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Subject: Couple's bid to step out on all Britain's railway stations
Written By: Philip Eno on 08/18/17 at 3:36 am
A London couple have reached the Scottish Highlands in a challenge to document all 2,563 railway stations in England, Scotland and Wales. But what set Vicki Pipe and Geoff Marshall on such an epic journey? The two railway enthusiasts are nearing the end of their project to create an online documentary. The adventure has already seen them spend three months on trains and station platforms. All going well, they should reach their final destination this weekend. So far, the Highlands leg of their journey has taken them to somewhere special - the Glenfinnan Viaduct, which famously appeared in the Harry Potter films. "I have to say that was very cool," says Vicki, after crossing the viaduct. "For any Harry Potter fan you just think about the journey to Hogwarts."
She adds: "That was brilliant. I didn't say anything for a few moments."
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