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Subject: No more free beer at Busch theme parks

Written By: gumbypiz on 01/05/09 at 9:50 pm

Hmm, guess there wasn't enough enthusiasm for free beer at Busch Gardens and SeaWorld theme parks, so no more!

"Anheuser-Busch Thinks "Free Beer" Has "Pretty Limited Appeal"

What planet are these guys from? "Pretty Limited Appeal" Huh?  :o  Ever known someone, ANYONE to turn down free beer?

Heck, I didn't know till know that they gave away free beer at these places, I feel cheated.  :(  Usually free beer causes scenes of chaos and riots...

Aw, well, it was only Bud, not the best beer in the world, (maybe they underestimated the tastes of the American public? Naw!) So I guess not missing out on much.

Hopefully Sam Adams or maybe Harps and Guinness will open up a theme park, if they have free beer I'll be the first one there!

Subject: Re: No more free beer at Busch theme parks

Written By: Red Ant on 01/05/09 at 10:11 pm

Limited appeal to InBev's bean counters...

The Busch Gardens here (Va) did away with the monorail and hospitality/brewery tour many years ago. The only place I know that still gives away free beer is the 'brewmaster's tour', which was by appointment/sign-up only.

Funny that you can drink virtually anywhere in the park, but designated smoking sections are few and far between (I guess the Philip-Morris plant down the road should make a theme park).

It's not "limited appeal", it's "limited access". One can BUY beer at BGW nearly anywhere for $5 a pop.

signature banned as well

Subject: Re: No more free beer at Busch theme parks

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/06/09 at 8:32 pm

The saddest four words in the English language:

No more free beer

:\'( :\'( :\'(

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