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Subject: Market town clock repair leaves Manningtree in troubled times
Written By: Philip Eno on 11/10/09 at 1:27 am
A market town clock that was sent for repair after vandals damaged the glass has been returned with its numbers in the wrong order.
The clock on a bank in the High Street in Manningtree, Essex, has its numbers seven and eight the wrong way round. The blunder went unnoticed for several hours, but residents have now decided to leave it in the hope that it becomes a tourist attraction.
“I don’t know how it was overlooked, but it is causing some amusement,” said David Shearmur, of the Rotary Club, which gave the clock to the town in 1990.
Subject: Re: Market town clock repair leaves Manningtree in troubled times
Written By: MLB on 11/10/09 at 11:22 pm
it is a handsome clock and i didn't notice the problem immediately either. however, as long as they don't start teaching school children how to tell time in the town square, it should still be fine even if they don't want to fix the problem. Right?? Well, only time will tell... :P
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