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Subject: Bad Dad & Worse Stepdad

Written By: malibumike65 on 01/04/08 at 1:43 pm

I think this guy needs a refresher course on raising children. IDIOT >:(
<a href="">Kids Found In Cold Truck</a>

I think this guy needs his testicles dipped in hot grease, or worse. IDIOT IDIOT IDIOT >:( >:( >:(
(This fool deserves to be called worse, but we're trying to keep it clean here.  Feel free to replace the first 2 IDIOTs with the appropriate adjective of your choice.)
<a href="">Toddler's Skin Burned Off </a>

Subject: Re: Bad Dad & Worse Stepdad

Written By: Red Ant on 01/07/08 at 11:01 pm

I think this guy needs a refresher course on raising children. IDIOT >:(
<a href="">Kids Found In Cold Truck</a>

I think this guy needs his testicles dipped in hot grease, or worse. IDIOT IDIOT IDIOT >:( >:( >:(
(This fool deserves to be called worse, but we're trying to keep it clean here)
<a href="">Toddler's Skin Burned Off </a>

That second story is really bad. I feel sorry for that kid.

BTW, HTML mark-up doesn't work here like AmiRight: you can use the globe icon that says "insert hyperlink" to make links here.


Subject: Re: Bad Dad & Worse Stepdad

Written By: malibumike65 on 01/12/08 at 9:38 am

That second story is really bad. I feel sorry for that kid.

BTW, HTML mark-up doesn't work here like AmiRight: you can use the globe icon that says "insert hyperlink" to make links here.


Thx Ant. Never knew that. Karma 4 u.

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