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Subject: Body found in towed car after crash!

Written By: loki 13 on 12/18/07 at 5:26 pm

This story sounds a lot like an urban legend.

Subject: Re: Body found in towed car after crash!

Written By: bookmistress4ever on 12/18/07 at 6:32 pm

Poor lady!

A similar incident happened to my 6th grade teacher in the 1960s.  He and 3 of his buddies were going to the high school football game, when they had a crash.  My teacher (who was then just a junior in high school) was in the backseat and apparently was not buckled in.  He was thrown underneath the front seat.  The police/ambulance personnel did not notice him, but I think that the tow truck driver DID notice him, when he was towing the car away.  He ended up being paralyzed for life, but he did go on to be an elementary teacher (a pretty cool one at that.)

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