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Subject: French outrage after US deems its cheese 'filthy'
Written By: Philip Eno on 07/08/13 at 12:32 pm
Indignation is growing among cheese-lovers in France and the US after Washington branded a type of French cheese as unfit for human consumption.
The US government slapped an import ban on mimolette cheese at the end of May, leaving 1.5 tonnes of the item impounded at a warehouse.
American food inspectors object to the use of mites to refine its flavour.
A producer called the ban "absurd" while fans have launched social media campaigns such as "Save the mimolette".
According to the US food and drug administration, the cheese "appears to consist in whole or in part of a filthy, putrid or decomposed substance or be otherwise unfit for food".
"This is absurd," a mimolette producers' spokesman said. "Changing the production process would change the flavour. No one has ever got ill from eating our cheese."
However, French junior minister for food Guillaume Garot suggested this week that mimolette makers would have no choice if they wanted to export to the US.
"Our only concern is to work with French cheese-makers towards a new production process for aged mimolette destined for export," he said.
Subject: Re: French outrage after US deems its cheese 'filthy'
Written By: danootaandme on 07/08/13 at 3:29 pm
Someone didn't pay the bribe. ::)
Subject: Re: French outrage after US deems its cheese 'filthy'
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/08/13 at 10:00 pm
The cheese police, they live inside of my head,
The cheese police, they come to me in my bed,
The cheese police, they're coming to arrest me, oh no!!!
Subject: Re: French outrage after US deems its cheese 'filthy'
Written By: Foo Bar on 07/09/13 at 1:55 am
American food inspectors object to the use of mites to refine its flavour.
Mites? Pah. I'd try that Mimolette any time. It's the casu marza from Italy that would freak me out.
Well, I can't eat cheese,
'Cause they'll seize it from me,
And when I fall asleep,
Bet they're spying on me.. tonight! Tonight!
'Cause they're waiting for me,
They're looking for me,
Every inch of rind,
They're driving me insane!
Those curds inside my whey!
The cheese police, they live inside of my head,
The cheese police, they come to me in my bed,
The cheese police, they're coming to arrest me, oh no!!!
(Dear Cheap Trick fans who stumble across this. I'm sorry, I kinda had to.)
Subject: Re: French outrage after US deems its cheese 'filthy'
Written By: warped on 07/09/13 at 5:44 am
The cheese police, they live inside of my head,
Subject: Re: French outrage after US deems its cheese 'filthy'
Written By: Howard on 07/09/13 at 6:46 am
The cheese police, they live inside of my head,
The cheese police, they come to me in my bed,
The cheese police, they're coming to arrest me, oh no!!!
There's no such thing as The Cheese Police.
Subject: Re: French outrage after US deems its cheese 'filthy'
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/12/13 at 10:15 pm
There's no such thing as The Cheese Police.
Ha! That's what YOU think!
Subject: Re: French outrage after US deems its cheese 'filthy'
Written By: Howard on 07/13/13 at 7:11 am
How filthy was the cheese?
Subject: Re: French outrage after US deems its cheese 'filthy'
Written By: Philip Eno on 07/13/13 at 7:13 am
How filthy was the cheese?
According to the US food and drug administration, the cheese "appears to consist in whole or in part of a filthy, putrid or decomposed substance or be otherwise unfit for food".
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