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Subject: Bio Station Alpha Mars
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/09/11 at 6:15 pm
California dreamer David Martines was perusing Google Mars when he stumbled across an image he believes is an artificial structure on the order of 700 x 150 feet. Is it a space port for covert Martian missions from Earth? Is it a refueling station for extraterrestrials? is it a surface station for a subterranean Martian civilization?
Scientists believe it is visual artifact caused cosmic rays or a naturally occurring mineral deposit.
Subject: Re: Bio Station Alpha Mars
Written By: danootaandme on 06/10/11 at 4:06 am
or is it the Restaurant at the End of the Universe?
Subject: Re: Bio Station Alpha Mars
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/13/11 at 9:52 pm
or is it the Restaurant at the End of the Universe?
Or is it Jimmy Hoffa's house?
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