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Subject: They Don't Need To Arrest Her 'Because She's A Republican'

Written By: warped on 10/11/12 at 12:56 pm

Charlene Idelle Hunziker Allegedly Tells Cops They Don't Need To Arrest Her 'Because She's A Republican'
Charlene, age 47, is accused of making a huge scene at a P.F. Chang’s in West Des Moines, Iowa on Friday night, according to West Des Moines Patch.

Employees had tried to throw Hunziker out of the restaurant after she went on a political rant expounding on the virtues of Mitt Romney and the evil intentions of President Obama. The diner who called police said he feared the woman might try to hurt one of the employees.

When an officer arrived at the scene, Hunziker reportedly told the cop he didn't need to be there and he should leave, according a police report obtained by The Huffington Post. Apparently to justify her claim, Hunziker reportedly screamed that "she was a Republican."

A witness told police Hunziker had been screaming at customers about how "Obama had ruined this country and Muslims were causing America all these problems.”

When asked if she would consent to a breathalyzer test, the officer who filed the report said Hunziker "began to yell at me about Governor Romney and her rights."

The report also said Hunziker justified her behavior by explaining that "she was doing this because she was a good mother.”  Hunziker was charged with public intoxication.

Subject: Re: They Don't Need To Arrest Her 'Because She's A Republican'

Written By: Ashkicksass on 10/11/12 at 1:40 pm

Mitt Romney would never approve of public intoxication!  *tsk tsk*

Subject: Re: They Don't Need To Arrest Her 'Because She's A Republican'

Written By: warped on 10/11/12 at 1:53 pm

When she spoke about (her perceived) virtues of Romney and (her perceived) evil intentions of Obama, to me she's either a self-righteous religious person (who thinks she's above the law) or belongs to the tea party, since she didn't think she needed to be arrested "coz she was republican"

This is how I see it, but of course I could be wrong.

Subject: Re: They Don't Need To Arrest Her 'Because She's A Republican'

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/14/12 at 12:45 am

No more Scolpion Bor for you!

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