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Subject: Hey Rocko, I'll Trade Ya A Drumstick For A Cigarette!
Written By: malibumike65 on 08/24/08 at 4:37 pm
If Jay Leno loves dumb criminals, then he'd love to give this fool a hug. What a moron!!!
Subject: Re: Hey Rocko, I'll Trade Ya A Drumstick For A Cigarette!
Written By: ladybug316 on 08/24/08 at 5:23 pm
Wow! Why not let this a**hole serve his sentence in the comfort of his own home, while they're at it? If I were the slain man's family member, I'd be infuriated.
Subject: Re: Hey Rocko, I'll Trade Ya A Drumstick For A Cigarette!
Written By: Red Ant on 08/25/08 at 10:40 am
"at least I have chicken" - Leeroy Jenkins (NSFW)
Subject: Re: Hey Rocko, I'll Trade Ya A Drumstick For A Cigarette!
Written By: Foo Bar on 09/02/08 at 12:51 am
"at least I have chicken" - Leeroy Jenkins (NSFW)
Karma for any reference to Leroy.
That's "Let's Roll" for the WOW generation. (Imagine a future 9/11 scenario, and suppose the bad guys accidentally picked a plane bound for Comic-Con or some other big geek convention -- weeks of interviews with "experts" from Blizzard to explain why some crazy geek hollering "Leeeeeroy Jennnnkins!" was the signal for the passengers to rise up and try to retake the plane back, and why "at least I have chicken" were the last words on the cockpit voice recorder when they realized they were too late :)
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