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Subject: Man shoots self in penis
Written By: King Tut on 09/14/11 at 12:54 am
CHANDLER, Ariz. – Police are preaching firearms safety after a Chandler man accidentally shot himself in the penis with his girlfriend's little pink pistol.
It happened last week outside a grocery store near Elliot and Alma School roads.
According to Chandler police, Joshua Seto, 27, was tucking the little gun – reportedly a Taurus 380 Compact Pistol similar to the one pictured above – into his waistband as he walked toward the store with his girlfriend, Cara Christopher.
The gun went off. The bullet hit Seto's penis and continued through his left thigh. Christopher, 26, called 911 and was instructed on how to stanch the blood flow.
Seto was taken to a local hospital and has since been released. It's not clear if the wound will cause him any permanent damage.
Police said it’s not clear if the gun's safety was engaged when it fired. Regardless, police say Seto's experience underscores the importance of firearms safety training.
In addition to knowing how to safely and correctly handle a weapon, police warn people that if they are going to carry a gun, they should always have a proper holster. A gun tucked in a waistband, something commonly seen in television shows, might look "cool" and seem convenient, but in reality it is inherently dangerous.
While the incident was an accident, police said it's possible that Seto could faces weapons or endangerment charges.
Sgt. Joseph Favazzo of the Chandler Police Department said the case is under investigation.
The poor unfortunate man.
Subject: Re: Man shoots self in penis
Written By: Foo Bar on 09/14/11 at 10:37 pm
In case the obvious poster misses this thread, I'll fill in for him:
Subject: Re: Man shoots self in penis
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/14/11 at 10:57 pm
The gun went off. The bullet hit Seto's penis and continued through his left thigh. Christopher, 26, called 911 and was instructed on how to stanch the blood flow.
Sometimes a fella has to resort to extreme measures to get his gal to do the know?
Seto: What did the 911 people say?
Christopher: You're going to bleed to death!
Subject: Re: Man shoots self in penis
Written By: danootaandme on 09/17/11 at 5:59 am
There are probably so many out there who would do that for him, and he wouldn't have to ask. ::)
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