Welcome to the archived messages from In The 00s. This archive stretches back to 1998 in some instances, and contains a nearly complete record of all the messages posted to inthe00s.com. You will also find an archive of the messages from inthe70s.com, inthe80s.com, inthe90s.com and amiright.com before they were combined to form the inthe00s.com messageboard.
If you are looking for the active messages, please click here. Otherwise, use the links below or on the right hand side of the page to navigate the archives.

Subject: The goal of this board
Is to hopefully move the "I just made my XXX post" messages out of the decade specific messageboards into a more generic messageboard... and a place to welcome new members
That being said, I also don't mind other system related things, or things that may appeal to regular users only. If you're a regular poster and you just started your own site on some topic (as long as it ain't no porno site) feel free to share, that type of thing..
Although, I also have to mention I don't want it to get too popular (ie. posts like "what's your favorite show, etc. should remain in the regular boards).
Subject: Re: The goal of this board
I should also thank Darla for suggesting I add a new board for this purpose (at least I'm pretty sure Darla suggested it, damn, I'm getting senile)
Subject: Re: The goal of this board
Just wanted to post in here before Hairspray. ;)
Good idea Chucky, or whoever gave you the idea.
Subject: Re: The goal of this board
Good idea! It probably was Mystery Woman who came up with this idea. She has some good ones! :)
I haven't made a 'this is my XXX post' on this board. But then, I do try to keep my posts PG. ;) Since I'm not allowed to advertise my web site ::), I guess I'm done. LOL
Subject: Re: The goal of this board
OK, when I hit post #200, then I'll make it here! I wonder if the ranking at 1000 is "Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs" or whatever Calvin's favorite cereal was. (Please do not tell me if I am right or wrong, but my favorite thing about Calvin & Hobbes was the name of his favorite cereal…)
Subject: Re: The goal of this board
I agree, this is a great idea. Since it isn't worth a whole new topic, yesterday I got to four stars.....YAY!!! Thank you, now I will return you to your normal everyday life... ;D
Subject: Re: The goal of this board
This is a great idea for a board. Thanks a billion, Chuck.
Subject: Re: The goal of this board
Thanx, Chucky! You work quickly! And now that I know you're listening, there's a few other "little" things we should discuss... ;)
Like how come I suggest the forum, but I don't get to be a Moderator on it? ;D (KIDDING!) :P
But seriously, this should help those of us who want to post things that aren't exactly decade-related from clogging up those boards. If it doesn't work out that way, you can blame me. I don't mind, I'm used to it!
Subject: Re: The goal of this board
Howdy. I have posted about 10 times or so, but I thought I ought to introduce myself. My name is Meredith (aka merry-beth). I found this site by chance and love, love, love it. One comment: I can get a smiley as a message icon but not just in the message. Could someone tell me how to do it? (if you haven't noticed, I am not the most computer saavy individual).
Subject: Re: The goal of this board
Hey Mezzers (if I may call you that, one of my friends is called Meredith too, and she doesn't mind.) I think where you see Disable Smileys, if you tick that box, and include your emoticon with the message, it should work. It works when I've tried it, so it should work with you too. Peace out.
Subject: Re: The goal of this board
But seriously, this should help those of us who want to post things that aren't exactly decade-related from clogging up those boards. End Quote
My sentiments exactly! :) I am glad everyone is hitting their milestones but it seemed every thread was about this. :)
Thanks for suggesting it MW! :)
Subject: Re: The goal of this board
Yeah, thanks a lot. Now when I make 500 I'll say so on here instead.
Subject: Re: The goal of this board
Yeah, thanks a lot. Now when I make 500 I'll say so on here instead.
End Quote
That should be when - today?
Subject: Re: The goal of this board
If not today, then hopefully by Sunday night my time. I'm cranking up my posting brain to a new high of "over-active" just for these last two weeks - its been the holiday, and I've been enjoying this way too much.
Subject: Re: The goal of this board
That said, the board has been going very very slowly the last few days.
Subject: Re: The goal of this board
If not today, then hopefully by Sunday night my time. I'm cranking up my posting brain to a new high of "over-active" just for these last two weeks - its been the holiday, and I've been enjoying this way too much.
End Quote
That said, the board has been going very very slowly the last few days.
End Quote
I have no idea why... Anyone? cs? langdon? ::)
Subject: Re: The goal of this board
Either way, I've been on here for a long time the last two days, maybe its because I've been continuously watching the board, as opposed to coming and going every 20-30 minutes, which is the norm, for me.
Subject: Re: The goal of this board
Hello Everyone!!! :)
This is great! Neat! Stupendous!
I probably won't be on here as much as some of you, but It'll be interesting for sure! The 80's board is always my main stop. ;D
I'm 1/2 way to 900!
Supreme Ruler & Moderator for Life,
Stupendous Man,
Subject: Re: The goal of this board
Not forgetting marvelous, brilliant, superb, magnificent, et alia.
Subject: Re: The goal of this board
I think that this is a great idea and I would like tp apogize for my post on the 80s board the other day.I usually don't post how many post I have posted.I will keep completly on the subject from now on.I also apogize if this made no sense.
Subject: Re: The goal of this board
I would also like to apoligize for misspelling apoligize. :-[
Subject: Re: The goal of this board
Are you sure you'd rather apoligize than apologize?
Subject: Re: The goal of this board
Are you sure you'd rather apoligize than apologize?
End Quote
It was a joke ::)
Can't ya tell my Hooked on Phonix is doin me good ;D
Subject: Re: The goal of this board
Yes, I know, I know. I love spoiling jokes like that... for no apparent reason.
Subject: Re: The goal of this board
I have no idea why... Anyone? cs? langdon? ::)
End Quote
I wonder
Subject: Re: The goal of this board
I have no idea why... Anyone? cs? langdon? ::)
End Quote
I can't imagine ::)
Subject: Re: The goal of this board
Well, I guess I can say I made my fiftieth (I know I cant spell, don't remind me) post again! And I'll be here for my 100th!
Subject: Re: The goal of this board
Subject: Re: The goal of this board
I have no idea why... Anyone? cs? langdon? ::)
End Quote
I may have finally found myself outmatched, if only by sheer volume if not sarcasm. I'm sorry. I've failed you all. But don't despair, there's a bit of life in the ol' girl yet. It just may take some work...
Subject: Re: The goal of this board
I may have finally found myself outmatched, if only by sheer volume if not sarcasm. I'm sorry. I've failed you all. But don't despair, there's a bit of life in the ol' girl yet. It just may take some work...
End Quote
Langdon, "ol' girl" (ya, right), you have never failed us. For example, I'm very impressed with the "subtle" sheer volume comment in your message. Pure genius, girl! ;) And no pressure, but see what happens to this place when you go away for the holidays?
I just thought I'd call upon you or cs to comment here, because last time I started shooting, I kinda did it with both barrels and the guy never came back. Wait a... no, that would be wrong.
But I digress.
Subject: Re: The goal of this board
I don't believe the board has been slow, per se.
Most who've been absent have been sorely missed.
Darla, I've seen you lurking, but not posting. I miss you too, you know. :'(
It's a bit overwhelming and boring to see the same person always posting and responding.
We need the rest of you to come back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Subject: Re: The goal of this board
...last time I started shooting, I kinda did it with both barrels and the guy never came back. Wait a... no, that would be wrong.
End Quote
heh heh heh heh...but I think this time a stake through the heart might be required to prevent re-rising. Undead! Undead!
(Me-ow! Saucer of milk at table one, please. Bitter? Me? Naaaaaaw.)
Subject: Re: The goal of this board
heh heh heh heh...but I think this time a stake through the heart might be required to prevent re-rising. Undead! Undead!
(Me-ow! Saucer of milk at table one, please. Bitter? Me? Naaaaaaw.)
End Quote
And you wonder why so many love you? ;)
Subject: Re: The goal of this board
heh heh heh heh...but I think this time a stake through the heart might be required to prevent re-rising. Undead! Undead!
(Me-ow! Saucer of milk at table one, please. Bitter? Me? Naaaaaaw.)
End Quote
*passes langdon a saucer of milk*
One stake, 600 stakes... it's all good.
Subject: Re: The goal of this board
And you wonder why so many love you? ;)
End Quote
It's a gift. A cross I have to bear. Around my neck to burn the infidels and nosferatu.
MW, I can't use a hammer properly when my hands are shaking from laughter. You know that.
Subject: Re: The goal of this board
I can't use a hammer without inflating it first. Stupid inflatable B+D power tools. They never work :(
Subject: Re: The goal of this board
Just wanted to "Bring this back" for all the newbies ;)
Subject: Re: The goal of this board
I've made over 3700 posts since last time this thread was brung up... heh. Good thread callback, Mark!
Subject: Re: The goal of this board
I've made over 3700 posts since last time this thread was brung up... heh. Good thread callback, Mark!
End Quote
No problem Bobo....it has been a long but overall good year for me here :)
Subject: Re: The goal of this board
neat to see a message that didn't get wiped out from the hacker last spring..
if I wrote the archives better, I'm sure we'd see more older posts resurface from people who find them through search engines
Subject: Re: The goal of this board
http://www.inthe00s.com/smilies/grim.gifSo, here it is, the day before Hallloween.
I've been watching horror movies for three days straight. http://www.inthe00s.com/smilies/nervous.gif I've also been watching specials on the History Channel about the historical Dracula (who was even scarier than the fictional one).http://www.inthe00s.com/smilies/errrr.gif
And I come to the 'boards today to find that a topic thread has risen from the dead, and is coming to get me!!!!!http://www.inthe00s.com/smilies/smhair2.gifhttp://www.inthe00s.com/smilies/pfohnmacht.gif
Thanks for the Halloween "trick" ;D ;D
Subject: Re: The goal of this board
That's great.A XXX board.How nice.I can't wait to post my heart out. :D -howard-