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Subject: Python Eats Australian Family's Dog.

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 02/27/08 at 4:10 pm;_ylt=AsY7kbVmwl9F1eRe9vSj6mhvaA8F

It stalked the dog for days.  How hard is it to call Animal Control and report a python in your yard? ::)

Subject: Re: Python Eats Australian Family's Dog.

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/27/08 at 8:00 pm

It's frikkin' Australia, there's always a Python in your yard!

Subject: Re: Python Eats Australian Family's Dog.

Written By: saver on 02/27/08 at 8:31 pm

guess the dog couldn't kick its way away? if it was swallowed whole?

Snake+dog= the way, has anyone seen the baby anywhere?

Subject: Re: Python Eats Australian Family's Dog.

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 02/27/08 at 9:23 pm

It's frikkin' Australia, there's always a Python in your yard!

Obviously they knew it was stalking the dog.  Let's see here, save the dog from being a meal or leave the python alone because it's frinkkin' Australia.

Subject: Re: Python Eats Australian Family's Dog.

Written By: Foo Bar on 02/27/08 at 10:36 pm

What, African or Burmese?

guess the dog couldn't kick its way away? if it was swallowed whole?

It's not a question of whether he kicks it, it's a simple question of weight ratios!  A five-pound dog can not kick its way out of  a 200-pound python!  (Listen, in order to maintain gastrointestinal motility, a python needs to contract itself 43 times every hour, right?  Oh, a dog might be able to kick its way out of the grip of a juvenile ball python, maybe, but not a full-grown Burmese python, that's my point!  But then again the Burmese python is non-migratory, so 'ow would it get to Australia... hmm... suppose two pythons tied themselves together... like a string of creepe-STOP THAT!  THIS IS SILLY!

Subject: Re: Python Eats Australian Family's Dog.

Written By: gibbo on 02/28/08 at 1:38 am

It's frikkin' Australia, there's always a Python in your yard!

Yeah, those scrub pythons are on every corner these days. Chihuahuas are given out free at schools and workplaces so that you can throw them at the pythons to distract them so that you can make your getaway.

Us frikkin Aussies ;D :D  8) ;)

Subject: Re: Python Eats Australian Family's Dog.

Written By: gibbo on 02/28/08 at 1:41 am

and realistically Chihuahuas are more like rats the snake couldn't be blamed!

I'm so going to pay for that comment...aren't I ;)

Subject: Re: Python Eats Australian Family's Dog.

Written By: Jessica on 02/28/08 at 9:55 am

What, African or Burmese?

It's not a question of whether he kicks it, it's a simple question of weight ratios!  A five-pound dog can not kick its way out of  a 200-pound python!  (Listen, in order to maintain gastrointestinal motility, a python needs to contract itself 43 times every hour, right?   Oh, a dog might be able to kick its way out of the grip of a juvenile ball python, maybe, but not a full-grown Burmese python, that's my point!  But then again the Burmese python is non-migratory, so 'ow would it get to Australia... hmm... suppose two pythons tied themselves together... like a string of creepe-STOP THAT!   THIS IS SILLY!

Not just 200 lbs, but 200 lbs of PURE MUSCLE. No chihuahua is going to be able to get away from that.

BTW, I was watching Monty Python last night. ;)

and realistically Chihuahuas are more like rats the snake couldn't be blamed!

I'm so going to pay for that comment...aren't I ;)

The nickname for our chihuahua/min-pin mix is "ratdog". ;D

Subject: Re: Python Eats Australian Family's Dog.

Written By: wildcard on 02/28/08 at 10:50 am

and realistically Chihuahuas are more like rats the snake couldn't be blamed!

I'm so going to pay for that comment...aren't I ;)

My dad says why not buy a rat instead?  I don't like Chihuahuas

Subject: Re: Python Eats Australian Family's Dog.

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 02/28/08 at 5:21 pm

Yeah, those scrub pythons are on every corner these days. Chihuahuas are given out free at schools and workplaces so that you can throw them at the pythons to distract them so that you can make your getaway.

Us frikkin Aussies ;D :D  8) ;)

Wow, never a dull moment, eh?  Guess it's kind of a past time down there. ;D

Subject: Re: Python Eats Australian Family's Dog.

Written By: Red Ant on 02/28/08 at 6:57 pm

This video says hippo, but it might be a baby cow or pig:

Chihuahuas are snack food for a snake like that.

At least it didn't get killed by a funnel web spider or a horde of ants or crabs.;_ylt=AsY7kbVmwl9F1eRe9vSj6mhvaA8F

It stalked the dog for days.  How hard is it to call Animal Control and report a python in your yard? ::)

Not sure about AU, but in this county there are but two animal control officers. Calling them is easy, but it took them two days once just to get a stray dog out of my yard. A raccoon in the attic? Forget Animal Control, that job is for a specialist! (at 150$ a call, no less...). Python? "You're on your own!"


Subject: Re: Python Eats Australian Family's Dog.

Written By: gibbo on 02/29/08 at 4:10 am

Wow, never a dull moment, eh?  Guess it's kind of a past time down there. ;D

You're not wrong. There was a picture in todays newspaper of another (unrelated) scrub pyhton swallowinga wallaby with a joey in it's pouch. Wallabies are smaller versions of kangaroos. These snake attacks are up in the Northern areas of Australia. I have only seen a handful of smaller snakes in Brisbane....oh, and one 2 metre carpet snake that a neigbour came to me to get rid of. I am a wimp where snakes are concerned and made sure it stayed on her side of the fence (pretending to keep an eye on it). When the snake guy came he charged her for it. Well was hers....she found it..........Okay, I'm a little ashamed then!

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