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Subject: Haunted Mirror sells for $155 on Ebay
Written By: Zac95 on 02/19/13 at 10:26 am
An antique mirror managed to scare up $155 U.S. in a recent eBay auction despite -- or perhaps because of -- claims that it might be haunted.
The two sellers -- Joseph Birch, 20, and Sotiris Charalambous, 43 -- claim they acquired the allegedly haunted mirror when their landlord put it in a dumpster outside their London home about five months ago.
Since then, the duo claim they've suffered a streak of bad luck, including financial problems and illness according to the Daily Mail.
The duo claim that since they took possession of the mirror, they've woken up "screaming in pain," felt "a sense of impending doom," and spotted "flickering shadows" reflected in it, reported, adding that the final straw was when one of the owners woke up "covered in deep red scratches."
The two recently decided to get rid of the bad luck mirror by auctioning it off on eBay, but making sure to fully disclose its paranormal properties.
It's a good thing there was no profit motive reflected in the eBay posting, but there was only one bid for the item and it was for the original price posted by the two men.
The buyer's name has not been released.
Subject: Re: Haunted Mirror sells for $155 on Ebay
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/19/13 at 9:43 pm
is it the mirror or is it the jimson weed?
Subject: Re: Haunted Mirror sells for $155 on Ebay
Written By: Philip Eno on 02/23/13 at 5:59 am
Subject: Re: Haunted Mirror sells for $155 on Ebay
Written By: Howard on 02/23/13 at 6:34 am
I'd buy it just as long as it takes me to Alice in Wonderland. :D
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