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Subject: You better watch out Chucky
You should be careful he/she might come back and do this again :(
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
Let's hope not. I was almost a Rockhopper Penguin. >:( :)
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
You should be careful he/she might come back and do this again :(
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OK, I didn't want to ask (at the risk of seeming like an idiot), but what happened? Who is "he/she?" I keep hearing something mentioned about this person, but I don't understand what happened. Please 'splain. :-/
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
5 words.
-Saturday Night.
OK, 6 words.
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
5 words.
-Saturday Night.
OK, 6 words.
End Quote
Oh, so Azzer is the guilty party? I remember his doom & gloom speech the other day, but I didn't realize he had anything to do with this. Ouch, that's scary!
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
I don't think Chucky has enough to prove it....but I do think azzer left behind enough calling cards to point all fingers in his direction. So now I think all us boardies/posters need to band together and go pull a Frankenstein on his butt and make him pay for what he did to us!!!! >:( >:( >:( >:(
Grab your torches!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
Yeah.. and he was a pain in the @$$.
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
I don't think Chucky has enough to prove it....but I do think azzer left behind enough calling cards to point all fingers in his direction. So now I think all us boardies/posters need to band together and go pull a Frankenstein on his butt and make him pay for what he did to us!!!! >:( >:( >:( >:(
Grab your torches!!!!!!!!!!!!!
End Quote
I'm there, Youngcricket. I had almost 60 posts, and although I'm not sure what comes after Lil' Blue penguin, I was hoping to change my status soon. Besides that, everyone else lost their posts and we had to go w/o the board for almost 3 whole days. That hurt! Not to mention, I'm sure Chucky was quite frustrated trying to fix everything. :'(
But I'm OK now, life is back to normal. :)
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
I probably shouldn't have said it was azzer who hacked the board. Sorry guys.
But, after all that happened, I think we're prettty sure it was him after all that happened Saturday nite, but you never know, we have no proof (do we?).
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
I probably shouldn't have said it was azzer who hacked the board. Sorry guys.
But, after all that happened, I think we're prettty sure it was him after all that happened Saturday nite, but you never know, we have no proof (do we?).
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No proof, but I was online when it happened. Actually I was the only regular member online, and there were two "new members" -- I read both profiles and they were obviously bogus. I had a feeling trouble was coming, and everything went flooey minutes later :(
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
Are you talking about Saturday nite, Zella? Or the day the messageboard was wrecked?
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
Are you talking about Saturday nite, Zella? Or the day the messageboard was wrecked?
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It happened at about 1 a.m. (PST) I guess it must have technically been Sunday morning. Or maybe it was Monday morning, I don't even remember now. I just know everything was working fine, and then suddenly I tried to reply to a post and got a message saying I didn't have "access to the area." When I went to "discussion groups" only two were left: "wanted" and the lyrics one. I saw a post from Tarzan Boy (the perpetual guest) on the lyrics group asking what happened. I looked to see who was online, and it was just myself and the two bogus profilers. I logged off, then tried to log back on so I could reply to Tarzan Boy, and I got a message saying I didn't exist! :'( So then I went to Amirght and emailed Chucky to tell him what happened. That's it in a nutshell.
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
Grab your torches!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Let's go boys! Looks like we got us an ol' fashion' monster burnin'! Cricket and I will be right here making brownies and lemonade for your return...
Is it vodka that goes in the lemonade?
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
no lang...add whiskey......Jack Daniels in fact..then we will be making
"LYNCHburg" Lemonade!!!!!!
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
Cricket and I will be right here making brownies
End Quote
Cricket making brownies?? I'd love to see that!! ;D
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
Cricket making brownies?? I'd love to see that!! ;D
End Quote
how about rice crispies treats then?!!!!! ;D
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
how about rice crispies treats then?!!!!! ;D
End Quote
I'll tell you what..Let Lang make the food and you stick to the alcohol. I'm sure even you couldn't mess that up!! ;D
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
I'll tell you what..Let Lang make the food and you stick to the alcohol. I'm sure even you couldn't mess that up!! ;D
End Quote
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
I also thought Azzer was behind all this, too. But after thinking about it, I don't think he's smart enough to purge files. :-/
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
I know everyone is angry and upset at the recent breach of security in our board. But we have to realize that whomever did this did it because he WANTED to hurt us, to get under our skin, to make us angry...
IMHO, our best revenge is to not let this get us down. Post like we always have. Support each other the way so many of us have come to rely on from our friends here.
This board is important to all of us here. It's too bad there are some people who don't share that opinion. But I, for one, am not going to think about him anymore.
Out of sight, out of mind.
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
Oh, like a Jedi mind trick?
MW"There was no hacker"
F69"There was no hacker"
MW"You didn't lose any posts"
F69"I didn't lose any posts"
MW"Get on all fours and bark like a dog"
......um, where was I...?
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
You were down on all fours, barking like a dog apparently...
MW"Start a harem for me"
Oh, wait... ;) Wow, Fett69, you work quickly! ;D
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
You were down on all fours, barking like a dog apparently...
MW"Start a harem for me"
Oh, wait... ;) Wow, Fett69, you work quickly! ;D
End Quote
The Force is strong in that one
D. Vader
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
My theory is that it was either Christina or Dee horrified at being compared to each other so they deleated all possible mentions of the fact!!
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
no lang...add whiskey......Jack Daniels in fact..then we will be making
"LYNCHburg" Lemonade!!!!!!
End Quote
Lynchburg Lemonade, huh...Count me in!!! ;D
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
Or maybe it was Monday morning, I don't even remember now.
End Quote
It was Monday morning. It was working fine Sunday night, but when I got on first thing on Monday, it was screwed up. Someone already mentioned the dirty dog in this post, but I assumed it was him.
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
It was Monday morning. It was working fine Sunday night, but when I got on first thing on Monday, it was screwed up. Someone already mentioned the dirty dog in this post, but I assumed it was him.
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Thats how I remember it...it was fine Sunday night, and Monday morning...pfft. I also assumed it was him. I just hope he isn't stupid enough to show up again....imagine that thread ::)
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
MW"Start a harem for me"
End Quote
I'm a rhetorician. Mind tricks don't work on me, only overwhelmingly convincing arguments that appeal to logos, pathos, and ethos.
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
I'm a rhetorician. Mind tricks don't work on me, only overwhelmingly convincing arguments that appeal to logos, pathos, and ethos.
End Quote
>MW"Start a harem for me"
I'd say that was a pretty convincing argument - it certainly has pathos, even if it's a bit hazy on the old ethos and has a complete lack of logos :-)
OK, so who's joining MW's harem?
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
Not me! but I await the results with interest!! ;D
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
no lang...add whiskey......Jack Daniels in fact..then we will be making
"LYNCHburg" Lemonade!!!!!!
End Quote
WA-HAAAAAA! HA! HA! Hack, cough, wheeze, gasp...<sounds of frantic nose blowing to rid the remainder of the coffee that was rerouted>
That's funny. Okay, Goldie's point is taken. I'll make the snacks. Of course, it looks like they'll all have to be high in sugar...after MW gets through training them, the boys are gonna need to carbo-load.
What do the "uniforms" look like? I mean, other than TV's. We all know which suit he'll be wearing. ;)
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
ah, all this wonderful madness...how i missed it so when the boards were down. curse you whoever took away our outlet of insanity...
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
What do the "uniforms" look like? I mean, other than TV's. We all know which suit he'll be wearing. ;)
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well, of course lang, they will be wearing SMOCKS!!!!!
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
oooh, smocks? I may have to forgo my usual uniform if we're gonna have SMOCKS!
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
What did azzer do Saturday that tipped everyone off? :-/ I missed everything except being banned.... And isn't he the one "Who studied law at some big muckety muck school" and warned Chucky about legal ramifications for lawsuits he (azzer) couldn't spell the name of?
Thank you, btw, Chucky, for letting me back in today! :) I thought I had done something horrifying, like mentioning 90s songs in the 80s forum. LOL! J/K
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
smock smock smock smock smock
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
Hehe! Smock. That's my new favorite word. ::) ;D
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
I'm a rhetorician. Mind tricks don't work on me, only overwhelmingly convincing arguments that appeal to logos, pathos, and ethos.
End Quote
Mind tricks don't work on you? Honey, I've got you believing I melt hard drives with my PMs!
>MW"Start a harem for me"
I'd say that was a pretty convincing argument - it certainly has pathos, even if it's a bit hazy on the old ethos and has a complete lack of logos :-)
OK, so who's joining MW's harem?
End Quote
I can be a lot more convincing if I need to be. Since I noticed from Fett69's sig that he'd already founded the harem, I didn't figure I needed to be.
But if you'd like me to give you a reason to join... ;)
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
But if you'd like me to give you a reason to join... ;)
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Can I telecommute?
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
well, of course lang, they will be wearing SMOCKS!!!!!
End Quote
What JUST smocks :o
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
Can I telecommute?
Phil End Quote
That would be acceptable - for now... :-*
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
Mind tricks don't work on you? Honey, I've got you believing I melt hard drives with my PMs!End Quote
Actually it's the smoking harddrives and the "Blue Screen of Death" with the works "Mystery Women got me too hot again" that tipped me off. Nothing to do with mind tricks.
Quoting:But if you'd like me to give you a reason to join... ;)End Quote
Sorry love, but I don't join harems. :)
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
Sorry love, but I don't join harems. :) End Quote
I wasn't asking you to...
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
No, but you were offering to give me a reason to. Or was that directed at someone else? I'm so confused... :P
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
Such a funny word ;D
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
Such a funny word ;D
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Isn't "smock" what a Scotsman does to a cigarette?
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
Smock. Wasn't that that Vulcan on Star Trek? Nope, that was Spock. Ain't that what a surgeon wears when he's cutting on you?
And as for the dirty dog, we send our comments to Beavis:
Beavis: Give him the chair! The chair, the chair, the chair!
Butt-Head: C r a pital punishment is cool.
Subject: Re: You better watch out Chucky
I always thought of a Scottish accent as one that lengthens, as opposed to shortens vowel sounds. Just a grammatical correction.
I wouldn't be too worried about him doing it again. His idea of fun is doing it once and then not bothering us any more. We'd better just watch out and see, however.
Isn't "smock" what a Scotsman does to a cigarette?
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