! You're kidding!
HOLLY: April Fool.
LISTER: But it's not April!
HOLLY: Yeah, I know. But I can't be waiting six months with a red-hot jape like that underneath me hat.
Better then Life:
NEWSREADER: Good evening. Here is the news on Friday, the 27th of Geldof.
Archeologists near mount Sinai have discovered what is believed to be a missing page from the Bible. The page is currently being carbon dated in Bonn. If genuine it belongs at the beginning of the Bible and is believed to read "To my darling Candy. All characters portrayed within this book are fictitous and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental." The page has been universally condemned by church leaders.
LISTER: I remember when my dad died. I was only six. I got loads of presents off everyone like it was Christmas. I remember wishing a couple more people would die so I could complete my Lego set.
My grandma tried to explain, you know. She said he'd gone away and he wasn't coming back. So, I wanted to know where, like, you know. She said he was very happy and he'd gone to the same place as my goldfish. So I thought they'd flushed him down the bog. I thought he was just round the U bend, you know. I used to stuff food down, you know, and magazines and that for him to read. They took me to a child psychologist in the end because they found me with my head down the bowl reading him the football results.