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Subject: Performer gets third ear for art
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/12/07 at 2:19 am
From BBC News Online
An Australian performer who has had an ear grafted onto his forearm in the name of art has sparked controversy.
Cyprus-born Stelios Arcadiou, known as Stelarc, says his extra ear, made of human cartilage, is an augmentation of the body's form.
But surgeons questioned whether such an operation should have been carried out, given the absence of clinical need.
A patient who had similar surgery to correct a birth defect said she found the artist's work offensive.
Stelarc, aged 61, said it had taken him years to find a surgeon prepared to perform the operation.
The ear does not function, but he hopes to have a microphone implanted to allow others to listen to what his extra ear picks up.
He presented his work to a UK audience at Newcastle's Centre for Life.
Subject: Re: Performer gets third ear for art
Written By: Red Ant on 10/12/07 at 2:41 pm
That is weird, really weird.
Subject: Re: Performer gets third ear for art
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/13/07 at 3:40 am
From BBC News Online
The ear does not function, but he hopes to have a microphone implanted to allow others to listen to what his extra ear picks up.
So during the winter months, all that can be heard is the russle of the sleeve of his jumper?
Subject: Re: Performer gets third ear for art
Written By: GoodRedShirt on 10/13/07 at 3:44 am
The ear does not function, but he hopes to have a microphone implanted to allow others to listen to what his extra ear picks up.
There goes the answer to my question.
That is weird, really weird.
Yes, definitely.
Subject: Re: Performer gets third ear for art
Written By: wildcard on 10/13/07 at 2:19 pm
So during the winter months, all that can be heard is the russle of the sleeve of his jumper?
If the ear does not function what would a microphone pick up?
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