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Subject: Did Easter Island heads Rock 'n' Roll into their current positions?

Written By: ChuckyG on 06/21/12 at 1:42 pm

How Easter Island's statues walked

Did Easter Island's famous statues rock, or roll? After doing a little rocking out themselves, researchers say they're sure the natives raised the monumental figures upright, and then rocked them back and forth to "walk" them to their positions.

Having moved many, many large rocks myself, I'd say it's definitely a possibility. 

The statue-walking experiment alone doesn't prove that the entire scenario put forward by Hunt and Lipo is true, but it's consistent with the claims in the islanders' oral tradition that the statues "walked" down the road in ancient times. It also provides an alternate explanation for the ruined statues that littered the roads: When you lose control of the ropes, that's what happens, and you don't have any good way to move the broken pieces.

Subject: Re: Did Easter Island heads Rock 'n' Roll into their current positions?

Written By: Philip Eno on 06/21/12 at 1:44 pm

This sheds new light on the formation of the stones at Stonehenge!

Subject: Re: Did Easter Island heads Rock 'n' Roll into their current positions?

Written By: warped on 06/21/12 at 5:42 pm

Stonehenge by  Spinaltap

Subject: Re: Did Easter Island heads Rock 'n' Roll into their current positions?

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/05/12 at 11:56 pm

The planted the heads when they were very small rocks!
A-ha!  I run circles around you logic!

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