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Subject: Ban on putting Shetland Islands in a box on maps comes into force

Written By: Philip Eno on 10/04/18 at 6:20 am

New rules barring public bodies from putting Shetland in a box on official documents have come into force. Islands MSP Tavish Scott had sought to change the law to ban the "geographical mistake" which "irks" locals, by amending the Islands (Scotland) Bill. The bill's "mapping requirement" has now come into force, although it does give bodies a get-out clause if they provide reasons why a box must be used. Mapmakers argue that boxes help avoid "publishing maps which are mostly sea". The Islands Bill, which aims to offer greater protections and powers to Scotland's island communities, was unanimously passed in May. It gives island councils extra powers over activities on and around their coastlines and requires ministers to have a long-term plan for improvement.

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