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Subject: Does your car have a name?

Written By: Natalie on 04/24/02 at 04:31 p.m.

How many of you have names for your car?  My first car (1988 Pontiac Sunbird w/ one headlight that wouldn't come up) was named One-Eyed Willie and my second car, a Chevy Cavalier, was named Foxy Brown.  Unfortunately, I haven't come with a name for my new Honda Civic (silver, 2-door coupe).  Maybe you guys can help me come up w/ a cute name.  Any suggestions?

Subject: Re: Does your car have a name?

Written By: panda on 04/24/02 at 04:36 p.m.

my car is an 87 chevy celebrity and her name is sharla...sharla chevyhead.  i love my car.  i'd like to help you name your car, but i can't name anything until i get a feel for it.  some of my plants have gone weeks without names.  yes, i said plants.  i'm one of those crazy people who names her plants.

Subject: Re: Does your car have a name?

Written By: RockandRollFan on 04/24/02 at 04:58 p.m.

The only car I ever named was my 1979 Honda Accord....which I had from '79 until it's sad demise in 1987....totalled.....I called it "Buford"  :)

Subject: Re: Does your car have a name?

Written By: dagwood on 04/24/02 at 07:17 p.m.

My truck is my baby....I call her baby. ;) When I was growing up we had a little blue volkswagen named Harold, though.

Subject: Re: Does your car have a name?

Written By: Shannon on 04/24/02 at 08:42 p.m.

Yes, �Honda Civic. � ;D

Subject: Re: Does your car have a name?

Written By: southernspitfire on 04/24/02 at 08:54 p.m.

I had a 96 Purple Firebird that everyone called the purple people eater....and a 91 Mercury Capri Convertable that an ex boyfriends little brother called "The Tuna Can"... �real nice huh?!

Subject: Re: Does your car have a name?

Written By: XenaKat13 on 04/24/02 at 09:02 p.m.

I don't have car myself, but several friends have had cars with names or nicknames.

In order to properly name the car, you must know it's personality...

One friend's father had an ugly blue Ford station wagon that was falling apart. �The exhaust pipe was held on with a wire coat hanger, it was full of rust holes, and there was a small hold halfway up the side of the gas tank. �You could only put $5 worth of gas in it at a time, so none would leak out of the hole. The muffler (or lack of one) was so loud, you could hear it coming a block away. I have no clue how it passed inspection, but her dad only used it to haul stuff to and from work (he was a carpenter/handyman). �We called this one the "Blue Bomber".

One of my brother's friends had a black car, the make of which no one knew. �It was put together from parts. �All I remember of it was that it had tailfins. �The steering wheel had a bad habit of coming off in the driver's hands, so he always kept a pair of needle-nosed pliers on the dashboard to steer gently to the side of the road. �For some reason this car was called "The Batmobile".

BTW, this guy's favorite prank was to get someone new in the car with him, and go for a drive on a long twisting road. �At some point, (especially if there was a police car nearby) he would say, "Here, hold this for a minute", and hand over the steering wheel to his passenger (literally). ;D � :o �;D �:o �;D

The idea was to see how people would react. �My brother was the only one to "pass" the test. �He took it in his hands and pretended to steer. �His reason? �"If the cops see us, we are driving a British-manufactured car".

Subject: Re: Does your car have a name?

Written By: Kryllith on 04/24/02 at 09:15 p.m.

My car's name is DeVille.  It says so on the registration.


Subject: Re: Does your car have a name?

Written By: ThunderVamp9 on 04/24/02 at 10:50 p.m.

My car is "Come on, baby, start for me."  If it fails to start, it's name is "You lousy piece of s**t!"

Subject: Re: Does your car have a name?

Written By: Natalie on 04/24/02 at 10:52 p.m.

My car is "Come on, baby, start for me." �If it fails to start, it's name is "You lousy piece of s**t!"
End Quote

;D ;D ;D ;D he he ha ;D

Subject: Re: Does your car have a name?

Written By: Jonman on 04/25/02 at 02:48 a.m.

I guess if you looked at the plates my car would be called "JONMAN" but I usually call it "my little red babe-magnet" LOL....

I used to have a Honda Civic....I called it "Fenry Honda" ...

Subject: Re: Does your car have a name?

Written By: Gis on 04/25/02 at 04:58 a.m.

My car is "Come on, baby, start for me." �If it fails to start, it's name is "You lousy piece of s**t!"
End Quote

Thats about the size of it!! ;D

Subject: Re: Does your car have a name?

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 04/25/02 at 08:16 a.m.

The heater core pipe corroded away last week and flooded the passenger side compartment with Coolant (the green stuff).

Lots of money for repairs.

It didn't have a name previously but now I think of it as :

The Antichrist

Subject: Re: Does your car have a name?

Written By: Indy Gent on 04/25/02 at 08:45 a.m.

I do not name cars because they are not living. People can name their cars if they want to, but the only name the Highway Patrol care about is the name on the license.  

Subject: Re: Does your car have a name?

Written By: Kryllith on 04/25/02 at 08:57 a.m.

The Highway Patrols are nicer to you if you name your car Glazed Donut though.  At least, they seem to become distracted and leave.


Subject: Re: Does your car have a name?

Written By: Natalie on 04/25/02 at 11:46 a.m.

The heater core pipe corroded away last week and flooded the passenger side compartment with Coolant (the green stuff).

Lots of money for repairs.

It didn't have a name previously but now I think of it as :

The Antichrist
End Quote

Ha ha ha!  You had me LMAO for that one.  Linda Blair would be a good name, too.  

Subject: Re: Does your car have a name?

Written By: Jessica on 04/25/02 at 02:06 p.m.

We used to call my dad's 1950 Buick "The Tank". You would understand why if you ever saw a 1950 Buick. They're HUGE!

Subject: Re: Does your car have a name?

Written By: panda on 04/25/02 at 03:01 p.m.

The Highway Patrols are nicer to you if you name your car Glazed Donut though. �At least, they seem to become distracted and leave.

End Quote

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

you're too funny, kryllith!!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D  

Subject: Re: Does your car have a name?

Written By: BadAngel on 04/25/02 at 07:27 p.m.

Not anymore.  :-/

My first car, a 1973 Chevy Malibu, was named Betsy.  Then we had the Big Blue Beast, a 1982 Chevy Caprice Classic named Melba.  Then, a 4-door silver Chevy Cavalier named Slyvia.  Then I had a little white 2-door Chevy Cavalier named Angel.  In the middle there, after the Malibu, I had a Ford, and it was named "that piece of shite that doesn't run."

Now I have a 1988 Chevy Nova, and I hate it, so I haven't named it.   :'(

Subject: Re: Does your car have a name?

Written By: Natalie on 04/25/02 at 09:33 p.m.

Not anymore. �:-/

Now I have a 1988 Chevy Nova, and I hate it, so I haven't named it. � :'(

End Quote

How about naming it after the person you hate the most?  

Subject: Re: Does your car have a name?

Written By: Indy Gent on 04/26/02 at 00:42 a.m.

Right Kryllith, but with my luck they would probably eat my car. ;D

The Highway Patrols are nicer to you if you name your car Glazed Donut though. �At least, they seem to become distracted and leave.

End Quote

Subject: Re: Does your car have a name?

Written By: Bobo on 04/26/02 at 00:47 a.m.

Our cars (a red Nissan Micra Inspiration and a blue Vauxhall Corsa) are named Red Dwarf and... erm.. something, I'll find out.

Subject: Re: Does your car have a name?

Written By: Kryllith on 04/26/02 at 08:39 a.m.

Right Kryllith, but with my luck they would probably eat my car. ;D

End Quote

Well that IS one of the definite drawbacks. ;D  Take heart though, they'll get indigestion and leave, forgetting why they stopped you in the first place. ;)


Subject: Re: Does your car have a name?

Written By: Scorpian on 04/26/02 at 08:57 a.m.

If it fails to start, it's name is "You lousy piece of s**t!"
End Quote

Ahh I agree thundervamp.
If my little car that makes me late for school could talk it would think it's name was:
WHy dont u Fu**in start!!
Ahhhhh! I'd do better if i took the D**n buS!!!

My aunts car is Deville (2000)
Our Tahoe is the burgendy truck (i never call it an SUV)
Then our red truck is called the "bee catcher" because everyday when it's hot there are loads of bee's outside of it.

Subject: Re: Does your car have a name?

Written By: Scorpian on 05/02/02 at 04:11 p.m.

I have decided to bring this thread back yaaaaay!!!!!

Subject: Re: Does your car have a name?

Written By: Banasy on 05/02/02 at 05:33 p.m.

My car is "Come on, baby, start for me." �If it fails to start, it's name is "You lousy piece of s**t!"
End Quote

Hey, that's my car's name too!!!

Subject: Re: Does your car have a name?

Written By: ThunderVamp9 on 05/02/02 at 11:28 p.m.

On Friday, may car's bettery died, beyond any hope of charging.  When a 12 volt battery is only pushing 1 volt, even with the car running (thanks to a jump), it's time to get rid of it.  That day, the cars name was "You F****N piece of horse s**t, I'm gonna take a damned 20 pound sledge to you!"

Subject: Re: Does your car have a name?

Written By: Sagnastian on 05/02/02 at 11:35 p.m.

My '99 Sonoma is called "Buzz", because of my license plate specialized �MFINIT".  

Subject: Re: Does your car have a name?

Written By: Indy Gent on 05/02/02 at 11:39 p.m.

If I did name my Neon, it would be 'The Terrapin' or 'The Terp', after the National Champs Maryland, because it's pretty slow for a sub-compact. �:-[

Subject: Re: Does your car have a name?

Written By: Zella on 05/03/02 at 00:10 a.m.

I've always named my cars. My 70 Mustang was named Lewis; my 74 Charger was named Victor; my 66 Charger (which I still have but it's in sad shape and has not been driven since 85) is named Seymour. My 73 Montego was named Merlin, and my horrible old LTD was named Elmo. We currently have 3 work trucks called Waldsige, Herkimer and Hyronimus, and our work van is Emmeline. I wanted to name our GTX "Azariah," but my husband gagged at that, so we just call it "the Giddex." We've never named our pick-up truck. I guess we should; it probably feels left out :(

Subject: Re: Does your car have a name?

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 05/03/02 at 07:31 a.m.

I've always named my cars. My 70 Mustang was named Lewis; my 74 Charger was named Victor; my 66 Charger (which I still have but it's in sad shape and has not been driven since 85) is named Seymour. My 73 Montego was named Merlin, and my horrible old LTD was named Elmo. We currently have 3 work trucks called Waldsige, Herkimer and Hyronimus, and our work van is Emmeline. I wanted to name our GTX "Azariah," but my husband gagged at that, so we just call it "the Giddex." We've never named our pick-up truck. I guess we should; it probably feels left out :(
End Quote

If you know your Australian history from the early 80's (as I'm sure you do Zella, as you are very well read), you would not call your car Azaria(h), as objects called that tend to go missing...

Your husband made a good call on that one

Subject: Re: Does your car have a name?

Written By: daylily on 05/03/02 at 09:09 a.m.

Bizarrely, I haven't got a license, but I have a car. Sort of. My parents currently own three cars. The extra one, although currently off-road, will be mine if I get a license before my sister comes home from Italy in August. I have a job, which my sister won't have right away, so we might be able to work something out.

The extra car was purchased from our down-the-street neighbor. It's a 1987 navy blue Honda that used to belong to his mother (Grandma Downthestreet) who I remember fondly from the Downthestreets' many intergenerational parties when we were kids. I would be proud to drive her car, if ever I learn how.

Her name was Martha, and I thought of naming the car that, but decided it wouldn't be respectful. I decided to name it after another Beatles song, and immediately hit on Prudence--a suitable name for a sedate, old-lady car which will eventually be driven by a pathologically cautious person (me).

Subject: Re: Does your car have a name?

Written By: Zella on 05/05/02 at 06:32 p.m.


If you know your Australian history from the early 80's (as I'm sure you do Zella, as you are very well read), you would not call your car Azaria(h), as objects called that tend to go missing...

Your husband made a good call on that one
End Quote

Er...sorry Fuss. My entire repetoir of Australian History comes straight from the Thorn Birds. �:-[ (How's that for well read, eh? �;D ) So you will have to elaborate.

Subject: Re: Does your car have a name?

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 05/05/02 at 09:59 p.m.


Er...sorry Fuss. My entire repetoir of Australian History comes straight from the Thorn Birds. �:-[ (How's that for well read, eh? �;D ) So you will have to elaborate.
End Quote

Hi Zella

Well I will go gently here because this is (still) a sensetive subject in Australia.

In the early 80's, at Ayer's Rock, there was an incident where a baby named Azaria (without the 'h') was allegedly taken from a tent at the campsite by a Dingo (wild Australian Dog) ***.

A huge police search ensued but the body has never been recovered.  Some time later some of the baby's clothing was found.  There were all sorts of problems with the investigation and allegations of police incompetence, cover ups, some people said the name 'Azaria' was connected with Human Ascifices and Devil Worship and on an on it went.

The mother got sent to Jail, only to be let out some time later.  It was all very unpleasant.

Anyway, hence my reference to 'going missing'.

*** Anyone who has watched the Simpsons may remember the episode where Bart rings up a number in Australia to ask which way water circulates when it runs down the plughole.

In that same episode Bart makes a prank call and yells down the phone "A dingo's got my Baby", which was part of the testimony given by the mother at the time.

Everyone knows that the Simpsons is irreverant and makes jokes at everyone's expense.  But the night that episode was first shown I swear a collective shudder went through the whole country....

So there you have it - steer clear of the word Azaria(h)


Subject: Re: Does your car have a name?

Written By: Zella on 05/05/02 at 10:04 p.m.

Oh.  :(

I just took the name from the Bible. It was the name of one of the better Kings of Judah and if I recall correctly, the name means "The Lord is my helper." But the name just didn't stick, and as I mentioned before, my husband hated it.   :-/

Subject: Re: Does your car have a name?

Written By: Jessica on 05/05/02 at 10:20 p.m.


Hi Zella

Well I will go gently here because this is (still) a sensetive subject in Australia.

In the early 80's, at Ayer's Rock, there was an incident where a baby named Azaria (without the 'h') was allegedly taken from a tent at the campsite by a Dingo (wild Australian Dog) ***.

A huge police search ensued but the body has never been recovered. �Some time later some of the baby's clothing was found. �There were all sorts of problems with the investigation and allegations of police incompetence, cover ups, some people said the name 'Azaria' was connected with Human Ascifices and Devil Worship and on an on it went.

The mother got sent to Jail, only to be let out some time later. �It was all very unpleasant.

Anyway, hence my reference to 'going missing'.

*** Anyone who has watched the Simpsons may remember the episode where Bart rings up a number in Australia to ask which way water circulates when it runs down the plughole.

In that same episode Bart makes a prank call and yells down the phone "A dingo's got my Baby", which was part of the testimony given by the mother at the time.

Everyone knows that the Simpsons is irreverant and makes jokes at everyone's expense. �But the night that episode was first shown I swear a collective shudder went through the whole country....

So there you have it - steer clear of the word Azaria(h)

End Quote

There was a movie based on that incident. It was called "A Cry in the Dark", but I don't remember if it was accurate or not.

Subject: Re: Does your car have a name?

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 05/06/02 at 00:19 a.m.


There was a movie based on that incident. It was called "A Cry in the Dark", but I don't remember if it was accurate or not.
End Quote

Yes Jessica - It was reasonably accurate but like any movie they had to leave a lot out to make it fit.

The only problem was Meryl Streep's (and I have liked everything else she has done) appalling attempt at an AW-STRAY-LEE-ANN   ARKS-EARNT.

I think she took coaching lessons from Bart Simpson  ;)