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Subject: Guy collects pictures of women wearing seatbelts in the backseat of a car
Written By: ChuckyG on 10/04/07 at 6:18 pm
over 800 pictures, and he thanks everyone of them for wearing their seatbelt while riding in the backseat of the car.
Subject: Re: Guy collects pictures of women wearing seatbelts in the backseat of a car
Written By: Red Ant on 10/04/07 at 8:23 pm
over 800 pictures, and he thanks everyone of them for wearing their seatbelt while riding in the backseat of the car.
I looked several of those galleries - 95%+ of those shots are of women, many of them attractive. Maybe this guy has a seatbelt fetish. ;D
Subject: Re: Guy collects pictures of women wearing seatbelts in the backseat of a car
Written By: Foo Bar on 10/04/07 at 10:13 pm
I looked several of those galleries - 95%+ of those shots are of women, many of them attractive. Maybe this guy has a seatbelt fetish. ;D
Rule 34: There is porn of it. No exceptions.
That's nothing new. But as of this morning, I have come down from the mountaintop, and I bring you proof of Rule 35.
Rule 35: If there is not porn of it, porn will be made of it.
I'll see your "women wearing seatbelts in the back *OF* the car" and raise you Dragons having sex *WITH* cars. The link to the Digg commentary (which links to the original article on the also safe-for-work Jalopnik blog) is safe for work.
"Shut the tubes down. It's all been done. There's nothing more to see" is the Internet equivalent of "Hold my beer and watch this." At least, I hope it is. I'm counting on you guys. But finding something more weird that Digg article is gonna be a lot of work.
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Seat belts off the shoulders of Orion slave girls. I watched furries yiffing in the dark near the Tanhauser Gate. I've seen Rule 34 invoked Erin the E-Surance girl. All those... moments will be lost in time, like data... in the intertubes. Shut the tubes down. It's all been done. There's nothing more to see.
Subject: Re: Guy collects pictures of women wearing seatbelts in the backseat of a car
Written By: Tia on 10/04/07 at 10:34 pm
whoa. sex, lies and backseat airbags. :o
the strangest fetishes i've ever heard of are the one guy who fell in love with car exhaust and the other who fell in love with a small earthmover. check out some warning, this is very much for 18 and over, but it's pretty damn funny, when it's not horribly disturbing.
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