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Subject: Artists live high on outside wall
Written By: Philip Eno on 07/10/09 at 3:02 pm
Two Brazilian artists are living in a room with a bed, hammock, sofa and potted plant - all on the outside wall of a building in Rio de Janeiro.
Tiago Primo, 27, and his brother Gabriel, 20, are spending up to 14 hours a day in their "vertical room", 10m (33ft) above a busy street.
They are a living art exhibit, on display until mid-August.
They use climbing gear to manoeuvre up and down their room, much to the amusement of passers-by.
The two brothers have been living on the bright red-and-yellow wall since May, snoozing, reading, eating lunch and chatting with people in the street below.
Gabriel Primo told Reuters news agency: "They ask how much is the rent, tell me I am going to fall ... Some take pictures and ask us to wave back.
"One of the most curious reactions came from a person who thought we were dolls, that we were not real."
They say the aim of the wall exhibit, which is redesigned every four months, is to make people think about their living space.
But there are limits to this very public art exhibit - the brothers scramble over a wall to use the indoor bathroom in the neighbouring art gallery.
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