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Subject: Future Carnival Worker?

Written By: Dude111 on 10/18/07 at 10:22 pm

THIS idiot actaully has IMPLANTS in his forehead - If you got a sharpie and connected the dots it spells S-T-O-O-P-I-D. ;D

And here is his brother,girlfriend and father.


Subject: Re: Future Carnival Worker?

Written By: Red Ant on 10/27/07 at 10:43 pm

These need captions:

"To prevent further outbreaks of herpes, I use Valtrex..."

"4 out of 5 dentists don't recommend..."

"No wonder I never caught her:  I was using hooks that were too small"

"#1 Reason why interspecies breeding is illegal in most states"


Subject: Re: Future Carnival Worker?

Written By: 80sTrivMeister on 10/28/07 at 5:29 am

Okay, those pictures are terrifying... terrifying to think that anyone would do that do their faces & bodies!!!  :o

Subject: Re: Future Carnival Worker?

Written By: wildcard on 10/28/07 at 10:31 am

carnival or freak show?  I like strange but I would categorize this in the extreme moron type.

Subject: Re: Future Carnival Worker?

Written By: Philip Eno on 10/28/07 at 2:30 pm

All these are gruesome and put me off my appetite.

Subject: Re: Future Carnival Worker?

Written By: Dude111 on 10/30/07 at 10:19 am


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