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Subject: School bus stop by a strip club
Written By: King Tut on 09/11/11 at 11:47 pm
MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. – Officials in eastern South Carolina are moving a school bus stop that was by a strip club after parents complained.
Children had to wait in the parking lot of a strip club in Atlantic Beach to catch the school bus.
Misty Umphries, a mother who waits at the stop with her children, says she had to explain to her 4-year-old the meaning of "topless."
Horry County transportation director Jim Wright previously said the stop was the central point of four blocks it needed to accommodate. Wright was concerned that moving the stop to a community center that parents suggested would require some children to walk farther.
District officials have since decided to create two bus stops in the area. Neither is at the strip club.
-Mommy. what's "topless"?
-It's when a jar has no lid, it's topless
-But..daddy told me it's what you did in 2004 during the Democratic convention in Boston!
-No dear, that's' "nude"..there's a difference...
Subject: Re: School bus stop by a strip club
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/13/11 at 7:19 pm
Look mommy, there's daddy's car!
Subject: Re: School bus stop by a strip club
Written By: King Tut on 09/14/11 at 12:48 am
Look mommy, there's daddy's car!
-Right beside the church bus.
Subject: Re: School bus stop by a strip club
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/14/11 at 11:10 pm
Famous strip club near where I grew up was The Golden Banana in Peabody. Story related to me by my high school friend Kris.
Whenever the family car passed the Golden Banana on Rte. 1, her father would point to the sign and joke, "There it is, the Golden Banana, there's where your mother works!"
It was mildly inappropriate mildly funny joke until one day Kris' kindergarten teacher started asking where all the students' moms and dads worked.
"At the Golden Banana," chirped Kris.
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