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Subject: Man Puts $12,000 Engagement Ring In Balloon And Then Watches It Float Away
Written By: sugar168 on 03/17/08 at 11:47 pm
Man Puts $12,000 Engagement Ring In Balloon And Then Watches It Float Away
Monday March 17, 2008 Staff
Lefkos Hajji had the perfect, most romantic idea for proposing to the woman he hoped would be his wife. The 28-year-old London, England floor fitter went to a lot of trouble and expense to arrange one of the most elaborate marriage pleas in history, one he wanted his betrothed to remember for the rest of their lives together.
And you can be sure the 26-year-old object of his affections, a woman named Leanne, certainly will.
Hajji spent Cdn$12,000 on a very expensive and impressive engagement ring and decided it would be unique if he hid it inside a balloon filled with helium. The idea: get Leanne to pop the balloon once he popped the question.
But as the luckless love struck young man left the store where he bought the lighter-than-air item, a sudden gust of wind sent the container out of his hand and heading for the sky, where it blew away and floated to parts unknown. He was stunned by the sudden turn of fortune, as he saw his investment literally disappear into thin air.
"I just watched as it went further and further," he told the Sun newspaper. "I felt like such a plonker. It cost a fortune and I knew my girlfriend would kill me."
He ran to his car and tried to track the airborne diamond, but he couldn't keep up with it. After two hours of watching the skies, he was forced to give up.
The distraught would-be fiance then went to tell his girlfriend what happened. And it appears she's not happy either. "She went absolutely mad," he relates. "Now she is refusing to speak to me until I get her a new ring."
He's hoping it turns up when the helium runs out and the blown-up container finally lands somewhere.
There's no word on whether his love will forgive him for this huge faux pas, but some are wondering if Hajji might want to reconsider his proposal, given the reaction to the accident and the anger that's ballooned from it.
Subject: Re: Man Puts $12,000 Engagement Ring In Balloon And Then Watches It Float Away
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/18/08 at 4:18 am
Any news on the landing of the balloon yet?
Which direction was the wind blowing?
I have not found yet.
Subject: Re: Man Puts $12,000 Engagement Ring In Balloon And Then Watches It Float Away
Written By: sugar168 on 03/18/08 at 11:32 pm
no word yet-but if i see a balloon in the sky I'm going to try and find it!!
Subject: Re: Man Puts $12,000 Engagement Ring In Balloon And Then Watches It Float Away
Written By: 80sTrivMeister on 03/21/08 at 4:18 am
If it had been me, I would have had a heart attack when I saw the balloon flying away! :o
Subject: Re: Man Puts $12,000 Engagement Ring In Balloon And Then Watches It Float Away
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/21/08 at 4:19 am
He can always buy another ring?
Subject: Re: Man Puts $12,000 Engagement Ring In Balloon And Then Watches It Float Away
Written By: sugar168 on 03/26/08 at 6:11 pm
He can always buy another ring?
yes but prob much cheaper.
Subject: Re: Man Puts $12,000 Engagement Ring In Balloon And Then Watches It Float Away
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/15/17 at 3:19 pm
Man Puts $12,000 Engagement Ring In Balloon And Then Watches It Float Away
Monday March 17, 2008 Staff
Lefkos Hajji had the perfect, most romantic idea for proposing to the woman he hoped would be his wife. The 28-year-old London, England floor fitter went to a lot of trouble and expense to arrange one of the most elaborate marriage pleas in history, one he wanted his betrothed to remember for the rest of their lives together.
And you can be sure the 26-year-old object of his affections, a woman named Leanne, certainly will.
Hajji spent Cdn$12,000 on a very expensive and impressive engagement ring and decided it would be unique if he hid it inside a balloon filled with helium. The idea: get Leanne to pop the balloon once he popped the question.
But as the luckless love struck young man left the store where he bought the lighter-than-air item, a sudden gust of wind sent the container out of his hand and heading for the sky, where it blew away and floated to parts unknown. He was stunned by the sudden turn of fortune, as he saw his investment literally disappear into thin air.
"I just watched as it went further and further," he told the Sun newspaper. "I felt like such a plonker. It cost a fortune and I knew my girlfriend would kill me."
He ran to his car and tried to track the airborne diamond, but he couldn't keep up with it. After two hours of watching the skies, he was forced to give up.
The distraught would-be fiance then went to tell his girlfriend what happened. And it appears she's not happy either. "She went absolutely mad," he relates. "Now she is refusing to speak to me until I get her a new ring."
He's hoping it turns up when the helium runs out and the blown-up container finally lands somewhere.
There's no word on whether his love will forgive him for this huge faux pas, but some are wondering if Hajji might want to reconsider his proposal, given the reaction to the accident and the anger that's ballooned from it.
I'm still looking for it!
Subject: Man Puts $12,000 Engagement Ring In Balloon And Then Watches It Float Away
Written By: Dude111 on 10/16/17 at 9:54 am
Im sorry but what kid of moron puts a ring IN A HELIUM BALLOON??
Not to smart........
Subject: Re: Man Puts $12,000 Engagement Ring In Balloon And Then Watches It Float Away
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/16/17 at 9:56 am
Im sorry but what kid of moron puts a ring IN A HELIUM BALLOON??
Not to smart........
Was this man ever identified?
Subject: Re: Man Puts $12,000 Engagement Ring In Balloon And Then Watches It Float Away
Written By: Howard on 10/17/17 at 7:50 am
Was this man ever identified?
Did his wife ever get the ring? ???
Subject: Re: Man Puts $12,000 Engagement Ring In Balloon And Then Watches It Float Away
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/19/17 at 3:57 am
Did his wife ever get the ring? ???
The ring was lost, it was never found!
Subject: Re: Man Puts $12,000 Engagement Ring In Balloon And Then Watches It Float Away
Written By: Howard on 10/19/17 at 7:54 am
The ring was lost, it was never found!
:( so sad!
Subject: Re: Man Puts $12,000 Engagement Ring In Balloon And Then Watches It Float Away
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/19/17 at 9:35 am
:( so sad!
Look at another way, not knowingly found, may be it was found, but no innocent of the story how it got there?
Subject: Re: Man Puts $12,000 Engagement Ring In Balloon And Then Watches It Float Away
Written By: Howard on 10/19/17 at 3:29 pm
Look at another way, not knowingly found, may be it was found, but no innocent of the story how it got there?
We will never know.
Subject: Re: Man Puts $12,000 Engagement Ring In Balloon And Then Watches It Float Away
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/19/17 at 3:30 pm
We will never know.
That is how it stands at the moment.
Subject: Re: Man Puts $12,000 Engagement Ring In Balloon And Then Watches It Float Away
Written By: Howard on 10/19/17 at 3:45 pm
That is how it stands at the moment.
Was he able to get a another one?
Subject: Re: Man Puts $12,000 Engagement Ring In Balloon And Then Watches It Float Away
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/19/17 at 3:49 pm
Was he able to get a another one?
If he had enough spare money to, I guess so.
Subject: Man Puts $12,000 Engagement Ring In Balloon And Then Watches It Float Away
Written By: Dude111 on 10/21/17 at 12:15 am
It would be something if someone found it,heard of his story and returned it!!!
Subject: Re: Man Puts $12,000 Engagement Ring In Balloon And Then Watches It Float Away
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/25/17 at 4:12 am
It would be something if someone found it,heard of his story and returned it!!!
I have researched on this online, and not found a record of it's return.
Subject: Re: Man Puts $12,000 Engagement Ring In Balloon And Then Watches It Float Away
Written By: Howard on 10/25/17 at 2:33 pm
I have researched on this online, and not found a record of it's return.
There should be a balloon watch.
Subject: Re: Man Puts $12,000 Engagement Ring In Balloon And Then Watches It Float Away
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/25/17 at 5:44 pm
There should be a balloon watch.
This all happened in 2008, the balloon would be long gone now.
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