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Subject: Is this a great car advertisement, or the best advertisement EVAR!1!!

Written By: ChuckyG on 03/27/13 at 12:16 pm

The Most Stunning Ad Ever Made for a Used Car With 128,000 Miles That's Been Puked In Twice


Subject: Re: Is this a great car advertisement, or the best advertisement EVAR!1!!

Written By: ladybug316 on 03/27/13 at 9:35 pm

Yay!  Awesome! ;D

Subject: Re: Is this a great car advertisement, or the best advertisement EVAR!1!!

Written By: Howard on 03/28/13 at 7:25 pm

I wouldn't buy a car that had puke in it.  8-P

Subject: Re: Is this a great car advertisement, or the best advertisement EVAR!1!!

Written By: Red Ant on 04/28/13 at 10:38 am

Awesome! Some funny things on c-list, tho mostly stuff that will make you question if the poster has missing or extra chromosomes.

I like this one (NSFW):


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