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Subject: Safe text
Written By: karen on 03/05/08 at 9:11 pm
Brick Lane in London has been declared a 'safe text' zone after padding was wrapped around lamp posts and other street furniture. Apparently there were about 68,000 accidents involving walking and texting in London last year. It is hoped that other streets will get a similar treatment if this trial is successful.
link to full article
Subject: Re: Safe text
Written By: KKay on 03/06/08 at 6:44 am
That's funny!
i'm one of those people...maybe i should try this at home. ;)
Subject: Re: Safe text
Written By: gumbypiz on 03/06/08 at 3:38 pm
Apparently texting and walking into things is more common than we think.
Check this out:
Lonodn street has record cell phone texting injuries
Amazing, if I didn't know better I'd SWEAR this was a Monty Python skit.
Have we gotten so distracted by our electronic devices that we can't see where we're walking? ::)
Subject: Re: Safe text
Written By: Red Ant on 03/10/08 at 4:36 pm
I so want to set up a video camera in a major city and watch people walk into lampposts now.
Apparently texting and walking into things is more common than we think.
Check this out:
Lonodn street has record cell phone texting injuries
Amazing, if I didn't know better I'd SWEAR this was a Monty Python skit.
Have we gotten so distracted by our electronic devices that we can't see where we're walking? ::)
I bet a few well placed spikes on those lampposts would cut down the number of "walk-and-text" accidents in a hurry. Padding is just encouraging people to be less careful, not more so.
Subject: Re: Safe text
Written By: wildcard on 03/10/08 at 6:25 pm
I bet a few well placed spikes on those lampposts would cut down the number of "walk-and-text" accidents in a hurry. Padding is just encouraging people to be less careful, not more so.
I'm getting a thought ... Childprof baby room with careless textphone users.
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