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Subject: And the anti-parents of the year awards go to...
Written By: Red Ant on 01/10/08 at 9:09 pm
Not Britney and K-Fed. Despite their numerous parenting flaws, they haven't managed to kill 4 kids each like these two did:
Father of the Year, 2008
Mother of the Year, 2008
Why people do this is beyond me. Parents are supposed to protect and nurture their kids, not throw them off of bridges or stab and beat them to death. >:(
Subject: Re: And the anti-parents of the year awards go to...
Written By: GoodRedShirt on 01/10/08 at 9:14 pm
The more of these stories I read, the more the idea of "Parental Licensing" sounds like a valid solution. :-\\
Subject: Re: And the anti-parents of the year awards go to...
Written By: nally on 01/11/08 at 12:11 am
Not Britney and K-Fed. Despite their numerous parenting flaws, they haven't managed to kill 4 kids each like these two did:
Father of the Year, 2008
Mother of the Year, 2008
Why people do this is beyond me. Parents are supposed to protect and nurture their kids, not throw them off of bridges or stab and beat them to death. >:(
yeah...people like those don't deserve to be parents. >:( 8-P ::) Karma plus one for you
Subject: Re: And the anti-parents of the year awards go to...
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 01/11/08 at 12:15 am
another example of why I just can't understand why THESE kinds are the ones that tend to be MOST fertile. :-\\
Subject: Re: And the anti-parents of the year awards go to...
Written By: malibumike65 on 01/11/08 at 2:31 am
That is just sad. Being a Dad myself, there is nothing I wouldn't do for my kids. I thought that the mother who was out of it and let her 5 year old kid drive her around was bad. It just goes to show you that tragedy comes in all kinds of degrees. At least those parents didn't take the easy way out, and will answer for their actions, unlike Daniel Benoit and his Mom Nancy, who will forever have justice denied for them. >:(
Subject: Re: And the anti-parents of the year awards go to...
Written By: Dude111 on 01/11/08 at 10:57 pm
Very sad :(
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