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Subject: Man screws a horse
Written By: Fairee07 on 11/05/09 at 11:08 pm
I'm afraid I don't have a link but today at lunch I was reading the Metro (a Great Toronto Area paper) and under the World section there was a small article about a man from South Carolina who was arrested for...screwing a horse and has a restraining order against going anywhere near barns. Apparently this was his second time getting caught.
Seriously what is this world coming to?
Subject: Re: Man screws a horse
Written By: Red Ant on 11/05/09 at 11:23 pm
Seriously what is this world coming to?
It could be worse. Google "Kenneth Pinyan". I wouldn't venture past the wikipedia entry.
Subject: Re: Man screws a horse
Written By: gibbo on 11/06/09 at 12:14 am
In my very best John Wayne voice...."Get down off that horse ::) Oh...sorry .... what was that? You're feeling a little horse? ;)
Look folks all jokes's okay ' can lead a horse to **** but you can't make it ****
Subject: Re: Man screws a horse
Written By: Frank on 11/06/09 at 12:33 am
I'm afraid I don't have a link but today at lunch I was reading the Metro (a Great Toronto Area paper) and under the World section there was a small article about a man from South Carolina who was arrested for...screwing a horse and has a restraining order against going anywhere near barns. Apparently this was his second time getting caught.
Seriously what is this world coming to?
I didn't know Dennis Rodman was in South Carolina.
Subject: Re: Man screws a horse
Written By: Foo Bar on 11/06/09 at 9:32 pm
It could be worse. Google "Kenneth Pinyan". I wouldn't venture past the wikipedia entry.
Mr. Hand: An uptight history teacher in Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Mr. Hands: Something very, very, very, different.
Subject: Re: Man screws a horse
Written By: danootaandme on 11/06/09 at 10:12 pm
I'm afraid I don't have a link but today at lunch I was reading the Metro (a Great Toronto Area paper) and under the World section there was a small article about a man from South Carolina who was arrested for...screwing a horse and has a restraining order against going anywhere near barns. Apparently this was his second time getting caught.
Seriously what is this world coming to?
Seriously, you think this is something new?
Subject: Re: Man screws a horse
Written By: apollonia1986 on 11/08/09 at 11:18 am
I didn't know Dennis Rodman was in South Carolina.
Karma! That made me laugh out loud. ;D
Once again, there's a hillbilly making everyone in the South look like illeterate idiots. I should slap him! >:(
Subject: Re: Man screws a horse
Written By: Silver Power on 11/09/09 at 2:28 pm
Karma! That made me laugh out loud. ;D
Once again, there's a hillbilly making everyone in the South look like illeterate idiots. I should slap him! >:(
You spelled illiterate wrong. Karma tho for the attempt.
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