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Subject: Deliverance on the didgeridoo
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/02/14 at 10:48 pm
Here's a freaky story from the Land Down Under. This incestuous clan lived a "depraved" existence in the wilderness of New South Wales. Reports say they've been on the move for four generations from New Zealand and territories in Australia.
The clan of about 40 individuals suffers from various physical and mental illnesses owing to severe inbreeding and and deplorable habitations. I gleaned from the article that the clan member, who the media are calling Colt, knew no other life and feared the prying eyes of outsiders. That's why they've moved around so much over the years. I guess Australia is a big country with lots of hiding places.
Investigators are following up on allegations of rape, torture, and animal mutilations at the squalid settlement, which lacked electricity, running water, or even rudimentary sanitation. The clan occupied a few rundown trailers, tents, and sheds.
All the state can do now is mitigate the damage done. It sounds like they might be able to partially rehabilitate some members of the clan. Others will have to be in full custody for the rest of their lives.
I gather the press is suppressing photos in the interest of privacy.
It's at once fascinating, scary, and sad.
Subject: Re: Deliverance on the didgeridoo
Written By: Ripley on 01/02/14 at 11:10 pm
This sounds like the people in the movie Wrong Turn. They were mutated cannibals. Good movie if you're a horror fan. But seriously the description of them in the article sounds like the film. :o
Subject: Re: Deliverance on the didgeridoo
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/02/14 at 11:51 pm
This sounds like the people in the movie Wrong Turn. They were mutated cannibals. Good movie if you're a horror fan. But seriously the description of them in the article sounds like the film. :o
Those horror films are based on our deep fear of incestuous clans. As you can see from the article, inbreeding is not a good survival technique, so it has been universally taboo since the dawn of human culture. I should say, incest among first-degree biological relatives -- brother-sister, mother-son, father-daughter, aunt-nephew, uncle-niece, etc. It wasn't until the 20th century that it became taboo for cousins to marry in Western societies.
Anyway, I keep wondering if the family received any social welfare benefits and if they had, how they slipped under the radar for so long. The articles I've read say the children would be forced to attend school from time to time, but if they arrived in rags and covered in sores, wouldn't a social worker visit their home?
The articles also say Tammy's daughter died of Zellweger syndrome. Obviously, this diagnosis was given at a hospital, so why weren't more inquiries made at that time?
Subject: Re: Deliverance on the didgeridoo
Written By: Foo Bar on 01/03/14 at 8:20 pm
At first I was like:
It's at once fascinating, scary, and sad.
And by the time I was done the article, I was like:
Once again, the world is not only more twisted than we do imagine, it's more twisted than we can imagine.
I'm going back to something less likely to put me off my appetite, like reading about how Kim Jong-Un may have executed his uncle not by the comparatively civilized methods of firing squad (ex-girlfriend) or mortar cannon (ex-army minister), but by feeding him alive to a pack of 120 starving dogs. (In South Korea, you eat dog. In North Korea, dog eats you!)
Subject: Re: Deliverance on the didgeridoo
Written By: NotAMember on 01/03/14 at 8:23 pm
At first I was like:
And by the time I was done the article, I was like:
Once again, the world is not only more twisted than we do imagine, it's more twisted than we can imagine.
I'm going back to something less likely to put me off my appetite, like reading about how Kim Jong-Un may have executed his uncle not by the comparatively civilized methods of firing squad (ex-girlfriend) or mortar cannon (ex-army minister), but by feeding him alive to a pack of 120 starving dogs. (In South Korea, you eat dog. In North Korea, dog eats you!)
I knew you were Yakov Smirnoff! ;)
Subject: Re: Deliverance on the didgeridoo
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/03/14 at 9:26 pm
The Aussie incest cult is the kind of stuff I used to have nightmares about.
Like, you know that forgotten dirt road off of Route 31 that nobody ever goes down? One day at dusk you turn right on it, just out of curiosity...
:o :o :o
I spent a lot of time touring the networks of dirt roads around New England. I definitely had locals peer at me from time to time like I wasn't welcome. In the days before cell phones I'd be out there in the middle of godforasaken nowhere and get paranoid about Leatherface or Mountain Men blocking my car! The New Hampshire Chainsaw Massacre, product of an overactive imagination!
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