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Subject: Bomb sqaud called in to detonate a type writer - no one knew what it was

Written By: ChuckyG on 12/03/07 at 8:03 pm

Subject: Re: Bomb sqaud called in to detonate a type writer - no one knew what it was

Written By: Foo Bar on 12/04/07 at 10:09 pm

Florida: We don't overreact as well as Boston (1-31-07 Mooninite LED terror! Nevar Forget!), but we're catching up.

Remember, kids, if it's not an American flag, it's probably a bomb.  Better safe than sorry!  For the Children!  Never forget.  9-11.

(Pay no attention to the fact that I still type two spaces after each period.  Don't taze me, bro!)

Subject: Re: Bomb sqaud called in to detonate a type writer - no one knew what it was

Written By: wildcard on 12/04/07 at 10:57 pm

man that's funny. 

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