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Subject: Man shoots himself in the nuts while robbing a store.

Written By: Jessica on 01/16/08 at 12:27 pm


Subject: Re: Man shoots himself in the nuts while robbing a store.

Written By: gumbypiz on 01/16/08 at 1:00 pm

Thats classic! :D 

Its too bad he didn't get both the right and left testicle.

That way we could be sure this kind of stupidity doesn't have the opportunity to reproduce!

Subject: Re: Man shoots himself in the nuts while robbing a store.

Written By: wildcard on 01/16/08 at 2:03 pm

oh my gosh  he he

Subject: Re: Man shoots himself in the nuts while robbing a store.

Written By: ultraviolet52 on 01/16/08 at 3:45 pm

I guess that's Darwin Award contender  ;D

Subject: Re: Man shoots himself in the nuts while robbing a store.

Written By: Foo Bar on 01/16/08 at 10:13 pm

Ow!  My... ball?

Subject: Re: Man shoots himself in the nuts while robbing a store.

Written By: Green Lantern on 01/16/08 at 10:36 pm

Shot himself in the 'nuts' while robbing the store ?  ???

"I pity the Foo !"

If only he'd started his career here !  :(  ....

He could've gotten 'Target' practice !  :P    :D  ;D

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