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Subject: Dog sets new world record for longest ears
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/06/11 at 2:57 pm
This black and tan Coonhound has got no excuse for not hearing when he's called. Why? Because he's got the longest ears of any dog in the world!
Eight-year-old Harbor's left ear is 31.1cm long, while his right ear is even longer, at 34.3cm.
They've made him a bit of a celeb in his hometown of Boulder, Colorado, but having such big ears isn't easy.
As a puppy, he used to trip over them and roll down the stairs, and these days he gets a LOT of attention.
Subject: Re: Dog sets new world record for longest ears
Written By: King Tut on 09/06/11 at 3:51 pm
Harbor, you were named incorrectly.
Why didn't they call you Prince Charles? ;D
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