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Subject: Two headed cat

Written By: Green Lantern on 11/21/08 at 6:02 am

Two-headed cat meows through both mouths
A kitten has been born with two faces, and it meows simultaneously through both mouths.

However, the cat has a cleft palate and can only eat through one mouth.

Only one in a million kittens is born with two heads and it is unusual for this one to be doing so well.

In August a kitten with four eyes, two noses and one mouth was born in Ohio, but it died after five days.

The condition is thought to be more common among snakes and turtles.

The cat was delivered in a vet's surgery in Perth, Western Australia, after its mother experienced complications during the birth.

Louisa Burgess, who helped deliver the cat told the Australian website "I have seen cats with two tails and extra legs, but not this.

"It has a full tummy and it survived the night so that is a good sign. It seems content, it meows and purrs.

"This is the result of a congenital deformity. Something has gone wrong in the early embryonic development," she added.

The grey and white feline will be closely monitored in the next few days but appears to be healthy.

According to the owners are planning to keep the kitten and are considering calling it Mr Men or Quasi Modo.
The cat appears to be content  Photo: MATTHEW POON/COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER

Subject: Re: Two headed cat

Written By: Philip Eno on 11/21/08 at 6:17 am

That is incredible.

Now let us wait for the cat lovers on this board.

Subject: Re: Two headed cat

Written By: Green Lantern on 11/21/08 at 6:21 am

Yeah ... I hope they see it.

It was actually on our local tv news tonight, which is how I knew of it. Seems it has a SINGLE brain .... so that both mouths meow / move together, at exactly  the same time.

Subject: Re: Two headed cat

Written By: Philip Eno on 11/21/08 at 6:22 am

Yeah ... I hope they see it.

It was actually on our local tv news tonight, which is how I knew of it. Seems it has a SINGLE brain .... so that both mouths meow / move together, at exactly  the same time.
In stereo ?

Subject: Re: Two headed cat

Written By: Green Lantern on 11/21/08 at 6:49 am

A few more pics of our friend ... taken by snapshots of my inbuilt tv tuner ...

Subject: Re: Two headed cat

Written By: karen on 11/21/08 at 8:05 am

Poor thing.

Is it a 'breed' of cat or just a regular moggie?

Subject: Re: Two headed cat

Written By: ninny on 11/21/08 at 11:02 am

Ok that is different.Poor cat I wonder how long it will live.

Subject: Re: Two headed cat

Written By: Green Lantern on 11/21/08 at 2:09 pm

It is a regular moggie. I saw the 2 different parents. Forgotten what they were, but THEY looked healthy enough.

Its chances of living long .... I would say are remote ... given the way the vet on the program was talking about such freak cats that have gone before / not survived long.

Subject: Re: Two headed cat

Written By: thereshegoes on 11/21/08 at 2:18 pm

They're going to give me nightmares tonight :o

Subject: Re: Two headed cat

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 11/21/08 at 4:13 pm

It may live since it is being cared for a monitored.  I have to wonder if this isn't like conjoined twins? 

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