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Subject: Frog Migration & Rainbow Clouds Predicted Chinese Earthquake?
Written By: 80sTrivMeister on 07/10/08 at 4:19 am
I found some interesting information about certain events that preceded the catastrophic earthquake that took place in China back in May. A few days before the massive quake, hundreds of thousands of frogs were seen acting strangely, coming out of their underground burrows and swarming the busy streets. This behavior had never been witnessed before:
Also, a half hour before the quake hit, strange, "rainbow-like" clouds were seen floating in the skies above the stricken area. Shouldn't more interest be taken in such events in order to predict future earthquakes?
Subject: Re: Frog Migration & Rainbow Clouds Predicted Chinese Earthquake?
Written By: ladybug316 on 07/10/08 at 1:22 pm
Holy Horrors!
Subject: Re: Frog Migration & Rainbow Clouds Predicted Chinese Earthquake?
Written By: 80sTrivMeister on 07/13/08 at 6:45 am
I had read some information about "earthquake clouds" before, but the clouds described were different than the clouds that appeared over China. The odd thing about these "rainbow" clouds is that the color spectrum in the clouds is the exact opposite of how the color spectrum appears in a rainbow, as if the prismatic effect had been inverted! It's just odd. I know if I see clouds like these in the sky above, I'm going to brace for an earthquake!
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