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Subject: Woman sues casinos for $20 million
Written By: loki 13 on 03/09/08 at 3:36 pm
This type of story really bugs me. This woman was a lawyer, lost it all with a gambling addiction then wants
to blame the casinos for not stopping her. This is a typical case of someone blaming someone else for their
own downfalls. Why can't she stand up and take responsibility for her own actions. What's next, alcoholics
suing liquor stores for selling them booze. The casinos are out to make money, they make the most money
off problem gamblers but it's not their responsibility to diagnose a person with an addiction. It is the person
who should realize the problem and seek help. Unfortunately, most people wait until they've lost everything
before they realize the problem. Still, don't blame others for your own stupidity.
On a side note:
In 1991, the Sands sued Leonard Tose, ex-owner of the Philadelphia Eagles, for $1.23 million in gambling debts He
countersued, contending that the casino got him too drunk to know what he was doing. Eventually, the casino won
so I doubt this woman will win her case.
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