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Subject: Cheese lost in space?

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/29/09 at 3:25 am

A lump of cheese has been lost - possibly in space.

A West Country cheesemakers group launched the piece of Cheddar within a capsule in a weather balloon.

But the organisers' GPS tracking system has stopped working and now they have no idea where it could be.

It's thought it could land anywhere between Pewsey in Wiltshire and Hertfordshire.

Dom Lane, of the West Country Farmhouse Cheesemakers group, told the BBC: "We've been tracking the trajectory and the current prediction is that it could land anywhere from here in Wiltshire to Hemel Hemsptead.

"The GPS isn't coming through on the web so we might need listeners' help to find it because we're not sure where it is at the moment."

The plan was for the balloon to burst at the edge of space, leaving the capsule to float back to the ground on a parachute.

Chairman of the company Philip Crawford added: "We are very proud of our authentic Cheddar which we make by hand on our farms and we set ourselves the very highest standards.

"It seemed appropriate, therefore, that we should mark the anniversary of the first Moon landing with a giant leap for 'cheesekind'."

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