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Subject: Warning to amorous twitchers
Written By: Philip Eno on 08/06/09 at 1:40 pm
A wildlife trust has ordered bird-watchers to stop using its hides for hanky panky.
Amorous twitchers have reportedly been meeting in the secluded wooden huts for late-night love-making sessions, reports the Daily Mail.
Rachel Shaw, of Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust, said she wanted to remind nature lovers that the hides should only be used for watching birds.
She said: "There are certain things going on at nature reserves that shouldn't.
"One report came from a visitor who overheard certain noises coming from the bird hides in South Lincolnshire."
But Miss Shaw said "inappropriate" behaviour on nature reserves was not limited to sexual activity.
She added: "On top of that, we've had people cycling, horse riding, and even setting the grass on fire.
"Nature reserves are for quiet enjoyment only. Anything else could possibly disturb or cause harm to the animals that live there."
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