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These are the messages that have been posted on inthe00s over the past few years.

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Subject: Craigslist: what NOT to do...

Written By: Red Ant on 01/28/08 at 11:16 pm

There's lots of things you should probably avoid posting on the internet, but this one has to top them all:

Wanted: Freelance Hitman. Must Be Discreet!



Subject: Re: Craigslist: what NOT to do...

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 01/28/08 at 11:26 pm

$5000 is a bit on the cheap side for a hit.  Oh, if you want to be "discreet" don't do Craig's List.

Subject: Re: Craigslist: what NOT to do...

Written By: saver on 02/06/08 at 2:04 am

Made news...person was busted for soliciting murderer for hire...YOU ARE BEING WATCHED...

Subject: Re: Craigslist: what NOT to do...

Written By: Tia on 02/08/08 at 10:17 am

Reminds me of one of the letters to the editors in the onion last week:

Dear the Onion:
I wish to leak to you a highly sensitive document, but my life will be in danger if this matter is not handled with the utmost care. Please let me know how you would protect your sources.
-- Colonel Kyle Fannan (retired), New Paltz, NY

Subject: Re: Craigslist: what NOT to do...

Written By: danootaandme on 02/08/08 at 10:22 am

Can you imagine the husband trying to talk his way out of that one  ::)

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